Okayama University


Degree Policy of Matching Program Course

Matching Program Course

Broad education 【General Education】

Our students will take an interest in diverse issues concerning society, nature, the environment, and science. Moreover we want them to acquire cultural knowledge to enable them to resolve issues with logical thinking.

Interdisciplinary expertise【Expertise】

Through interdisciplinary education, our students will acquire the knowledge and abilities of specialized fields, so as to make their contribution to society.

Effective information processing【Ability to Use Information】

Our students will not only acquire the ability to collect, analyze, and correctly use
information on their own whenever necessary, but will also be capable of disseminating
the information effectively.

Ability to become a leader in contemporary society【Ability to Act】

With the language skills and international awareness necessary for international society, students will acquire a logical thinking ability based on critical thinking, and will be capable of acting responsibly.

Lifelong pursuit of self-realization【Ability to Achieve Self-realization】

Based on their university education, our students will think ethically and responsibly, and will take the initiative to act autonomously while in pursuit of happiness in their lives.