岡山大学 歯学部


【緊急事態宣言発令をうけて】新型コロナウイルス感染症の感染拡大防止のための公欠の取扱いについて / “Authorized absence from classes” related to prevention of spread of infection from novel coronavirus.




English follows Japanese.


公   示


  1. 感染者の濃厚接触者と特定された場合 … 保健所から通学の許可が出るまで
  2. 風邪の症状(発熱・咳・強いだるさ等)などの体調不良の場合 … 主要症状が消失した後5日を経過するまで
  3. 外務省海外安全ホームページにおいて感染症危険レベルが2以上の地域(経由地含む)から帰国・再入国した者が、
    経過観察のため自宅待機する期間 … 14日間
  4. 日本の入国制限、日本への渡航制限又は航空便の欠航等により、授業開始までに入国ができない場合
  5. 緊急事態宣言の発令により,外出することが困難となり,通学できない場合


佐 野  寛


University Notice

In order to prevent the spread of COVID-19 virus at this time, all absences that fall under one of the following categories are considered approved. This order is based on the provisions of Article 10: In circumstances that prevents students from attending school. (Presidential Decisions, created on September 16, 2009).

  1. If you have been quarantined because you were in contact with a corona virus infected person and have been issued a certificate by health officials, you need to stay quarantined until the official period of release.
  2. If you show any symptoms including fever, cough, shortness of breath, and / or extreme tiredness, you must not come to school until five days after all symptoms have disappeared.
  3. You must stay home for 14 days from the time you arrived in Japan after visiting foreign countries, including in-transit countries, that are stated to be level 2 or higher for the infectious disease risk level by the Japanese Ministry for Foreign Affairs/ Overseas Safety homepage related to international travel.
  4. If you cannot enter Japan by the start of the term due to restrictions on entry into Japan or your country of departure has cancelled your flight to Japan.
  5. When it becomes difficult to going out and would not be able to come to school due to declare a state of emergency by the government.

April 1, 2020

SANO HiroshiExecutive Director for Education, Provost
