Okayama University


The first overseas office among SUN (Six National Universities Network) - The Start-up Ceremony of the Changchun Joint Office was held

November 25, 2014

Okayama University held the Start-up Ceremony of the SUN Changchun Joint Office at the Preparatory School for Chinese Students to Japan at Northeast Normal University in China on November 14th. Executive Directors and Vice-Presidents from SUN/SixERS (Six National Universities International Education and Research System) attended, including our Executive Director and Vice-President Masaru Araki who is also a head of this organization. It consists of Chiba University, Niigata University, Kanazawa University, Nagasaki University, Kumamoto University, and Okayama University.

At the ceremony, Vice-president Dongyu Han from Northeast Normal University delivered a welcoming address by saying “I am looking forward to active exchanges with SUN up ahead.” We also had a presentation to introduce SUN member universities inviting approximately 70 students from neighboring universities. On the following day, we conducted publicity activities by jointly attending the fair for study abroad in Japan held at Northeast Normal University.

Beginning with the Changchun Joint Office, which became the first SUN overseas office, we are planning to pursue co-establishments of new overseas offices in the future.