The International Symposium, MISASA VI “Frontiers in Earth and Planetary Materials Research: Origin, Evolution and Dynamics” was held in Misasa, Tottori, by the Institute for Study of the Earth’s Interior (ISEI), Okayama University, from March 8 to 11, 2016.
This sixth international symposium was attended by approximately 80 researchers, including top-class domestic researchers, such as Dr. Yoshifumi Inatani, Deputy Director General of the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science of the Japan Aerospace eXploration Agency (JAXA), as well as world-renown researchers from overseas, such as Professor Ian Campbell of the Australian National University and Dr. Kenneth Williford at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).
The symposium marked the reorganization of ISEI into a new “Institute for Planetary Materials” starting from April 1. At the symposium, presentations of frontier research and lively discussions took place on diverse topics related to the origin, evolution and dynamics of the Earth and planets. In particular, in-depth discussions were held on the strategies for extraterrestrial sample return missions, developments in astrobiology and related fields and the study of planetary materials using a comprehensive materials science approach, which are areas of research to be strengthened at the new Institute for Planetary Materials. The symposium was highly successful in helping review the institute’s achievements in the last 30 years and define the future directions of the new institute.
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Institute for Planetary Materials
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International Symposium MISASA VI Held in Misasa
April 20, 2016