国立大学法人 岡山大学


令和7年度 岡山大学入学式及び大学院入学式
Okayama University / Graduate School Matriculation Ceremony, Academic Year 2025

***English follows Japanese***

【日時】2025年4月2日(水) 10:00~(入場時間:9:00~9:50まで)

【場所】岡山県総合グラウンド 体育館(ジップアリーナ岡山)

 ○ 開式の辞
 ○ 国歌斉唱
 ○ 入学許可
 ○ 学長式辞
 ○ 入学生宣誓
 ○ 副学長・学部長及び研究科長等紹介
 ○ 来賓紹介
 ○ 学生歌斉唱
 ○ 閉式の辞



 TEL 086-251-7007

◆ Schedule and Program ◆
[Date and time] April 2, 2025 (Wednesday) 10: 00- (Admission time: 9:00 to 9:50)
[Place] Zip Arena Okayama, Okayama Prefectural Multipurpose Grounds

○ Opening ceremony
○ National anthem
○ Admission
○ President's address
○ Oath by new student
○ Introduction of Vice President, Dean, Dean of Graduate School, etc.
○ Introduction of Guests of Honor
○ Student song
○ Closing remarks

* Following the Matriculation Ceremony, Orientation for new students will be held.

◆ Others◆
* Family members of the new students are also welcome to attend.
* Please note that the second floor seats (bleachers) will be very crowded and you may not be able to enter.
*The ceremony will be live-streamed on the Okayama University YouTube channel.
* Parking at the venue is limited, so please use public transportation when coming to the venue. Please refrain from getting in and out of your car in the vicinity of the venue, as it may cause traffic congestion and inconvenience to the neighborhood. Never park your car in a nearby commercial facility without permission.
* Distribution of flyers and solicitation activities near the venue are prohibited.

[Section in charge]
General Affairs & Planning Department
TEL 086-251-7007