
The Final program is now available.
 Final program

・Presentation guideline
  Oral presentation
   Keynote talk: 30 min. (including Q&A time)
   Invited talk: 20 min. (including Q&A time)
   Contributed talk: 15 min.(including Q&A time)
  Poster presentaion
   Size of poster panel: W1200×H1950

Welcome reception(18:30-20:00, 27th March)
 Welcome reception will be held in the conference venue during poster session.
 In the welcome reception, snacks and drinks will be served.

Banquet(19:00-21:00, 28th March)
 The Banquet will be held in Okayama castle and you can enjoy looking around the interior of castle in addition to the dinner.
 The free shuttle bus for banquet between the conference venue and the Okayama castle will be operated.
 The more information about Okayama castle can be foundhere.

Technical tour(12:00-17:00, 29th March)
  In the technical tour, we will visit the below three exciting places where you can only enjoy in Okayama.
  After visiting these places, we wil return to the Okayama station around 5:00 p.m.
  ・Bizen Osafune Sword Village Bizen Osafune Sword Museum
  ・Bizen Pottery Gallaery and Shops
  ・Okayama Garden