
 哺乳動物において、黄体は妊娠を成立し維持していくのに必須の卵巣に形成される一過性の内分泌器官です。排卵後に必ず形成される黄体は、妊娠が成立し なかった際次の排卵周期を回帰するために退行(消失)しなければなりません。黄体退行は、排卵周期の原点ともいえる重要な生殖現象であるにもかかわらず、そのメカニズムには不明な点が数多く残されています。私たちは、黄体退行機構に関与する黄体ならびに子宮の機能を生殖内分泌学的探索により解明し、黄体退行機構の全貌を明らかにすることを目的として研究しています。黄体退行機構を明らかにし、それらを制御する方法を開発することで、「排卵周期の人為的制御による家畜の効率的な生産法」、「不妊などの婦人病、生殖器がんの診断・治療法」を確立することができます。  卵管は卵巣と子宮の間に位置する細管であり、受精の場であるとともに、受精後数日の受精卵 (初期胚) の発育・成長を促し、さらには着床の場である子宮へ初期胚を輸送する役割を担う、妊娠の成立に不可欠な器官です。私たちはこれらの卵管内で起こる現象のメカニズムをより深く明らかにすることで、”哺乳動物の受胎性向上”のみならず、ヒト不妊症の 30% を占める”卵管障害の原因究明”の足掛かりとなることを目指し研究しています。


1) 黄体内局所調節因子による黄体退行機構の解明


2) 子宮内膜のプロスタングランディン合成調節機構の解明

 黄体が機能を失った後、黄体細胞のプログラムされた死 (アポトーシス) が誘導されることにより黄体組織が消失します。このアポトーシスを促進する因子と抑制する因子を明らかにし、アポトーシス調節機構の解明を目指しています。

3) サイトカインが黄体機能および子宮内膜機能に及ぼす影響


4) 子宮内膜のプロスタングランディン分泌調節因子の検索

 子宮内膜におけるプロスタグランディン (PG) 類の分泌は、様々な生理活性物質により調節されると考えられています。どのような物質がどのようなシグナルを介して子宮内膜の PG 分泌調節に関わっているかを検索しています。

5) 卵管蠕動運動制御メカニズムの解明



1) 黄体の機能調節機構の解明

■Kawaguchi S, Bowolaksono A, Yoshioka S, Sakumoto R, Okuda K: Luteoprotective mechanisms of prostaglandin F2α stimulated by luteinizing hormone in the bovine corpus luteum. J Reprod Dev, in press

■Kawaguchi S, Sakumoto R, Okuda K: Induction of the expressions of antioxidant enzymes by luteinizing hormone in the bovine corpus luteum. J Reprod Dev, in press

■Kawaguchi S, Bowolaksono A, Sakumoto R, Okuda K: Luteoprotective roles of luteinizing hormone are mediated by not only progesterone production but also glucocorticoid conversion in bovine corpus luteum. Mol Reprod Dev, in press

■Abe M, HojoT, Kozai K, Okuda K: Possible role of insulin-like factor 3 in the bovine corpus luteum. J Vet Med Sci, in press

■Hai V Vu, Acosta TJ, Yoshioka S, Abe H, Okuda K: Roles of prostaglandin F2alpha and hydrogen peroxide in the regulation of Copper/Zinc superoxide dismutase in bovine corpus luteum and luteal endothelial cells. Reprod Biol Endocrinol, 10, 87 (2012)

■Yoshioka S, Acosta TJ, Okuda K: Roles of cytokines and progesterone in the regulation of the nitric oxide generating system in bovine luteal endothelial cells. Mol Reprod Dev, 79, 689-696 (2012)

■Kozai K, Hojo T, Takahashi M, Acosta TJ, Nambo Y, Okuda K: Seasonal changes in luteal progesterone concentration and mRNA expressions of progesterone synthesis-related proteins in the corpus luteum of mares. J Reprod Dev, 58 (4), 393-397 (2012)

■Shimizu T, Kaji A, Murayama C, Magata F, Shirasuna K, Wakamiya K, Okuda K, Miyamoto A: Effects of interleukin-8 on estradiol and progesterone production by bovine granulosa cells from large follicles and progesterone production by luteinizing granulosa cells in culture. Cytokine, 57 (1), 175-181 (2012)

■Sakumoto R, Vermehren M, Kenngott RA, Okuda K, Sinowatz F: Localization of gene and protein expressions of tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF), and TNF receptor types I and II in the bovine corpus luteum during the estrous cycle. J Anim Sci, 89 (10), 3040-3047 (2011)

■Lee SH, Acosta TJ, Nakagawa Y, Okuda K: Role of nitric oxide in the regulation of superoxide dismutase and prostaglandin F2α production in bovine luteal endothelial cells. J Reprod Dev, 56(4). 454-459 (2010)

■Sakumoto R, Vermehren M, Kenngott R, Okuda K, Sinowatz F: Changes in the levels of progesterone receptor mRNA and protein in the bovine corpus luteum during the estrous cycle. J Reprod Dev, 56(2), 219-222 (2010)

■Hojo T, Al-zi'abi MO, Komiyama J, Manabe N, Acosta TJ, Okuda K: Expression and localization of cFLIP, an anti-apoptotic factor, in the bovine corpus luteum. J Reprod Dev, 56(2), 223-229 (2010)

■Nishimura R, Okuda K: Hypoxia is important for establishing vascularization during corpus luteum formation in cattle. J Reprod Dev, 56 (1), 110-116 (2010)

■Skarzynski DJ, Okuda K: Inter- and intra-cellular mechanisms of prostaglandin F2α action during corpus luteum regression in cattle.
Nottingham University Press,Volume 7, Number 1, 20, 303-322 (2010)

■Hojo T, Al-zi'abi MO, Skarzynski DJ, Acosta TJ, Okuda K: Changes in the vasculature of bovine corpus luteum during the estrous cycle and prostaglandin F2α-induced luteolysis. 
J Reprod Dev, 55 (5), 512-517 (2009)

■Lee SH, Acosta TJ, Yoshioka S, Okuda K: Prostaglandin F2α regulates the nitric oxide generating system in bovine luteal endothelial cells.
J Reprod Dev, 55 (4), 418-424 (2009)

■Taniguchi H, Komiyama J, Viger RV, Okuda K: The expression of the nuclear receptors NR5A1 and NR5A2 and transcription factor GATA6 correlates with steroidogenic gene expression in the bovine corpus luteum.
Mol Reprod Dev, 76 , 873-880 (2009)

■Acosta TJ, Bah MM, Korzekwa A, Woclawek-Potocka I, Markiewicz W, Jaroszewski JJ, Okuda K, Skarzynski DJ: Acute changes in circulating concentrations of progesterone, nitric oxide and partial pressure of oxygen during prostaglandin F2α induced luteolysis in cattle. J Reprod Dev, 55 (2) 149-155 (2009)

■Al-zi'abi MO, Bowolaksono A, Okuda K: Survival role of locally produced acetylcholine in the bovine corpus luteum. Biol Reprod, 80 (4), 823-832 (2009)

■ Acosta TJ, Bah MM, Korzekwa A, Woclawek-Potocka I, Markiewicz W, Jaroszewski JJ, Okuda K, Skarzynski DJ Acute changes in circulating concentrations of progesterone, nitric oxide and partial pressure of oxygen during prostaglandin F2α induced luteolysis in cattle. J Reprod Dev, 55 (2) 149-155 (2009)

■ Skarzynski DJ, Piotrowska KK, Bah MM, Korzekwa A, Woclawek-Potocka I, Sawai K, Okuda K Effects of exogenous tumour necrosis factor-α on the secretory function of the bovine reproductive tract depend on tumour necrosis factor-α concentrations. Reprod Domest Anim, 44, 371-379 (2009)

■ Skarzynski DJ, Ferreira-Dias G, Okuda K Regulation of luteal function and corpus luteum regression in cows: hormonal control, immune mechanisms and inter-cellular communication Reprod Domest Anim, 43(Suppl. 2), 57-65 (2008)

■ Nishimura R, Sakumoto R, Tatsukawa Y, Acosta TJ, Okuda K Oxygen concentration is an important factor for modulating progesterone synthesis in bovine corpus luteum. Endocrinology, 147(9): 4273-80 (2006)

■ Woclawek-Potocka I, Bober A, Korzekwa A, Okuda K, Skarzynski DJ Equol and para-ethyl-phenol stimulate prostaglandins F2α in bovine corpus luteum. Prostaglandins other Lipid Mediat, 79: 287-297 (2006)

■ Bah MM, Acosta T, Pilawski W, Deptula KM, Okuda K, Skarzynski DJ Role of intraluteal prostaglandin F2α, progesterone and oxytocin in basal and pulsatile progesterone release from developing bovine corpus luteum. Prostaglandins other Lipid Mediat, 79: 218-229 (2006)

■ Shibaya M, Deptula KM, Korzekwa A, Okuda K, Skarzynski DJ Involvement of the cytoskeleton in oxytocin secretion by cultured bovine luteal cells. Biol Reprod, 72(1): 200-205 (2005)

■ Korzekwa A, Jaroszewski JJ, Bogacki M, Deptula KM, Maslanka TS, Acosta TJ, Okuda K, Skarzynski DJ Effects of prostaglandin F2α and nitric oxide on the secretory function of the bovine luteal cells. J Reprod Dev, 50(4): 411-417 (2004)

■ Nishimura R, Shibaya M, Skarzynski DJ, and Okuda K Progesterone stimulation by LH involves the phospholipase-C pathway in bovine luteal cells. J Reprod Dev, 50(2): 257-261 (2004)

■ Taniguchi H, Uenoyama Y, Miyamoto Y, Okuda K Intra-luteal lipoxygenase products modulate progesterone production in cultured bovine luteal cells. Prostaglandins Other Lipid Mediat, 67: 49-60 (2002)

■ Okuda K, Uenoyama Y, Berisha B, Lange IG, Taniguchi H, Kobayashi S, Kobayashi SI, Miyamoto A, and Schams D Estradiol-17α is produced in bovine corpus luteum. Biol. Reprod., 65(6): 1634-1639 (2001)

■ Okuda K, Skarzynski D Luteal prostaglandin F2α: new concepts of prostaglandin F2α secretion and its actions within the bovine corpus luteum. Asia-Aust. J Anim Sci, 13(3): 390-400 (2000)

■ Skarzynski D, Kobayashi S, Okuda K Influence of nitric oxide and noradrenaline on prostaglandin F2α-induced oxytocin secretion and intracellular calcium mobilisation in cultured bovine luteal cells. Biol Reprod, 63(4): 1000-1005 (2000)

■ Uenoyama Y, Schams D, Okuda K Basic fibroblast growth factor-induced prostaglandin production and its intracellular mechanisms in cultured bovine luteal cells. J Reprod Dev, 46(2): 93-99 (2000)

■ Skarzynski D, Okuda K Different actions of noradrenaline and nitric oxide on the output of prostaglandins and progesterone in cultured bovine luteal cells. Prostaglandins Other Lipid Mediat, 60(1): 35-47 (2000)

■ Skarzynski D, Okuda K Sensitivity of bovine corpora lutea to prostaglandin F2α is dependent on progesterone, oxytocin and prostaglandins. Biol Reprod, 60(6): 1292-1298 (1999)

■ Okuda K, Uenoyama Y, Lee KW, Sakumoto R, and Skarzynski DJ Progesterone stimulation by prostaglandin F2α involves protein kinase C pathway in cultured bovine luteal cells. J Reprod Dev, 44(1): 79-84 (1998)

2) 黄体細胞におけるアポトーシス (プログラムされた細胞死) 調節機構の解明

■Sakumoto R, Vermehren M, Kenngott RA, Okuda K, Sinowatz F: Localization of gene and protein expressions of tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF), and TNF receptor types I and II in the bovine corpus luteum during the estrous cycle. J Anim Sci, 89 (10), 3040-3047 (2011)

■Hojo T, Oda A, Lee SH, Acosta TJ, Okuda K: Effect of tumor necrosis factor α (TNF) and interferon γ on the viability and mRNA expression of TNF receptor type Ⅰ in the endothelial cells from bovine corpus luteum. J Reprod Dev, 56(5), 515-519 (2010)

■ Bowolaksono A, Nishimura R, Hojo T, Sakumoto R, Acosta TJ, Okuda K Anti-apoptotic roles of prostaglandin E2 and F2α in bovine luteal steroidogenic cells. Biol Reprod, 79(2), 310-317 (2008)

■ Nishimura R, Komiyama J, Tasaki Y, Acosta TJ, Okuda K Hypoxia promotes luteal cell death in bovine corpus luteum. Biol Reprod, 78(3), 529-536 (2008)

■ Komiyama J, Nishimura R, Lee H-Y, Sakumoto R, Tetsuka M, Acosta T, Skarzynski DJ, Okuda K Cortisol is a suppressor of apoptosis in bovine corpus luteum. Biol Reprod, 78(5), 888-895 (2008)

■ Skarzynski DJ, Shibaya M, Tasaki Y, Korzekwa A, Murakami S, Woclawek-Potocka I, Majewska M, Okuda K Fas-mediated apoptosis is suppressed by calf serum in cultured bovine luteal cells. Reprod Biol, 7(1): 3-15 (2007)

■ Korzekwa A, Woclawek-Potocka I, Okuda K, Acosta TJ, Skarzynski DJ Nitric oxide in bovine corpus luteum: possible mechanisms of action in luteolysis. Anim Sci J, 78(3): 233-242 (2007)

■ Sugino N, Okuda K. Species-differences in the mechanism for apoptosis during structural luteolysis. J Reprod Dev, 53(5): 977-986 (2007)

■ Korzekwa AJ, Okuda K, Woclawek-Potocka I, Murakami S, Skarzynski DJ Nitric oxide induces apoptosis in bovine luteal cells. J Reprod Dev, 52(3): 353-361 (2006)

■ Tatsukawa Y, Bowolaksono A, Nishimura R, Komiyama J, Acosta TJ, Okuda K. Possible roles of intracellular cyclic AMP, protein kinase C and calcium ion in the apoptotic signaling pathway in bovine luteal cells. J Reprod Dev, 52(4): 517-22 (2006)

■ Okuda K, Korzekwa A, Shibaya M, Murakami S, Nishimura R, Tsubouchi M, Woclawek-Potocka I, Skarzynski DJ Progesterone is a suppressor of apoptosis in bovine luteal cells. Biol Reprod, 71(6): 2065-2071 (2004)

■ Taniguchi H, Yokomizo Y, Okuda K Fas/Fas ligand mediates luteal cell death in bovine corpus luteum. Biol Reprod, 66(3): 754-759 (2002)

3) サイトカインが黄体機能および子宮内膜機能に及ぼす影響

■Okuda K, Sakumoto R, Okamoto N, Acosta TJ, Abe H, Okada H, Sinowatz F, Skarzynski DJ: Cellular localization of genes and proteins for tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF), TNF receptor types I and II in bovine endometrium. Mol Cell Endocrinol, 330(1-2), 41-48 (2010)

■ Lee HY, Acosta TJ, Skarzynski DJ, Okuda K Prostaglandin F2α stimulates 11β-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase 1 enzyme bioactivity and protein expression in bovine endometrial stromal cells. Biol Reprod, 80 (4), 657-664 (2009)

■ Korzekwa A, Murakami S, Woclawek-Potocka I, Bah MM, Okuda K, Skarzynski DJ The influence of tumor necrosis factor α (TNF) on the secretory function of bovine corpus luteum: TNF and its receptors expression during the estrous cycle. Reprod Biol, 8 (3), 245-262 (2008)

■ Tanikawa M, Lee HY, Watanabe K, Majewska M, Skarzynski DJ, Park S-B, Lee D-S, Park C-K, Acosta TJ, Okuda K Regulation of prostaglandin biosynthesis by interleukin-1 in cultured bovine endometrial cells. J Endocrinol, 199, 425-434 (2008)

■ Skarzynski DJ, Piotrowska KK, Bah MM, Korzekwa A, Woclawek-Potocka I, Sawai K, Okuda K Effects of exogenous tumour necrosis factor-α on the secretory function of the bovine reproductive tract depend on tumour necrosis factor-α concentrations. Reprod Domest Anim, 44, 371-379 (2009)

■ Sakumoto R, Ito I, Okuda K Changes in expression of 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type-1, type-2 and glucocorticoid receptor mRNAs in porcine corpus luteum during the estrous cycle. Mol Reprod Dev, 75(5), 925-930 (2008)

■ Skarzynski DJ, Ferreira-Dias G, Okuda K Regulation of luteal function and corpus luteum regression in cows: hormonal control, immune mechanisms and inter-cellular communication Reprod Domest Anim, 43(Suppl. 2), 57-65 (2008)

■ Skarzynski DJ, Woclawek-Potocka I, Korzekwa A, Bah MM, Piotrowska K, Barszczewska B, Okuda K Infusion of exogenous tumor necrosis factor dose dependently alters the length of the luteal phase in cattle: differential response to treatment with indomethacin and L-NAME, a nitric oxide synthase inhibitor. Biol Reprod, 76: 619-627 (2007)

■ Shibaya M, Matsuda A, Hojo T, Acosta TJ, Okuda K Expressions of estrogen receptors in bovine corpus luteum: cyclic changes and effects of prostaglandin F2α and cytokines. J Reprod Dev, 53(5): 1059-1068(2007)

■ Sakumoto R, Komatsu T, Kasuya E, Saito T, Okuda K Expression of mRNAs for interleukin-4, interleukin-6 and their receptors in porcine corpus luteum during the estrous cycle. Domest Anim Endocrinol, 31(3): 246-257 (2006)

■ Okuda K, Sakumoto R Regulation of uterine function by cytokines in cows. Possible actions of tumor necrosis factor-a and interferon-t. Anim Sci J: 77, 266-274 (2006)

■ Tanikawa M, Acosta TJ, Fukui T, Murakami S, Korzekwa A, Skarzynski DJ, Piotrowska KK, Park C-K, Okuda K Regulation of prostaglandin synthesis by interleukin-1α in bovine endometrium during the estrous cycle. Prostaglandins Other Lipid Mediat, 78: 279-290 (2005)

■ Skarzynski DJ, Jaroszewski JJ, Okuda K Role of tumor necrosis factor-α and nitric oxide in luteolysis in cattle. Domest Anim Endocrinol, 29: 340-346 (2005)

■ Nishimura R, Bowolaksono A, Acosta TJ, Murakami S, Piotrowska K, Skarzynski DJ and Okuda K Possible role of interleukin-1 in the regulation of bovine corpus luteum throughout the estrous cycle. Biol Reprod, 71(5): 1688-1693 (2004)

■ Okuda K, Kasahara Y, Murakami S, Takahashi H, Woclawek-Potocka I, and Skarzynski DJ Interferon-τ blocks the stimulatory effect of tumor necrosis factor-á on prostaglandin F2α synthesis by bovine endometrial stromal cells. Biol Reprod, 70(1): 191-197 (2004)

■ Sakumoto R, and Okuda K Possible actions of tumor necrosis factor-α in ovarian function. J Reprod Dev, 50(1): 39-46 (2004)

■ Sakumoto R, Shibaya M, and Okuda K Tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF) inhibits progesterone and estradiol-17α production from cultured granulosa cells: Presence of TNF receptors in bovine granulosa and theca cells. J Reprod Dev, 49(6): 441-449 (2003)

■ Okuda K, and Sakumoto R Multiple roles of TNF super family members in corpus luteum function. Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology, 1, 95 (2003). http://www.rbej.com/content/1/1/95

■ Skarzynski DJ, Bah MM, Deptula KM, Woclawek-Potocka I, Korzekwa A, Pilawski W, and Okuda K Tumor necrosis factor-α regulates prostaglandin production and the length of the estrous cycle in conscious cattle. Biol Reprod, 69(12): 1907-1913 (2003)

■ Murakami S, Miyamoto Y, Skarzynski D, Okuda K Effects of tumor necrosis factor-α on secretion of prostaglandin E2 and F2α in bovine endometrium throughout the estrous cycle. Theriogenology, 55(8): 1667-1678 (2001)

■ Sakumoto R, Murakami S, Okuda K Tumor necrosis factor-α stimulates prostaglandin F2α secretion by bovine luteal cells via activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase and phospholipase A2 pathways. Mol Reprod Dev, 56(3): 387-391 (2000)

■ Skarzynski D, Miyamoto Y, Okuda K Production of prostaglandin F2α by cultured bovine endometrial cells in response to tumor necrosis factor-α: cell type specificity and intracellular mechanisms. Biol Reprod, 62(5): 1116-1120 (2000)

■ Miyamoto Y, Skarzynski D, Okuda K Is tumor necrosis factor-α trigger for the initiation of endometrial prostaglandin F2α release at luteolysis in cattle. Biol Reprod, 62(5): 1109-1115 (2000)

■ Sakumoto R, Berisha B, Kawate N, Schams D, Okuda K Tumor necrosis factor-α and its receptor in bovine corpus luteum throughout the estrous cycle. Biol Reprod, 62(1): 192-199 (2000)

■ Sakumoto R, Kishi H, Iga K, Okano A, Okuda K Tumor necrosis factor-α and its receptor in the corpus luteum of pregnant cows. Mol Reprod Dev, 55(3): 406-411 (2000)

4) 子宮内膜のプロスタングランディン分泌調節因子の検索

■Duong H, Skarzynski D, Piotrowska-Tomala KK, Bah M, Jankowska P, Lukasik K, Okuda K, Acosta TJ: Conversion of cortisone to cortisol and prostaglandin F2α production by the reproductive tract of cows at the late luteal stage in vivo. Reprod Domest Anim, 47, 939-945 (2012)

■Tasaki Y, Nishimura R, Shibaya M, Lee HY, Acosta TJ, Okuda K: Expression of VEGF and its receptors in the bovine endometrium throughout the estrous cycle: effects of VEGF on prostaglandin production in endometrial cells. J Reprod Dev, 56 (2), 230-235 (2010)

■ Lee HY, Acosta TJ, Skarzynski DJ, Okuda K Prostaglandin F2α stimulates 11β-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase 1 enzyme bioactivity and protein expression in bovine endometrial stromal cells. Biol Reprod, 80 (4), 657-664 (2009)

■ Woclawek-Potacka I, Komiyama J, Saulnier-Blache J, Brzezicka E, Bah M, Okuda K, Skarzynski D Lysophosphatic acid modulates prostaglandin secretion in the bovine uterus. Reproduction, 137 (1), 95-105 (2009)

■ Tanikawa M, Lee HY, Watanabe K, Majewska M, Skarzynski DJ, Park S-B, Lee D-S, Park C-K, Acosta TJ, Okuda K Regulation of prostaglandin biosynthesis by interleukin-1 in cultured bovine endometrial cells. J Endocrinol, 199, 425-434 (2008)

■ Skarzynski DJ, Piotrowska KK, Bah MM, Korzekwa A, Woclawek-Potocka I, Sawai K, Okuda K Effects of exogenous tumour necrosis factor-α on the secretory function of the bovine reproductive tract depend on tumour necrosis factor-α concentrations. Reprod Domest Anim, 44, 371-379 (2009)

■ Lee HY, Acosta TJ, Tanikawa M, Sakumoto R, Kom iyama J, Tasaki Y, Piskula M, Skarzynski DJ, Tetsuka M, Okuda K. The role of glucocorticoid in the regulation of prostaglandin biosynthesis in non-pregnant bovine endometr ium. J Endocrinol, 193(1): 127-35 (2007)

■ 奥田 潔,作本 亮介 牛子宮のプロスタグランジンF2á 分泌調節機構に関する最近の知見と考察 「家畜診療」54 (12) 713-723 (2007)

■ Woclawek-Potocka I, Borkowski K, Korzekwa A, Okuda K, Skarzynski DJ Phyto- and endogenous estrogens differently activate intracellular calcium ion mobilization in the bovine endometrial cells. J Reprod Dev, 52(6): 731-740 (2006)

■ Woclawek-Potocka I, Okuda K, Acosta TJ, Korzekwa A, Pilawaski W, Skarzynski DJ Phytoestrogen metabolites are much more active than phytoestrogens themselves in increasing prostaglandin F2α synthesis via prostaglndins F2α synthase-like 2 stimulation in bovine endometrium. Prostaglandins Other Lipid Mediat, 78: 202-217 (2005)

■ Woclawek-Potocka I, Acosta TJ, Korzekwa A, Bah MM, Shibaya M, Okuda K, Skarzynski DJ Phytoestrogens modulate prostaglandin production in bovine endometrium: cell type specifity and intracellular mechanisms. Exp Biol Med, 230: 326-333 (2005)

■ Okuda K, Miyamoto Y, and Skarzynski D Regulation of endometrial prostaglandin F2α synthesis during luteolysis and early pregnancy in cattle. Dom Anim Endocrinol, 23: 255-264 (2002)

■ Skarzynski D, Uenoyama Y, Kotwica J, Okuda K Noradrenaline stimulates the production of prostaglandin F2α in cultured bovine endometrial cells. Biol Reprod, 60(2): 277-282 (1999)

■ Miyamoto Y, Skarzynski DJ, Uenoyama Y, and Okuda K Secretion of prostaglandin E2 and F2α by the bovine endometrium in response to oxytocin during the estrous cycle. J Reprod Dev, 44(3): 289-295 (1998)

5) 卵管平滑筋運動に関わる因子の分泌調節機構の解明

■Szostek AZ, Siemieniuch MJ, Deptula K, Woclawek-Potocka I, Majewska M, Okuda K, Skarzynski DJ: Ovarian steroids modulate tumor necrosis factor-α and nitric oxide- regulated prostaglandin secretion by cultured bovine oviductal epithelial cells. Domest Anim Endocrinol, 41, 14-23 (2011)

■Siemieniuch M, Woclaweak-Potocka I, Deptula K, Okuda K, Skarzynski DJ: Effects of tumor necrosis factor-α and nitric oxide on prostaglandins secretion by the bovine oviduct differ in the isthmus and ampulla and depend on the phase of the estrous cycle. Exp Biol Med, 234 (9), 1056-1066 (2009)