Okayama University


Okayama University Holds Closing Ceremony for US Department of State’s Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) Program

August 10, 2022

On August 6, Okayama University held the closing ceremony to mark the end of the Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) Program (June 14-August 6), an online summer course sponsored by the US Department of State, in which 23 university and graduate students selected across America intensively study Japanese language and culture.
The closing ceremony was hosted via a video conference system to link the University with those involved with the program and the student participants. Okayama University Senior Vice President YOKOI Atsufumi gave the opening remarks, and then University President MAKINO Hirofumi gave a ceremonial address about the importance of experiences, quoting the Zen expression of “neither good nor bad,” and how this phrase originally carries a meaning of “practice without judging whether things are good or bad from the beginning.” He encouraged the CLS scholarship students to judge and experience everything with their own eyes, and that he believed this would lead to new encounters, discoveries and realizations. Finally, he wished everyone success in their endeavors.
Afterwards, Lauren GATEWOOD gave a speech on behalf of the CLS students. She explained how she was now able to interpret Japanese culture from the other person’s perspective, as well as improving her Japanese proficiency, as a result of interacting with people of various backgrounds and ages every day. In addition, Ms. GATEWOOD spoke about how she learned many things through the Okayama University CLS Japanese program: “I was able to experience many things that I cannot experience in my everyday life in America, such as SDGs and cultural activities. I barely knew anything about SDGs before participating in this program, but I was able to learn about the environment and social issues from an SDG standpoint, so I feel that my worldview has expanded.”
This was followed by remarks from those involved in the program (supervising instructors, language partners, learning supporters), and the American Councils CLS Japanese Program Officer Sydney SPARROW thanked everyone from Okayama University who was involved in the program. Afterwards, everyone watched a surprise video that recorded the activities undertaken in the eight-week program and participants reflected on their enjoyable memories.
The eight-week program concluded with closing remarks from Executive Director for Academic Affairs Provost FUNAHASHI.

●CLS Program
The CLS program is a US Department of State initiative aimed at encouraging young Americans to become proficient in one of 15 languages, including Russian and Chinese, which have been recognized as critical to America's national security and economic prosperity. Domestic acceptance to the program began in 2010, and the program is run by the American Councils for International Education, a US non-profit organization specializing in international education and exchange.