Okayama University


Selected cases in Okayama University to Promote SDGs

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International Internship Program to study Environment-Friendly MONOZUKURI

Quality educationIndustty, Innovation and InfrastructureResponsible consumption and production

 In order to establish a sustainable society, which has environmental and resource balance, it is need to study environment-friendly MONOZUKURI, one of Japan's specialty fields, from a global perspective. This program for junior year in Faculty of Environmental Science and Technology, Okayama University is developed by collaboration with a global company (IMEX Co., Ltd.). The company has its plants in both Okayama city and Oregon State, USA.
In this global internship program, the students can study "practical knowledges" as follows:
1. The students practically study environment-friendly MONOZUKURI and strategies for the global market then think how MONOZUKURI will contribute to the sustainability of resources.
2. The students will have new experiences in different culture and wide diversity and think how Japanese company should adjust on the culture and diversity.

 The objective of this program is to grow up the students as leaders who can consider global environment, act for the establishment of the sustainable society, and play an active role in the globalization.
The numbers of students taking this program were 8 and 7 in 2016 and 2017, respectively. We are going to expand this program to other Faculties of Okayama Univ.

Graduate School of Environmental and Life Science, Okayama University (Div. of Env. Sci.)
Prof. Yukitaka Kimura