Okayama University


Earthquake message

April 27, 2011

Okayama University offers its sincerest sympathy to those affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake (Higashi Nihon DaiShinSai ) which occurred on March 11, 2011.

Although more than one month has passed since the earthquake, many survivors still have no other choice but to live in emergency shelter. Overall, however, Japan is slowly recovering while, at the same time, dealing with the serious situation of the radiation leakage at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power plant which has been given an international severity rating of “seven.”
In light of this situation, Okayama University has been working on a number of support projects to aid the recovery of the affected areas.
Okayama at this moment has not felt any direct consequences of the earthquake or tsunami; neither have there been any significant effects from the radiation leakage, power restrictions nor shortages of daily necessities.
The university has made every effort so that all members of Okayama University can carry out their duties with peace of mind. Okayama University greeted 3, 600 new students at its entrance ceremony on April 8; teaching and research has been carried out as usual.