岡山大学 歯学部


【学生の皆さんへ/To all students】学習・教育における生成系AIの利用について/Use of Generative AI in Learning and Education


English follows Japanese.




 その上で学問的誠実性(Academic Integrity)の考え方に基づき,生成系AIの動向を注視しつつ,現状の留意事項を下記のとおりお知らせいたします。

1. 学びの主体は学生である:生成系AIは文章や画像などを自動生成することができますが,目的を持って自分自身で学習し,考えることが重要です。
2. 倫理を考慮する:誹謗中傷やプライバシーの侵害,差別的・攻撃的な表現が含まれていないかを慎重に考え,軽率な利用を控えることが必要です。
3. 結果を検証する:生成された内容が正確であるとは限りません。レポートや学術論文などの正確性が重要な内容を扱う場合は,信頼できる情報源から裏付けを取ることが重要です。
4. 個人情報の流出に気をつける:生成系AIがどのような処理をしているかわかりません。安易に個人情報や機密情報をAIに提供しないようにしましょう。
5. 自己責任で利用する:AIが生成した内容を利用したことで何らかの問題が発生した場合,その責任はあなた自身にあることを忘れないようにしましょう。


以 上

April 21, 2023

To all students,

Okayama University President
Yasutomo Nasu

Use of Generative AI in Learning and Education

The impact of Chat GPT and other generative AI on university education has become a major topic of discussion. Some countries have accepted it as an inevitable new trend, while others have banned its use.
At Okayama University, we believe that it is more important for students to be able to think critically and study with a purpose for themselves.
Based on these ideas and on the concept of “academic integrity,” we would like to keep an eye on the trend of generative AI and inform all students at Okayama University about the following considerations:

■Important Considerations of Generative AI
1. Students should be proactive: It is easy for generative AI to automatically generate sentences, images, etc., but students must learn to think critically and study with a purpose for themselves.
2. Ethical considerations: Careful consideration should be given to information from AI which contains slander, invades privacy, or contains discriminatory or offensive language.
Please refrain from using this type of information.
3. Validation: AI content is not always accurate. When dealing with important information which should be accurate for reports, academic papers, or other content, it is important to make sure your sources are reliable.
4. Privacy issues: How generative AI processes things is still unclear. Do not provide any personal or confidential information to AI applications.
5. Personal responsibility: Remember that you are responsible for any problems that might occur from using AI-generated content.

Remember that generative AI output of sentences, programs, etc. are not based on the students' own ideas. Using information taken from AI for writing reports and papers, or for examinations, may be considered plagiarism or cheating. Instructions for limiting or prohibiting the use of generative AI depend on each class, so please follow the guidelines regarding its use from your instructor.
Okayama University will continue to review the trends and uses of generative AI and will notify students periodically.
