
Home > News > A paper by Professor Jian-Ren Shen and his colleagues was chosen by Thomson Reuters as being one of the top ten most cited in the field of chemistry.

A paper by Professor Jian-Ren Shen and his colleagues was chosen by Thomson Reuters as being one of the top ten most cited in the field of chemistry.

Thomson Reuters, which publishes the Web of Science database of paper citations, selects key papers in each field of science based on its own data, and announces it on Science Watch. As a part of this, it announces every second month the top ten most cited papers in each field (e.g. physics, chemistry, biology) out of papers published in the last two years.

One paper elucidating the structure of the photosystem II protein complex (Nature 473, 55-60, 2011), jointly published in 2011 by a group led by Okayama University's Professor Jian-Ren Shen and a group led by Professor Nobuo Kamiya of Osaka City University, has been selected several times as being the top ten in the field of chemistry (e.g. cited 98 times (3rd place) in January-December 2012, 38 times (5th place) in March-April 2013, etc.). In addition, the content of the paper was highlighted in an article introducing the top ten chemistry papers for March-April 2013. )。

The above-mentioned paper has been cited more than 560 times in the period of two and half years since its publication, according to the Web of Science database.