Okayama University


International Night 2012

January 31, 2012

6:00-8:00 p.m. on Wednesday, January 18
This year, almost 100 people attended the International Night, which was held in the new International House near the library. The goals of this annual event are to: (1) promote cultural exchange between international and Japanese students in a social setting (2) give students a chance to interact in a foreign language in a social event and (3) promote communication between Okayama University and the local community.

The theme for this 10th annual International Night was “The Universal Language: Music and Dance.” The program provided student-performers from around the world opportunities to introduce and perform their special forms of musical expression. The performers came from various university organizations including student associations, clubs, and circles. The audience that was also international was treated to seven performances in total. The first half of the program included: traditional Korean percussions, “Shigin” historical singing-storytelling, classical Chinese opera singing, and an audience participation quiz on little known facts about popular music. After the intermission, we enjoyed the romantic and smooth sounds of the Jazz Laboratory and the Guitar Ensemble. The evening concluded with a sing-along of the theme song from the animation “Totoro.” The cooperation and coordinated effort between the teachers and a number of student volunteers who helped with the setting up and cleaning up further helped to make the event a success.

Despite a new location and the rapidly approaching exam period, the event was very well attended. The audience consisting of students and teachers from junior and senior high schools and other colleges and universities in the preference responded enthusiastically to all the performances. The International Exchange Committee gained valuable experience in planning and carrying out this event and will make good use of the suggestions and memories to make next year’s International Night even more engaging and memorable.

Language Education Center: International Exchange Committee at Okayama University