Okayama University


Canadian Co-op Students are Welcomed to Our Internship Program in Companies and Research Institutes with Okayama University Students

June 18, 2015

On June 2, Okayama University, in cooperation with Okayama Prefecture and companies located in Okayama Prefecture, welcomed two students from the University of British Columbia (UBC in Canada) to the Co-op program named “Coop in Okayama”.

The two students from UBC are Matt MacQueen and Hugh Grady. Mr. MacQueen said, “I would like to study about the role of forestry and techniques of timber production in Japan.” Mr. Grady stated, “I would like to learn about the whole process of flow from tree planting to timber production and the manufacture of wood products. I’m also very interested in local culture and society in Japan.” The two students are scheduled to attend lectures at Okayama University, the Okayama Prefectural Office Forest Policy Planning Department, and Okayama Prefectural Museum. In addition, Mr. MacQueen and Mr. Grady participated in walks around the city with Okayama University students, coming into contact with Japanese culture and deepening exchanges with students and citizens.

From June 15, Mr. MacQueen and Mr. Grady began internships in forestry companies, forest product companies and research institutes for over two months with the Okayama University students who are participating in the Global Internship for Forest production course.

These internships are one of the Programs for Practice-Oriented Education in Global Perspective offered by the Academic and General Okayama University Regional Research Association (AGORA). These business experiences help students to understand the indispensable functions and characteristics of forests for the improvement and conservation of the global environment. Students also study issues and outlooks for the use of forest resources through sustainable development.

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Academic and General Okayama University Regional Research Association
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