Okayama University


Selected cases in Okayama University to Promote SDGs

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Activity to support communication by persons with disabilities

Quality educationGood health and well-beingReduced inqualitiesPeace, Justice and strong institutions

“The Act for Eliminating Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities” was enforced in Japan in April, 2016.

A reasonable accommodation for all people including persons with disabilities to participate in all activities is required.

However, there are cases of difficulty in participation due to disability.

We are pushing forward with an investigation, a study, and practice for persons having difficulty in communication.

Our purpose is to support persons with disabilities, enabling them to communicate more smoothly.
Main activities
(1)Support of participation in lectures and workshops by persons with disabilities.
(2)Organizing workshops to raise awareness of disability.
(3)Organizing a staff training program that can support communication by persons with disabilities.

Institute for Education and Student Services,
Senior Assistant Prof. Kosuke Iketani