Okayama University


2017 autumn and 2018 spring EPOK students (outbound) share their study abroad experiences at debriefing sessions

October 03, 2018

Okayama University’s Center for Global Partnerships and Education held EPOK (Exchange Program Okayama) debriefing sessions on Tsushima Campus on July 24 and 26 and September 25. Students who had participated in this program shared their study abroad experiences at these sessions.

At the sessions, total of 34 students who join the exchange program to study at 18 universities in 7 countries in autumn 2017 and spring 2018 shared what they learned from their valuable experiences - they informed the audience about the knowledge, capacity to better understand other people and cultures, problem-solving skills and insights they gained. The sessions included lively discussions among the EPOK students, students planning to study abroad and faculty members.
The next EPOK debriefing session is scheduled to be held in February 12th, 2019.
