森林生態学 Forest Ecology
教授: 廣部 宗 Prof. Dr. HIROBE Muneto E-mail: mhirobe@ (@以下はokayama-u.ac.jp を付けてください。) 専門分野:森林生態学,森林生態系の物質循環 | |
准教授:兵藤 不二夫 Assoc. Prof. Dr. HYODO Fuji HyMuneto E-mail: fhyodo@ (@以下はokayama-u.ac.jp を付けてください。) 専門分野: |
- Matsumoto TK, Hirobe M, Akaji Y, Miyazaki Y (in press) Population structures and spatial patterns of two unpalatable Arisaema species (Araceae) with and without clonal reproduction in riparian forest intensively grazed by Sika deer. Journal of Forestry Research.
- Katsuhara KR, Nakahama N, Komura T, Kato M, Miyazaki Y, Isagi Y, Ito M, Ushimaru A (2009) Development of microsatellite markers for the annual andromonoecious herb Commelina communis f. ciliata (Commelinaceae). Genes & Genetics Systems 94: 133-138.
- Tanaka OH, Haraguchi T, Tayasu I, Hyodo F (2019) Stable and radio-isotopic signatures reveal how the feeding habits of ants respond to natural secondary succession in a cool-temperate forest. Insectes Sociaux 66: 36-47.
- Tanaka-Oda A, Endo I, Ohte N, Eer D, Yamanaka N, Hirobe M, Nachinshonhor GU, Koyama A, Jambal S, Katsuyama M, Nakamura T, Matsuo N, Jamsran U, Okuro T, Yoshikawa K (2018) A water-acquisition strategy may regulate the biomass and distribution of winter forage species in cold Asian rangeland. Ecosphere 9: e02511.
- Dinh TT, Akaji Y, Matsumoto T, Makimoto T, Hirobe M, Sakamoto K (2018) Sprouting capacity of Quercus serrata Thunb. and Quercus acutissima Carruth. after cutting canopy trees in an abandoned coppice forest. Journal of Forest Research, 23, 287-296.
- Yamasaki T, Hashimoto Y, Endo T, Hyodo F, Itioka T, Meleng P (2018) New species of the ant-mimicking genus Myrmarachne MacLeay, 1839 (Araneae: Salticidae) from Sarawak, Borneo. Zootaxa 4521: 335.
- Hyodo F, Yamasaki T, Iwasa T, Itioka T, Endo T, Hashimoto Y. (2018) Stable isotope anlaysis reveals the importance of plant-based diets for tropical ant-mimicking spiders. Entomological Science 21: 461-468.
- 兵藤不二夫(2018) 土壌生態系と地上生態系のリンク「土壌生態学」(金子信博編)朝倉書店 pp.116-130.
- Fukasawa Y, Hyodo F, Kawakami S. (2018) Foraging association between myxomycetes and fungal communities on coarse woody debris. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 12: 95-102.
- Yokobe T, Hyodo F, Tokuchi N. (2018) Seasonal effects on microbial community structure and nitrogen dynamics in temperate forest soil. Forests 9: 153.
- 中西 晃・東 若菜・田中 美澄枝・宮崎 祐子・乾 陽子(2018)林冠生物学におけるツリークライミングの適用と展望. 日本生態学会誌 68: 125-139.
- 進学(岡山大学大学院,京都大学大学院,慶応大学大学院,京都教育大学大学院,淡路景観園芸学校)
- 公園緑地管理財団,公務員(林野庁,岡山県庁,岡山市役所,高松市役所)
- 公園管理,造園業,製紙メーカー,IT企業