岡山大学大学院医歯薬学総合研究科 歯科矯正学分野






  • Habumugisha J, Nakamura M, Kono K, Uchida K, Konko M, Izawa T, Kamioka H: Novel prediction models for pharyngeal-airway volume based on the cranial-base and midsagittal cross-sectional area of the airway in the pharyngeal region: A cephalometric and magnetic resonance imaging study. Orthod Craniofac Res, in press.
  • Murata Y, Tanikawa C, Shiraishi Y, Inubushi T, Kono K, Kamioka H, Yamashiro T: Three-dimensional changes in the cranial base associated with soft-diet feeding. Eur J Orthod, in press.
  • Hoshijima M, Aoyama E, Kamioka H, Takigawa M: Imaging of Molecular Interaction Between CCN Protein and Its Binding Partners: An In Situ Proximity Ligation Assay of Interaction Between CCN2 and Rab14 in Chondrocytes. Methods Mol Biol., 2582, 31-37, 2023.
  • Hoshijima M, Oka N, Matsumura T, Iida S, Kamioka H: Treatment of Severe Open Bite Malocclusion with Four-Piece Segmental Horseshoe Le Fort I Osteotomy. Acta Med Okayama, 77(1),97-104, 2023.
  • Hashimoto M, Takahashi H, Tabata-Okubo K, Nagaoka N, Tokunaga K, Matsumori H, Ishihara Y, Kaku M, Iimura T, Hara T, Kamioka H: Bundling of collagen fibrils influences osteocyte network formation during bone modeling. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 22028, 2023.
  • Tanaka A, Hayano S , Nagata M, Kosami T, Wang Z, Kamioka H: Ruxolitinib altered IFN-β induced necroptosis of human dental pulp stem cells during osteoblast differentiation. Archives of Oral Biology, 155, 105797, 2023.
  • Anada R, Hara ES, Nagaoka N, Okada M, Kamioka H, Matsumoto T: Important roles of odontoblast membrane phospholipids in early dentin mineralization. J Mater Chem B, 11(3), 657-666, 2023.
  • Cao D, Martinez JG, Anada R, Hara ES, Kamioka H, Jager EWH: Electrochemical control of bone microstructure on electroactive surfaces for modulation of stem cells and bone tissue engineering. Sci Technol Adv Mater, 24(1), 2183710, 2023.
  • Asano Y, Matsumoto Y, He F, Katsuyama T, Katsuyama E, Tsuji S, Kamioka H, Rose JL, Rottapel R, Wada J: Pharmacologic inhibition of PARP5, but not that of PARP1 or 2, promotes cytokine production and osteoclastogenesis through different pathways. Clin. Exp. Rheumatol, 41(9), 1735-1745, 2023.
  • Ueharu H, Pan H, Hayano S, Zapien-Guerra K, Yang J, Mishina Y: Augmentation of bone morphogenetic protein signaling in cranial neural crest cells in mice deforms skull base due to premature fusion of intersphenoidal synchondrosis. Genesis, 61(1-2), e23509, 2023.
  • 中西泰之, 河野加奈, 上岡寛: 変則的な抜歯を行った外傷歯を伴う叢生症例. 中・四矯歯誌, 35, 87-96, 2023.
  • 安富成美, 植田紘貴, 有村友紀, 森谷徳文, 松村達志, 上岡寛, 飯田征二: 唇顎口蓋裂患者に対する上顎骨前方部骨延長術と下顎骨後方移動術における硬軟組織変化の比較検討. 中・四矯歯誌, 35, 37-50, 2023.
  • 浜田勇作, 井澤 俊, 吉川友理, 小崎剛志, 上岡 寛: IGFBPシグナルを介した破骨細胞分化および骨折治癒機構の解明. 日本骨形態計測学会雑誌, 33(2), 日本骨形態計測学会, 48-49, 2023.
  • 吉川友理, 井澤 俊, 浜田勇作, 小崎剛志, 上岡 寛: アリルハイドロカーボン受容体を介した破骨細胞分化および骨折治癒機構の解明. 日本骨形態計測学会雑誌, 33(2), 日本骨形態計測学会, 46-47, 2023.
  • 井澤 俊: 破骨細胞におけるRANKLシグナルとAhRシグナルクロストークを介した顎関節リウマチ骨・軟骨破壊機構の解明. 生物学に関する研究論争, 公益財団法人 両備檉園記念財団, 68-73, 2023.


  • 吉川友理, 井澤俊, 浜田勇作, 小崎剛志, 難波裕生, 上岡寬: アリルハイドロカーボン受容体を介した破骨細胞分化および骨折治癒機構の解明. 第43回 日本骨形態計測学会, 札幌, 2023年6月29日-7月1日, 学術奨励賞
  • 浜田勇作, 井澤俊, 吉川友理, 小崎剛志, 上岡寬: IGFBPシグナルを介した破骨細胞分化および骨折治癒機構の解明. 第43回 日本骨形態計測学会, 札幌, 023年6月29日-7月1日, 若手研究者賞
  • 吉川友理, 井澤俊, 上岡寬: 内因性AhRリガンドFICZによるCypla1を介した破骨細胞分化および骨代謝調節機構の解析. 第77回日本口腔科学会学術集会, 岡山, 2023年5月11日-13日, Rising Scientist賞
  • 髙橋春香, 橋本真奈, 中逵敬太, 大久保香織, 長岡紀幸, 原徹, 上岡寛: 大規模三次元イメージングを用いた歯の移動初期における歯根膜組織全貌の高詳細解明. 第82回日本矯正歯科学会学術大会, 新潟, 2023年11月1日-3日, 優秀発表賞
  • 穴田理嵯, Hara Emilio Satoshi, 長岡紀幸, 松本卓也, 上岡寛: 歯の初期石灰化部位の三次元観察・解析. 第82回日本矯正歯科学会学術大会, 新潟, 2023年11月1日-3日, 優秀発表賞



  • Zou W, Izawa T, Rohatgi N, Zou SY, Li Y, Teitelbaum SL: ThPOK Inhibits Osteoclast Formation Via NFATc1 Transcription and Function. JBMR Plus, 6(4), e10613, 2022.
  • Farahat M, Hara ES, Anada R, Kazi GAS, Akhter NM, Matsumoto T: Mechanotransductive Mechanisms of Biomimetic Hydrogel Cues Modulating Meckel's Cartilage Degeneration. Adv. Biol., 6(6), e2101315, 2022.
  • Tabata K, Hashimoto M, Takahashi H, Wang Z, Nagaoka N, Hara T, Kamioka H: A morphometric analysis of the osteocyte canaliculus using applied automatic semantic segmentation by machine learning. J. Bone Miner. Metab., 40(4), 571-580, 2022.
  • Ueda H, Oka N, Shimo T, Sasaki A, Yamashiro T, Kamioka H: Improvement of anterior disc displacement on the mandibular deviated side after intraoral vertical ramus osteotomy in a patient with facial asymmetry: a case report. Clin Investig Orthod, 81(1), 58-67, 2022.
  • 河野加奈, 中村政裕, 吉岡徳枝, 川邉紀章, 西山明慶, 佐々木朗, 上岡寛: 多数歯欠損を伴う高齢期の下顎前突症患者に対する外科的矯正治療を伴った包括的歯科治療の1例. 日顎変形会誌, 32(1), 48-59, 2022.
  • 橋本真奈, 上岡寛: 骨を構成する細胞の分化と機能〜骨細胞〜. 日本臨牀第81巻増刊号1 最新の骨粗鬆症学(第2版), 日本臨牀社, in press.
  • 中野貴由, 石本卓也, 川原啓太, 松垣あいら, 松坂匡晃, 上岡寛: OCYネットワークと骨基質配向性. 第41回日本骨形態計測学会記録集シンポジウム5〜骨細胞ネットワークによる骨代謝調節の最前線, 日本骨形態計測学会, 66-67, 2022.
  • 石原嘉人, 上岡寛: 骨代謝調節における骨細胞と歯の関わり. 第41回日本骨形態計測学会記録集シンポジウム5〜骨代謝調節における骨細胞と歯の関わり, 日本骨形態計測学会, 68-69, 2022.
  • 井澤俊, 吉川友理, 浜田勇作, 上岡寛: 内分泌撹乱物質AhRリガンドB[a]PはCyp1a1シグナルを介して破骨細胞分化および骨代謝を制御する. 第41回日本骨形態計測学会記録集 特別企画〜医用画像から新しい骨形態計測への橋渡しを担うAI〜, 日本骨形態計測学会, 78-79, 2022.


  • 穴田理嵯, Emilio S. Hara, 長岡紀幸, 岡田正弘, 松本卓也: 歯の初期石灰化部位の同定と最初期石灰化の材料学的検討. 第77回春期学術講演会日本歯科理工学会, オンライン, 2021年4月10日, 医歯薬出版株式会社賞(企業賞)
  • 浜田勇作, 井澤俊, 吉川友理, 上岡寛: RANKLとIGFBPシグナルクロストークによる破骨細胞分化および骨代謝機構の解明. 第42回日本骨形態計測学会, 鳥取, 2022年6月30日-7月2日, 若手研究者賞
  • 吉川友理, 井澤俊, 浜田勇作, 上岡寛: アリルハイドロカーボン受容体を介した破骨細胞分化および骨折治癒機構の解明. 第81回日本矯正歯科学会学術大会&第9回日韓ジョイントシンポジウム, 大阪, 2022年10月5-7日, 優秀発表賞
  • 早野暁, 王紫儀, 永田倭代, 上岡寛: 口蓋突起の癒合におけるTGF-Beta3依存性Filamin Aを介した上皮間葉転換:バイオインフォマティクスに基づく研究. 第81回日本矯正歯科学会学術大会&第9回日韓ジョイントシンポジウム, 大阪, 2022年10月5-7日, 優秀発表賞
  • 吉川友理, 井澤 俊, 浜田勇作, 竹永紘子, 王紫儀, 石丸直澄, 上岡寛: AhR/Cyp1a1シグナル伝達経路を介した関節下骨部の骨代謝や実験的変形性顎関節症におけるB[a]PおよびFICZの役割. 第81回日本矯正歯科学会学術大会&第9回日韓ジョイントシンポジウム, 大阪, 2022年10月5-7日, 日本矯正歯科学会学術奨励賞



  • Yoshikawa Y, Izawa T, Hamada Y, Takenaga H, Wang Z, Ishimaru N, Kamioka H: Roles for B[a]P and FICZ in subchondral bone metabolism and experimental temporomandibular joint osteoarthritis via the AhR/Cyp1a1 signaling axis. Sci Rep, 11(1), 14927, 2021.
  • Fukui Y, Hayano S, Kawanabe N, Wang Z, Shimada A, Saito MK, Asaka I, Kamioka H: Investigation of the molecular causes underlying physical abnormalities in Diamond-Blackfan anemia patients with RPL5 haploinsufficiency. Pathol Int, 71(12), 803-813, 2021.
  • Mizukawa T, Nishida T, Akashi S, Kawata K, Kikuchi S, Kawaki H, Takigawa M, Kamioka H, Kubota S: RFX1-mediated CCN3 induction that may support chondrocyte survival under starved conditions. J Cell Physiol, 236(10), 6884-6896, 2021.
  • Osumi R, Wang Z, Ishihara Y, Odagaki N, Iimura T, Kamioka H: Changes in the intra‑ and peri‑cellular sclerostin distribution in lacuno‑canalicular system induced by mechanical unloading. J Bone Miner Metab, 39, 148-159, 2021.
  • Weng Y, Wang Z, Fukuhara Y, Tanai A, Ikegame M, Yamada D, Takarada T, Izawa T, Hayano S, Yoshida K, Kamioka H, Okamura H: O-GlcNAcylation drives calcium signaling toward osteoblast differentiation: A bioinformatics-oriented study. Biofactors, 47(6), 992-1015, 2021.
  • Yoshida K, Yoshida K, Fujiwara N, Seyama M, Ono K, Kawai H, Guo J, Wang Z, Weng Y, Yu Y, Uchida-Fukuhara Y, Ikegame M, Sasaki A, Nagatsuka H, Kamioka H, Okamura H, Ozaki K: Extracellular vesicles of P. gingivalis-infected macrophages induce lung injury. Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Basis Dis, 1867(11), 166236, 2021.
  • Yokoyama Y, Kameo Y, Kamioka H, Adachi T: High-resolution image-based simulation reveals membrane strain concentration on osteocyte processes caused by tethering elements. Biomech Model Mechanobiol, 20(6), 2353-2360, 2021.
  • Ishimoto T, Kawahara K, Matsugaki A, Kamioka H, Nakano T: Quantitative Evaluation of Osteocyte Morphology and Bone Anisotropic Extracellular Matrix in Rat Femur. Calcif Tissue Int, 109(4), 434-444, 2021.
  • Asano Y, Matsumoto Y, La Rose J, He F, Katsuyama T, Ziyi W, Tsuji S, Kamioka H, Rottapel R, Wada J: Endonuclease increases efficiency of osteoblast isolation from murine calvariae. Sci Rep, 11(1), 8502, 2021.
  • Harada-Karashima M, Ishihara Y, Kamioka H, Kanomi R: Age-related changes in the effect of rapid maxillary expansion on the position of labially impacted maxillary canines: A case-control study. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop, 159, 305-311, 2021.
  • Hoshijima M, Kawanabe N, Iida S, Yamashiro T, Kamioka H: Camouflage Treatment for Skeletal Maxillary Protrusion and Lateral Deviation with Classic-Type Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. Acta medica Okayama, 75(2), 205-212, 2021.
  • Tanaka T, Hoshijima M, Yoshioka N, Kamioka H: A skeletal Class III facial asymmetry case with a canted occlusal plane treated by LeFort I with unilateral horseshoe osteotomy. Orthodontic waves, 80(3), 171-183, 2021.
  • Ishimoto T, Kamioka H, Nakano T: Authors' Response to Letter from Professor Birkedal. Calcif Tissue Int, 110(1), 144-145, 2021.
  • 中村政裕, 金光恵, 石田朋子, 中西泰之, 岡直毅, 藤澤厚郎, 川邉紀章, 上岡寛: Index of Orthognathic Functional Treatment Need (IOFTN)とSeverity and Outcome Assessment (SOA)を用いた外科的矯正治療の適応基準の検討:ケースコントロール研究. 中・四矯歯誌, 33, 1-8, 2021.
  • 片岡伴記, 星島光博, 上岡寛: 歯科矯正用アンカースクリューを用いて上下顎前歯の圧下により治療した過蓋咬合症例. 中・四矯歯誌, 33, 29-38, 2021.
  • 河野加奈, 柳田剛志, 井澤俊, 上岡寛: 下垂体機能低下を伴う中隔視神経異形成症患者の矯正歯科治療症例. 岡山歯誌, 40, 1-10, 2021.
  • 上岡寛, 橋本真奈: 運動を支える骨と細胞の役割. 体育の科学, 71(7), 501-505, 2021.
  • 瀬口典子, 上岡寛: 人骨が語るヒトと社会の変化. KAGAKU, 91(2), 186-191, 2021.


  • Miyano J, Kawanabe N, Fujishiro A, Kanomi R, Kamioka H: Simultaneous distal movement of the maxillary first and second premolars can be achieved by distal movement of the maxillary first molar using a headgear. Orthodontic Waves, 79(4), 171-178, 2020. Orthodontic Waves 2021年度論文賞
  • Hoshijima M, Hattori T, Aoyama E, Nishida T, Kubota S, Kamioka H, Takigawa M: Roles of Interaction between CCN2 and Rab14 in Aggrecan Production by Chondrocytes. Int J Mol Sci, 21(8), 2769, 2020.岡山歯学会2021年度優秀論文賞
  • 吉川友理,井澤 俊,浜田勇作,竹永紘子,王 紫儀,上岡 寛:内分泌撹乱物質AhRリガンドはCyp1a1シグナルを介して破骨細胞分化および骨代謝を制御する.第41回日本骨形態計測学会,東京,2021年7月3日,若手研究者賞
  • 吉川友理, 井澤俊, 浜田勇作, 竹永紘子, 王紫儀, 上岡寛: 内因性AhRリガンドFICZによるCyp1a1を介した破骨細胞分化および骨代謝調節機構の解析. 第80回日本矯正歯科学会大会, 横浜, 2021年11月3日-11月5日, 優秀発表賞
  • 穴田理嵯, Hara Satoshi, 長岡紀幸, 岡田正弘, 上岡寛, 松本卓也: マウス第一大臼歯の初期石灰化部位の特定と石灰化過程の材料学的評価. 第43回日本バイオマテリアル学会大会, 名古屋, 2021年11月28日-11月30日, 優秀研究ポスター賞



  • Hoshijima M, Hattori T, Aoyama E, Nishida T, Kubota S, Kamioka H, Takigawa M: Roles of Interaction between CCN2 and Rab14 in Aggrecan Production by Chondrocytes. Int J Mol Sci, 21(8), 2769, 2020.
  • Wang Z, Weng Y, Ishihara Y, Odagaki N, Ei Hsu Hlaing E, Izawa T, Okamura H, Kamioka H: Loading history changes the morphology and compressive force-induced expression of receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa B ligand/osteoprotegerin in MLO-Y4 osteocytes. PeerJ, 8, e10244, 2020.
  • Guoa J, Wang Z, Weng Y, Yuan H, Yoshida K, Ikegame M, Uchibe K, Kamioka H, Ochiai K, Okamura H, Qiu L: N-(3-oxododecanoyl)-homoserine lactone regulates osteoblast apoptosis and differentiation by mediating intracellular calcium. Cellular Signalling, 75, 109740, 2020.
  • Kazann Y, Shiotsu N, Uchida-Fukuhara Y, Guo J, Weng Y, Ikegame M, Wang Z, Ono K, Kamioka H, Torii Y, Sasaki A, Yoshida K, Okamura H: Outer membrane vesicles derived from Porphyromonas gingivalis induced cell death with disruption of tight junctions in human lung epithelial cells. Arch Oral Biol, 118, 104841, 2020.
  • Ei Hsu Hlaing E, Ishihara Y, Odagaki N, Wang Z, Ikegame M, Kamioka H: The expression and regulation of Wnt1 in tooth movement-initiated mechanotransduction. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop, 158(6), 151-160, 2020.
  • Kono K, Tanikawa C, Murata Y, Yanagita T, Kamioka H, Yamashiro T: Three-dimensional changes in the craniofacial complex associated with soft-diet feeding. European Journal of Orthodontics. Eur J Orthod. 42(5), 509-516, 2020.
  • Sumitani Y, Uchibe K, Yoshida K, Weng Y, Guo J, Yuan H, Ikegame M, Kamioka H, Hirohiko Okamura: Inhibitory effect of retinoic acid receptor agonists on in vitro chondrogenic differentiation. Anatomical Sci Int, 95(2), 202-208, 2020.
  • Miyano J, Kawanabe N, Fujishiro A, Kanomi R, Kamioka H: Simultaneous distal movement of the maxillary first and second premolars can be achieved by distal movement of the maxillary first molar using a headgear. Orthodontic Waves, 79(4), 171-178, 2020.
  • Shirasaki K, Ishihara Y, Komori H, Yamashiro T, Kamioka H: Comprehensive approach to simultaneous molar intrusion and canine retraction in the treatment of Class II anterior open bite using miniscrew anchorage. Dental Press J Orthod, 25(3), e1, 2020.
  • Ishihara Y, Arakawa H, Nishiyama A, Kamioka H: Occlusal reconstruction of a patient with ameloblastoma ablation using alveolar distraction osteogenesis: a case report. Head Face Med, 16(1), 12, 2020.
  • Ei Hsu Hlaing E, Ishihara Y, Fujisawa A, Yamashiro T, Kamioka H: Orthodontic management of a non-syndromic patient with concomitant bimaxillary hypohyperdontia: a case report. Dental Press J Orthod, 25(1), 36-46, 2020.
  • 星島光博, 出射明美, 福井裕子, 鳥原秀美, 松田祐典, 上岡寛: 岡山大学病院矯正歯科における永久歯先天性欠如に関する調査および矯正歯科治療症例. 岡山歯誌, 39, 19-25, 2020.
  • 菅原康代, 石原嘉人, 上岡寛: 上下顎骨切り術により顎運動の改善が見られた顎関節症を併発する骨格性下顎前突症. 中・四矯歯誌, 32, 39-50, 2020.
  • 植田紘貴, 岡直殻, 上岡寛: 下顎枝垂直骨切り術後に顎関節症状の改善と偏位側への側方滑走運動の改善を認めた顔面非対称症例. 中・四矯歯誌, 32, 51-64, 2020.
  • 早野暁, 宮本久美, 上岡寛: 歯科矯正用アンカースクリューを用いて上顎前歯および臼歯の圧下を行ったガミースマイルを伴う過蓋咬合症例. 中・四矯歯誌, 32, 17-24, 2020.
  • Wang Z, Ishihara Y, Kamioka H: The Analysis of Gap Junctional Intercellular Communication Among Osteocytes in Chick Calvariae by Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching. Methods Mol Biol, Springer, 1-9, 2020.


  • 福井裕子, 早野暁, 斎藤潤, 嶋田明, 川邉紀章, 上岡 寛: ダイアモンド・ブラックファン貧血における軟骨形成不全とRPL5変異に起因する細胞死との関連. 岡山大学次世代研究拠点シンポジウム2020, 岡山, 2020年1月10日, 優秀ポスター賞
  • 亀尾佳貴, 横山優花, 上岡寛, 安達泰治: イメージベース流体―構造連成解析による骨細管内骨細胞突起の局所的ひずみ評価. 第40回日本骨形態計測学会, 岡山, 2020年6月18日-20日, 学術奨励賞
  • 浅野洋介, 松本佳則, Wang Ziyi, 佐田憲映, 上岡寛, 和田淳: Benzonaseを用いた新規骨芽細胞分離法の開発. 第40回日本骨形態計測学会, 岡山, 2020年6月18日-20日, 若手研究者賞



  • Ei Hsu Hlaing E, Ishihara Y, Wang Z, Odagaki N, Kamioka H: Role of intracellular Ca2+-based mechanotransduction of human periodontal ligament fibroblasts. FASEB J, 33(9), 10409-10424, 2019.
  • Wang Z, Ishihara Y, Ishikawa T, Hoshijima M, Odagaki N, Ei Hsu Hlaing E, Kamioka H: Screening of key candidate genes and pathwaysfor osteocytes involved in the differential response to different types of mechanical stimulation using a bioinformatics analysis. J Bone Miner Metab, 37(4), 614-626, 2019.
  • Kunitomi Y, Hara ES, Okada M, Nagaoka N, Kuboki T, Nakano T, Kamioka H, Matsumoto T: Biomimetic mineralization using matrix vesicle nanofragments. J Biomed Mater Res A, 107(5), 1021-1030, 2019.
  • Miyazaki T, Zhao Z, Ichihara Y, Yoshino D, Imamura T, Sawada K, Hayano S, Kamioka H, Mori S, Hirata H, Araki K, Kawauchi K, Shigemoto K, Tanaka S, Bonewald LF, Honda H, Shinohara M, Nagao M, Ogata T, Harada I, Sawada Y: Mechanical regulation of bone homeostasis through p130Cas-mediated alleviation of NF-kB activity. Sci Adv, 5(9), eaau780, 2019.
  • Lotinun S, Ishihara Y, Nagano K, Kiviranta R, Carpentier VT, Neff L, Parkman V, Ide N, Hu D, Dann P, Brooks D, Bouxsein ML, Wysolmerski J, Gori F, Baron R: Cathepsin K–deficient osteocytes prevent lactation-induced bone loss and parathyroid hormone suppression. J Clin Invest, 129(8), 3058-3071, 2019.
  • Mori H, Izawa T, Mori H, Watanabe K, Kanno T, Tanaka E: Skeletal open bite with amelogenesis imperfecta treated with compression osteogenesis: a case report. Head & Face Medicine, 15(1), 3, 2019.
  • Nakamura M, Kawanabe N, Adachi R, Yamashiro T, Kamioka H: Nonsurgical orthodontic treatment of a hypodivergent adult patient with bilateral posterior scissors bite and excessive overjet. Angle Orthod, 89(2), 333-349, 2019.
  • 菅真有, 植田紘貴, 山西 沙祐里, 宮脇 正一: 舌突出癖とオトガイの偏位を伴う前歯部開咬に対して歯科矯正用アンカースクリューにより下顎臼歯部圧下と遠心移動を行った一治験例. 九州矯歯会誌, 14(1), 25-31, 2019.
  • 田中智代, 村上隆, 森谷徳文, 松村逹志, 飯田征二, 上岡寛: 歯科矯正用アンカースクリューによりデンタルコンペンセーションを図った骨格性III 級症例に対する外科的矯正治療. 日顎変形誌, 29(4), 295-303, 2019.
  • 河野加奈, 柳田剛志, 上岡寛: 咬合平面傾斜と下顎両側側切歯先天欠如を伴う叢生症例に対し歯科矯正用アンカースクリューを併用し治療を行った1症例. 中・四矯歯誌, 31(1), 39-48, 2019.
  • 上岡寛, 中村政裕, 原規子, 片岡伴記, 川邉紀章, 石本和也, 出射明美: 歯科矯正用アンカースクリューを用いた矯正歯科治療アトラス. 株式会社プロシード, 37-60, 2019.
  • 上岡寛: 成長発育概論. 歯科矯正学第6版, 医歯薬出版社 14-24, 2019.
  • Hutami IR, Tanaka E, Izawa T: Crosstalk between Fas and S1P1 signaling via NF-kB in osteoclasts controls bone destruction in the TMJ due to rheumatoid arthritis. Jpn Dent Sci Rev, 55(1), 12-19, 2019.


  • 石原嘉人, イスラインイ, 王紫儀, 菅原康代, 上岡寛: ギャップ結合を介した歯根膜細胞間コミュニケーションは骨代謝を司る:組織ライブイメージングによる検討. 第78回日本矯正歯科学会大会, 長崎, 2019年11月20日-11月22日, 優秀発表賞
  • Ei Hsu Hlaing E, Ishihara Y, Wang Z, Odagaki N, Kamioka H: Oscillatory behavior of intracellular Ca2+ in human periodontal ligment fibroblasts and its functional role in mechanotransduction system. 5th International Research Meeting on Shikata Campus, 岡山, 2019年3月7日, 優秀研究ポスター賞



  • Murshid SA, Takano-Yamamoto T, Kamioka H: Differential distribution of microtubules in immature osteocytes in vivo. J Oral Biosci, 60(4), 98-101, 2018.
  • Hayano S, Fukui Y, Kawanabe N, Kono K, Nakamura M, Ishihara Y, Kamioka H: Role of the inferior alveolar nerve in rodent lower incisor stem cells. J Dent Res, 97(8), 954-961, 2018.
  • Odagaki N, Ishihara Y, Wang Z, Ei Hsu Hlaing E, Nakamura M, Hoshijima M, Hayano S, Kawanabe N, Kamioka H: Role of Osteocyte-PDL Crosstalk in Tooth Movement via SOST/Sclerostin. J Dent Res, 97(12), 1374-1382, 2018.
  • Tanaka T, Hoshijima M, Sunaga J, Nishida T, Hashimoto M, Odagaki N, Osumi R, Aadachi T, Kamioka H: Analysis of Ca2+ response of osteocyte network by three-dimensional time-lapse imaging in living bone. J Bone Miner Metab, 36(5), 519-528, 2018.
  • Ishikawa T, Nishida T, Ono M, Takarada T, Ha N, Kurihara S, Furumatsu T, Murase Y, Takigawa M, Oohashi T, Kamioka H, Kubota S: Physiological role of urothelial cancer-associated 1 long noncoding RNA in human skeletogenic cell differentiation. J Cell Physiol, 233(6), 4825-4840, 2018.
  • Matsuda Y, Takahashi K, Kamioka H, Naruse K: Human gingival fibroblast feeder cells promote maturation of induced pluripotent stem cells into cardiomyocytes. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 503(3), 1798-1804, 2018.
  • Ishihara Y, Sugawara Y, Ei Hsu Hlaing E, Nasu M, Kataoka T, Odagaki N, Takano-Yamamoto T, Yamashiro T, Kamioka H: The orthodontic correction of severe Class II malocclusion in a patient with Prader-Willi syndrome. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop, 154(5), 718-732, 2018.
  • Yanagita T, Komori H, Tanaka T, Kamioka H: A case of adult cleft palate patient treatment with differential maxillary lateral expand distraction osteogenesis using combined expansion appliances. Orthodontic Waves, 77(3), 176-188, 2018.
  • Komori H, Kawanabe N, Kataoka T, Kato Y, Fujisawa A, Yamashiro T, Kamioka H: The different effects of intraoral vertical ramus osteotomy (IVRO) and sagital split ramus osteotomy (SSRO) on mandibular border movement. Cranio, 36(4), 228-233, 2018.
  • Liu X, Hayano S, Pan H, Inagaki M, Ninomiya-Tsuji J, Sun H, Mishina Y: Compound mutations in Bmpr1a and Tak1 synergize facial deformities via increased cell death. Genesis, 56, e23093, 2018.
  • Kramer K, Yang J, Swanson WB, Hayano S, Toda M, Pan H, Kim JK, Krebsbach PH, Mishina Y: Rapamycin rescues BMP mediated midline craniosynostosis phenotype through reduction of mTOR signaling in a mouse model. Genesis, 56, e23220, 2018.
  • Mitoh Y, Ueda H, Ichikawa H, Fujita M, Kobashi M, Matsuo R: Effects of cevimeline on excitability of parasympathetic preganglionic neurons in the superior salivatory nucleus of rats. Auton Neurosci, 206, 1-7, 2018.
  • 石川崇典, 星島光博, 川邉紀章, 上岡寛: 重度の埋伏永久歯を牽引誘導した2症例. 岡山歯誌, 37(1), 9-13, 2018.
  • 石本和也, 柳田剛志, 川邉紀章, 上岡寛: 著しい骨格性下顎前突および多数歯欠如を伴う色素失調症患者に対し外科的矯正治療および補綴処置を行った一例. 中・四矯歯誌, 30, 23-32, 2018.
  • 橋本真奈, 上岡寛: 骨組織の3次元解析. 顕微鏡, 53(3), 123-126, 2018.
  • Wang Z, Kamioka H: The temporospatial pattern of energy metabolism coordinates the interactions between the bones and other organ systems. J Oral Biosci, 60(1), 8-14, 2018.


  • 橋本真奈: コラーゲン線維束構築を阻害することで生じる骨細胞形態の変化. Skeletal Science Retreat 2018, 三浦, 2018年11月17日-18日, 優秀ディスカッション賞
  • 国富陽介, エミリオ サトシ ハラ, 岡田正弘, 上岡寛, 松本卓也: マウス頭蓋骨初期石灰化機構を模倣した新規石灰化技術の開発. 第40回日本バイオマテリアル学会大会, 神戸, 2018年11月12-13日, 優秀研究ポスター賞
  • Wang Z, Ishihara Y, Odagaki N, Ei Hsu Hlaing E, Kamioka H: Bioinformatics analysis shows candidate genes for osteocytes differentially response to different types of mechanical stimuli, 第77回日本矯正歯科学会大会, 横浜, 2018年10月30日-11月1日, 優秀発表賞
  • Ei Hsu Hlaing E, Ishihara Y, Wang Z, Odagaki N, Kamioka H: Role of intracellular Ca2+ in mechano-transduction system of human periodontal ligament fibroblasts, 第77回日本矯正歯科学会大会, 横浜, 2018年10月30日-11月1日, 優秀発表賞
  • Wang Z, Ishihara Y, Odagaki N, Ei Hsu Hlaing E, Kamioka H: Static force induces change of circadian clock genes in murine osteocytes might change sclerostin distribution, 第77回日本矯正歯科学会大会, 横浜, 2018年10月30日-11月1日, 優秀発表賞
  • Ei Hsu Hlaing E, Ishihara Y, Yamashiro T, Kamioka H: Orthodontic management of bilateral agenesis of permanent mandibular canines, 第77回日本矯正歯科学会大会, 横浜, 2018年10月30日-11月1日, 優秀発表賞
  • 鳥原秀美, 大野充昭, 上岡寛, 大橋俊: Aggrecanは長管骨の発生において重要な役割を果たす. 第77回日本矯正歯科学会大会, 横浜, 2018年10月30日-11月1日, 優秀発表賞
  • Wang Z, Ishihara Y, Odagaki N, Ei Hsu Hlaing E, Kamioka H: Investigate the mechanotransduction of osteocytes: start with bioinformatics. 平成30年度先端歯学スクール2018, 東京, 2018年8月23-24日, 優秀賞
  • Wang Z, Ishihara Y, Odagaki N, Ei Hsu Hlaing E, Kamioka H: Mechanical signals influence circadian clock genes in murine osteocytes: implications for spatial distribution of sclerostin. 第36回日本骨代謝学会学術集会, 長崎, 2018年7月26-28日, 優秀ポスター賞
  • Hayano S, Kawanabe N, Fukui Y, Kamioka H: Role of the inferior alveolar nerve in the mesenchymal stem/progenitor cells. 94th European Orthodontic Society Congress, Edinburgh, UK, 2018 June. 17-22, Best Poster Award



  • Ei Hsu Hlaing E, Ishihara Y, Hara C, Kamioka H: Modification of Dentofacial Growth Associated with Goldenhar Syndrome. Acta Med Okayama, 71(5), 437-443, 2017.
  • Hashimoto M, Nagaoka N, Tabata K, Tanaka T, Osumi R, Odagaki N, Hara T, Kamioka H: Three-dimensional morphometry of collagen fibrils in membranous bone. Integr Biol (Camb), 9(11), 868-875, 2017.
  • Kono K, Tanikawa C, Yanagita T, Kamioka H, and Yamashiro T: A novel method to detect 3D mandibular changes related to soft-diet feeding. Front Physiol, 8, 567, 2017.
  • Shimo T, Yoshioka N, Nakamura M, Ibaragi S, Okui T, Kunisada Y, Masui M, Yao M, Kishimoto K, Yoshida S, Nishiyama A, Kamioka H, Sasaki A: Orthognathic surgery during breast cancer treatment-A case report. Int J Surg Case Rep, 31, 30-34, 2017.
  • Nakamura M, Kawanabe N, Kataoka T, Murakami T, Yamashiro T, Kamioka H: Comparative evaluation of treatment outcomes between temporary anchorage devices and Class III elastics in Class III malocclusion. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop, 151(6), 1116-1124, 2017.
  • Deguchi T, Kim DG, Kamioka H: CO2 low-level laser therapy has an early but not delayed pain effect during experimental tooth movement. Orthod Craniofac Res, 20 Suppl 1, 172–176, 2017.
  • Takano-Yamamoto T, Sasaki K, Fatemeh G, Fukunaga T, Seiryu M, Daimaruya T, Takeshita N, Kamioka H, Adachi T, Ida H, Mayama A: Synergistic acceleration of experimental tooth movement by supplementary high-frequency vibration applied with a static force in rats. Sci Rep, 25;7(1):13969, 2017.
  • Ono M, Oshima M, Ogawa M, Sonoyama W, Hara ES, Oida Y, Shinkawa S, Nakajima R, Mine A, Hayano S, Fukumoto S, Kasugai S, Yamaguchi A, Tsuji T, Kuboki T: Practical whole-tooth restoration utilizing autologous bioengineered tooth germ transplantation in a postnatal canine model. Sci Rep, 7, 44522, 2017.
  • 田中智代, 村上隆, 石原嘉人, 中村政裕, 片岡伴記, 植田紘貴, 早野暁, 星島光博, 川邉紀章, 上岡寛: 岡山大学大学院歯科矯正学分野研究室における過去15年間および2013年から2016年の4年間の岡山大学の学生および職員に対する矯正相談の実態調査. 岡山歯誌, 36(2), 45-51, 2017.
  • Nakamura M, Kawanabe N, Kataoka T, Murakami T, Yamashiro T, Kamioka H: Comparative evaluation of treatment outcomes between temporary anchorage devices and Class III elastics in Class III malocclusion. http://www.ajodo.org/.2017 Jun.


  • 中村政裕, PHAN Thi Thanh Giang, 川邉紀章, 片岡伴記, 村上隆, 山城隆, 上岡寛: III級不正咬合症例における歯科矯正用アンカースクリュー使用群とIII級ゴム使用群の治療結果の比較検討. 第76回日本矯正歯科学会大会, 札幌, 2017年10月18-20日, 優秀発表賞
  • 石原嘉人, 小田垣直弥, イスライン イ, 王 紫儀, 上岡寛: ギャップ結合とConnexin43ヘミチャネルは骨細胞へのメカニカルストレスに由来したカルシウム応答を制御する. 第76回日本矯正歯科学会大会, 札幌, 2017年10月18-20日, 優秀発表賞
  • Ei Hsu Hlaing E, Ishihara Y, Hara C, Kamioka H: Goldenhar syndrome; Non-surgical orthopaedic treatment approach by modification of dentofacial growth. 8th Mandalay Dental Conference, Mandalay, 2017 Jul. 22-23, Special Award



  • Hosaki-Takamiya R, Hashimoto M, Imai Y, Nishida T, Yamada N, Mori H, Tanaka T, Kawanabe N, Yamashiro T, Kamioka H: Collagen production of osteoblasts revealed by ultra-high voltage electron microscopy. J Bone Miner Metab, 34(5), 491-499, 2016.
  • Murakami T, Kataoka T, Tagawa J, Yamashiro T, Kamioka H: Antero-posterior and vertical facial type variations influence the aesthetic preference of the antero-posterior lip positions. Eur J Orthod, 38(4), 414-421, 2016.
  • Deguchi T, Adachi R, Kamioka H, Kim DG, Fields HW, Takano-Yamamoto T, Ichikawa H, Yamashiro T: Effect of minocycline on induced glial activation by experimental tooth movement. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop, 149(6), 881-889, 2016.
  • Wang Z, Odagaki N, Tanaka T, Hashimoto M, Nakamura M, Hayano S, Ishihara Y, Kawanabe N, Kamioka H: Alternation in the gap-junctional intercellular communication capacity during the maturation of osteocytes in the embryonic chick calvaria. Bone, 91, 20-29, 2016.
  • Hara C, Kubota S, Nishida T, Hiasa M, Hattori T, Aoyama E, Moriyama Y, Kamioka H, Takigawa M: Involvement of multiple CCN family members in platelets that support regeneration of joint tissues. Mod Rheumatol, 26(6), 940-949, 2016
  • Murakami T, Kawanabe N, Kataoka T, Hoshijima M, Komori H, Fujisawa A, and Kamioka H: A Single-center, Open-label, Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of the Indirect Bonding Technique. Acta Med Okayama, 70(5), 413-416, 2016.
  • Hoshijima M, Hattori T, Takigawa M: Protocols for Screening for Binding Partners of CCN Proteins: Yeast Two-Hybrid System. Methods Mol Biol, 1489, 145-154, 2016.
  • Hattori T, Hoshijima M, Takigawa M: Protein Imaging of CCN2 and CCN3 in Living Cells. Methods Mol Biol, 1489, 211-215, 2016.
  • Sumiyoshi K, Ishihara Y, Komori H, Yamashiro T, Kamioka H: Orthodontic treatment of a patient with bilateral congenitally missing  maxillary canines: The effects of first premolar substitution on the functional outcome. Acta Med Okayama, 70(1), 57-62, 2016.
  • Nakamura M, Yanagita T, Matsumura T, Yamashiro T, Iida S, Kamioka H: A case of severe mandibular retrognathism with bilateral condylar deformities treated with Le Fort I osteotomy and two advancement genioplasty procedures. Korean J Orthod, 46(6), 395-408, 2016.
  • Sugawara Y, Ishihara Y, Takano-Yamamoto T, Yamashiro T, Kamioka H: Orthodontic treatment of a patient with unilateral orofacial muscle dysfunction: The efficacy of myofunctional therapy on the treatment outcome. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop, 150(1), 167-180, 2016.
  • Ishihara Y, Kuroda S, Sugawara Y, Balam TA, Takano-Yamamoto T, Yamashiro T: Intérêts de l’utilisation des mini-vis orthodontiques en tant qu’ancrage indirect dans la correction de l’égression d’incisives mandibulaires pour un patient présentant une classe II hypodivergente. Orthod Fr, 87(2), 229-243, 2016.
  • 早野暁, 星島光博, 石川崇典, 上岡寛: 歯科矯正用アンカースクリューおよびオクルーザルスプリントを用いて咬合再構築を行った成人開咬症例. 中・四矯歯誌, 28(1), 95-103, 2016.
  • 古森紘基, 柳田剛志, 上岡寛: 下顎第一大臼歯の頰側に埋伏した下顎両側第二大臼歯歯冠を遠心舌側方向に牽引した一症例. 中・四矯歯誌, 28(1), 57-64, 2016.
  • 柳田剛志, 高宮留美子, 加藤ゆい, 上岡寛: 歯科矯正用アンカースクリューを用いて臼歯圧下と保定を行った,重度叢生と前歯部開咬を伴う骨格性Ⅱ級,Angle ClassⅡ成人症例. 中・四矯歯誌, 28(1), 49-56, 2016.
  • 石原嘉人, 上岡寛: 骨細胞の単離と生骨中骨細胞のバイオイメージングを用いた解析. 骨・臓器ネットワークとオステオサイト, メディカルレビュー社, 22-28, 2016.
  • 上岡寛, 飯田征二, 木股敬裕: 口唇裂・口蓋裂患者に対する包括的チームアプローチについて. 日本遺伝カウンセリング会誌, 37(3), 93-98, 2016.
  • 上岡寛: 歯が移動するために骨中で何が行われているのか?. 中・四国矯正歯科学会雑誌, 28(1), 17-22, 2016.


  • Ishihara Y, Lotinun S, Ferguson VL, Bateman TA, Stodieck LS, Paszty C, Bouxsein ML, Baron R: Evidence for Autocrine Effects of Sclerostin on Osteocytes: Sclerostin Antibody Treatment Prevents Spaceflight-induced Osteocytic Osteolysis and Skeletal Bone Loss in Mice. ASBMR 2016 Annual Meeting, Atlanta, 2016 Sep. 16-19, Travel Award
  • 田中智代, 星島光博, 須長純子, 西田崇, 安達泰治, 上岡寛: 骨組織の3次元タイムラプスイメージングによる細胞内カルシウム応答の解析. 第34回日本骨代謝学会学術集会, 大阪, 2016年7月20-23日, ANZBMS 2016 Travel Award
  • 橋本真奈, 小田垣直弥, 上岡寛: モデリング期での骨細胞ネットワーク形成に与えるコラーゲン線維集束化の関与. 第34回日本骨代謝学会学術集会, 大阪, 2016年7月20-23日, ASBMR 2016 Travel Award
  • Ei Ei Hsu Hlaing: Difference of Condylar Path Length between Facial Symmetric and Asymmetric Orthognathic Surgery Patients. 7th Mandalay Dental Conference, Mandalay, Myanmar, 2016 Jul. 24, Special Award
  • 橋本真奈, 長岡紀幸, 原徹, 上岡寛: モデリング期骨組織における骨細胞ネットワーク形成とコラーゲン線維集束化の関与. 第75回日本矯正歯科学会大会, 徳島, 2016年11月7-9日, 優秀発表賞
  • 石原嘉人, ボクサイン メアリー, バロン ローランド: Sclerostin中和抗体は宇宙飛行による骨量減少と骨細胞性骨溶解を防ぐ-骨細胞のSclerostin自己分泌の新事実-.第75回日本矯正歯科学会大会, 徳島, 2016年11月7-9日, 優秀発表賞
  • 河野加奈, 谷川千尋, 柳田剛志, 上岡寛, 山城隆: 食餌性状がマウス下顎骨の三次元形態に及ぼす影響. 第75回日本矯正歯科学会大会, 徳島, 2016年11月7-9日, 優秀発表賞
  • 石本和也: Topical Application of Lithium Chloride on the Pulp Induces Dentin Regeneration. 第37回岡山歯学会総会・学術大会, 岡山, 2016年10月16日, 岡山歯学会奨励論文賞



  • Ishihara Y, Tomikawa K, Deguchi T, Honjo T, Suzuki K, Kono T, Kuboki T, Kamioka H, Takashiba S, Yamashiro T: Interdisciplinary orthodontic treatment for a patient with generalized aggressive periodontitis: Assessment of IgG antibodies to identify type of periodontitis and correct timing of treatment. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop, 147(6), 766-780, 2015.
  • Hoshijima M, Honjo T, Moritani N, Iida S, Yamashiro T, Kamioka H : Advancement for unilateral crossbite in a patient with sleep apnea syndrome. Acta Med Okayama, 69(3), 177-182, 2015.
  • Agarwal S, Loder SJ, Brownley C, Eboda O, Peterson JR, Hayano S, Wu B, Zhao B, Kaartinen V, Wong VC, Mishina Y, Levi B: BMP signaling mediated by constitutively active Activin type 1 receptor (ACVR1) results in ectopic bone formation localized to distal extremity joints. Dev Biol, 400(2), 202-209, 2015.
  • Deguchi T, Terao F, Aonuma T, Kataoka T, Sugawara Y, Yamashiro T, Takano-Yamamoto T: Outcome assessment of lingual and labial appliances compared with cephalometric analysis, peer assesment rating, and objective. Angle Orthod, 85(3), 400-407, 2015.
  • Hayano S, Komatsu Y, Pan H, Mishina Y: Augmented BMP signaling in the neural crest inhibits nasal cartilage morphogenesis by inducing p53-mediated apoptosis. Development, 142(7), 1357-1367, 2015.
  • Ishimoto K, Hayano S, Yanagita T, Kurosaka H, Kawanabe N, Itoh S, Ono M, Kuboki T, Kamioka H, Yamashiro T: Topical Application of Lithium Chloride on the Pulp Induces Dentin Regeneration. PLoS One, 10(3), e0121938, 2015.
  • Islam MN, Itoh S, Yanagita T, Sumiyoshi K, Hayano S, Kuremoto K, Kurosaka H, Honjo T, Kawanabe N, Kamioka H, Sakai T, Ishimaru N, Taniuchi I, Yamashiro T: Runx/Cbfb signaling regulates postnatal development of granular convoluted tubule in the mouse submandibular gland. Dev Dyn, 244(3), 488-496, 2015.
  • Kawanabe N, Fukushima H, Ishihara Y, Yanagita T, Kurosaka H and Yamashiro Y: Isolation and characterization of SSEA-4-positive subpopulation of human deciduous dental pulp cells. Clin Oral Investig, 19(2), 363-371, 2015.
  • 河野加奈, 川邉紀章, 柳田剛志, 古森紘基, 加藤ゆい, 田川淳平, 加野小奈美, 片岡伴記, 上岡寛: 岡山大学病院矯正歯科を受診している患者の矯正治療に対する意識と満足度の調査. 岡山歯誌, 34(1), 33-45, 2015.
  • 中村政裕, 川邉紀章, 山城隆, 上岡寛: 下顎両側第一大臼歯抜歯空隙への下顎第二大臼歯および埋伏第三大臼歯の近心移動を行った前歯部開咬症例. 中・四矯歯誌, 27(1), 1-10, 2015.
  • 吉田登志子, 山中玲子, 菅原康代, 伊原木聰一郎, 村上 隆, 村田尚道, 志茂 剛, 柳田剛志, 縄稚久美子, 星加知宏: 早期見学実習の一環として実施した振り返りを取り入れたエスコート実習の評価-過去8年間の検討-.日歯教誌, 31(1), 16-24, 2015.
  • 上岡寛: 骨細胞. 骨ペディア, 羊土社, 101-104, 2015.
  • 菅原康代, 上岡寛: 歯科矯正治療における骨代謝. 骨ペディア, 羊土社, 264-265, 2015.
  • Graf D, Malik Z, Hayano S, Mishina Y: Common mechanisms in development and disease: BMP signaling in craniofacial development. Cytokine Growth Factor Rev, 27, 129-139.2015.
  • Kamioka H: Osteocyte bioimaging. J Oral Biosci, 57(2) 61-64, 2015.
  • 上岡寛: 歯の移動と骨細胞の役割. Clinical Calcium, 25(10), 138-144, 2015.


  • Takamiya R, Hashimoto M, Imai Y, Nishida N, Mori H, Tanaka T, Kawanabe N, Yamashiro T, Kamioka H: Collagen production of osteoblasts revealed by ultra-high voltage electron microscopy. ASBMR 2015 Annual Meeting, Seattle, 2015 Oct. 9-12, Plenary Poster



  • Ishihara Y, Kuroda S, Sugawara Y, Kurosaka H, Takano-Yamamoto T, Yamashiro T: Long-term stability of implant-anchored orthodontics in an adult patient with Class II division 2 malocclusion and a unilateral molar scissors bite. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop, 145(4), S100-13, 2014.
  • Ishihara Y, Sugawara Y, Kamioka H, Kawanabe N, Naruse K, Yamashiro T: Oscillatory intracellular Ca2+ responses in living bone. J Oral Biosci, 56(2), 49-53, 2014.
  • Kawanabe N, Fukushima H, Ishihara Y, Yanagita T, Kurosaka H, Yamashiro T: Isolation and characterization of SSEA-4-positive subpopulation of human deciduous dental pulp cells. Clin Oral Investig, 2014. in press
  • Yanagita T, Nakamura M, Kawanabe N, Yamashiro T: Class II malocclusion with complex problems, including an anterior deep bite, premolar crossbite, lateral open bite and severe crowding, successfully treated with the modified use of lingual orthodontic appliances. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop, 146, 98-107, 2014.
  • Tagawa J, Inoue T, Naito M, Sato K, Kuwahara T, Nakayama M, Nakayama K, Yamashiro T, Ohara N: Development of a novel plasmid vector pTIO-1 adapted for electrotransformation of Porphyromonas gingivalis. Journal of Microbiological Methods, 105, 174-9, 2014.
  • 石原嘉人, 菅原康代, 上岡寛, 川邉紀章, 成瀬恵治, 山城隆: 蛍光ライブイメージングを用いた骨組織中における細胞内カルシウムオシレーションの計測. 日本骨形態計測学会雑誌, 24(1), 15-22, 2014.
  • 村上隆, 片岡伴記, 川邉紀章, 山城隆, 上岡寛: 審美的に好ましい上唇‐下唇‐オトガイの前後的位置関係に関するアンケート調査. 中・四国矯正歯科学会雑誌, 26(1), 19-24, 2014.
  • 福島宏明, 本城正, 片岡伴記, 川邉紀章, 山城隆, 上岡寛: 歯科矯正用アンカースクリューを用いて下顎前歯の圧下により過蓋咬合を治療したAngle II級成人症例. 中・四国矯正歯科学会雑誌, 26(1), 2014.
  • 石原嘉人, 上岡寛: 骨細胞の機能イメージング. THE BONE, 28(2), 夏号「骨バイオイメージング」, 2014.
  • 上岡寛: 先輩に続け. 特大広報 とくtalk. No.156. 夏号, 2014.


  • Kameo Y, Ootao Y, Ishihara M, Kamioka H, Adachi T: Deformation simulation of osteocyte process in canaliculus using three-dimensional image-based model. International Symposium on Mechanociology 2014, Okayama, Japan, May 20-23, 2014.
  • 中村政裕, 柳田剛志, 山城隆, 上岡寛: 重度下顎骨後退位症例に対する外科的矯正治療の一例. 第73回日本矯正歯科学会大会, 千葉市, 2014. 10. 22-24, 優秀発表賞
  • 菅原康代: The early mouse 3D osteocyte network in the presence and absence of mechanical loading. 第35回岡山歯学会総会・学術総会, 岡山市, 2014. 10. 26, 岡山歯学会優秀論文賞特別講演



  • Kato R, Ishihara Y, Kawanabe N, Sumiyoshi K, Yoshikawa Y, Nakamura M, Imai Y, Yanagita T, Fukushima H, Kamioka H, Takano-Yamamoto T, Yamashiro T: Gap junction-mediated communication in human periodontal ligament cells. J Dent Res, 92(7), 635-640, 2013.
  • Kataoka T, Kawanabe N, Shiraga N, Hashimoto T, Deguchi T, Miyawaki S, Takano-Yamamoto T, Yamashiro T: The influence of craniofacial morphology on mandibular border movements. Cranio, 31(1), 14-22, 2013.
  • Nakagawa Y, Minato M, Sumiyoshi K, Maeda A, Hara C, Murase Y, Nishida T, Kubota S, Takigawa M: Regulation of CCN1 via the 3'-untranslated region. J Cell Commun Signal, 7(3), 207-217, 2013.
  • Ishihara Y, Kuroda S, Sugawara Y, Balam TA, Takano-Yamamoto T, Yamashiro T: Indirect usage of miniscrew anchorage to intrude overerupted mandibular incisors in a Class II patient with a deep overbite. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthiop, 143(4), S113-124, 2013.
  • Sumiyoshi K, Kubota S, Ohgawara T, Kawata K, Tarek A. Kader, Nishida T, Ikeda N, Shimo T, Yamashiro T, Takigawa M: Novel role of miR-181a in cartilage metabolism. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, 114(9). 2094-100, 2013.
  • Murakami T, Fujii A, Kawabata Y, Takakura H, Yamaue R, Balam TA, Kuroda S, Kawanabe N, Kamioka H, Yamashiro T: Relationship between Orthodontic Expertise and Perception of Need for Orthodontic Treatment for Mandibular Protrusion in Japan. Acta Medica Okayama, 67(5), 277-283, 2013.
  • Murakami T, Kamioka H, Oya S, Yamashiro T: A case of skeletal Class II open bite corrected with two phase non-extraction treatment. The Journal of Okayama Dental Society, 32(1), 9-15, 2013.
  • Sugawara Y, Kamioka H, Ishihara Y, Fujisawa N, Kawanabe N, Yamashiro T: The early mouse 3D osteocyte network in the presence and absence of mechanical loading. Bone, 52(1), 189-196, 2013.
  • Ishihara Y, Kuroda S, Sumiyoshi K, Takano-Yamamoto T, Yamashiro T: Extraction of the lateral incisors to treat maxillary protrusion: Quantitative evaluation of the stomatognathic functions. Angle Orthod, 83(2), 341-354, 2013.
  • Huang B, Takahashi K, Yamazaki T, Saito K, Yamori M, Asai K, Yoshikawa Y, Kamioka H, Yamashiro T, Bessho K: Assessing anteroposterior basal bone discrepancy with the Dental Aesthetic Index. Angle Orthod, 83(3), 527-532, 2013.
  • Ishihara Y, Sugawara Y, Kamioka H, Kawanabe N, Hayano S, Balam T A, Naruse K, Yamashiro T: Ex vivo real-time observation of Ca (2+) signaling in living bone in response to shear stress applied on the bone surface. Bone, 53(1), 204-215, 2013.
  • Yanagita T, Adachi R, Kamioka H, Yamashiro T: A case of severe open bite due to traumatic condylar fractures treated with non-surgical orthodontic treatment using implanted miniscrew anchorage. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop, 143(4 Suppl.), 137-147, 2013.
  • 菅原康代, 石原嘉人, 山本照子, 山城隆: 先天性多数歯欠如を有するダウン症候群症例. Orthodontic Wave Japanese Edition, 72(3), 186-191, 2013.
  • 菅原康代, 村上隆, 田川淳平, 星島光博, 柳田剛志, 石原嘉人, 片岡伴記, 伊藤慎将, 川邉紀章, 上岡寛, 山城隆: 岡山大学大学院歯科矯正学分野研究室における2008年から2012年の5年間の岡山大学の学生および職員に対する矯正相談の実態調査. 岡山歯誌, 32(1), 43-47, 2013.
  • 佐藤正明, 安達泰治, 上岡寛, 神崎展: 物理刺激に対する筋骨格系細胞の形態的および機能的応答解析. J Musculoskelet Med, 24(4), 404-408, 2013.


  • Murakami T, Kataoka T, Yanagita T, Ueda Y, Nishiki A, Hotta T, Kamioka H, Yamashiro T.: Vertical skeletal variations influence esthetic preference of anteroposterior lip positions. The 3rd International Symposium of Medical and Dental Education in Okayama, Okayama, Japan, September 22-23, 2013.
  • 石原嘉人: 歯科矯正用アンカースクリューを間接的な固定源に用いた新しい下顎前歯圧下法の提案. 第72回日本矯正歯科学会大会, 松本市, 2013.10.7-9, 優秀発表賞
  • 加藤龍史, 石原嘉人, 川邉紀章, 住吉久美, 吉川祐介, 福島宏明, 上岡寛, 山本照子, 山城 隆: ヒト歯根膜細胞におけるギャップ結合を介した細胞間コミュニケーションの骨代謝へ及ぼす影響. 第72回日本矯正歯科学会大会, 松本市, 2013.10.7-9, 優秀発表賞
  • 石原 嘉人: 骨組織中でのライブイメージングを用いた自律性細胞内カルシウムオシレーションの検討. 第55回歯科基礎医学会学術大会・総会, 岡山, 2013.9.20-22, 歯科基礎医学会賞
  • 上岡寛: 骨細胞による機械的刺激の感受能について. The Bone, 27(3), 65-70, 2013.



  • Ishihara Y, Kamioka H, Takano-Yamamoto T, Yamashiro T: Patient with nonsyndromic bilateral and multiple impacted teeth and dentigerous cysts. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop, 141(2), 228-241, 2012.
  • Kawanabe N, Murata S, Fukushima H, Ishihara Y, Yanagita T, Yanagita E, Ono M, Kurosaka H, Kamioka H, Itoh T, Kuboki T, Yamashiro T: Stage-specific embryonic antigen-4 identifies human dental pulp stem cells. Exp Cell Res, 318(5), 453-463, 2012.
  • Hayano S., Kurosaka H., Yanagita T., Kalus I., Milz F., Ishihara Y., Islam MN., Kawanabe N., Saito M., Kamioka H., Adachi T., Dierks T., Yamashiro T.: Roles of heparan sulfate sulfation in dentinogenesis. J. Biol. Chem., 287 (15), 12217-12229, 2012.
  • Ishihara Y, Sugawara Y, Kamioka H, Kawanabe N, Kurosaka H, Naruse K, Yamashiro T: In situ imaging of the autonomous intracellular Ca (2+) oscillations of osteoblasts and osteocytes in bone. Bone, 50(4), 842-852, 2012.
  • Fujisawa N, Terayama R, Yamaguchi D, Omura S, Yamashiro T, Sugimoto T: Fos protein-like immunoreactive neurons induced by electrical stimulation in the trigeminal sensory nuclear complex of rats with chronically injured peripheral nerve. Exp Brain Res, 219(2), 191-201, 2012.
  • Hoshijima M, Hattori T, Aoyama E, Nishida T, Yamashiro T, Takigawa M: Roles of heterotypic CCN2/CTGF-CCN3/NOV and homotypic CCN2-CCN2 interactions in expression of the differentiated phenotype of chondrocytes. FEBS J, 279(19), 3584-97, 2012.
  • Kamioka H, Kameo Y, Imai Y, Bakker AD, Bacabac RG, Yamada N, Takaoka A, Yamashiro T, Adachi T, Klein-Nulend J: Microscale fluid flow analysis in a human osteocyte canaliculus using a realistic high-resolution image-based three-dimensional model. Integr Biol (Camb), 2012.
  • Fukushima H, Kawanabe N, Murata S, Ishihara Y, Yanagita T, Balam T A, Yamashiro T: SSEA-4 is a Marker of Human Deciduous Periodontal Ligament Stem Cells. J Dent Res, 91(10), 955-60, 2012.
  • Ishihara Y, Kuroda S, Nishiyama A, Sasaki A, Takano-Yamamoto T, Yamashiro T: Functional improvements after orthodontic-surgical reconstruction in a patient with multiple maxillofacial fractures. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop, 142 (4), 534-545, 2012.
  • Honjo T, Kubota S, Kamioka H, Sugawara Y, Ishihara Y, Yamashiro T, Takigawa M, Takano-Yamamoto T: Promotion of Ccn2 expression and osteoblastic differentiation by actin polymerization, which is induced by laminar fluid flow stress. J Cell Commun Signal, 6 (4), 225-232, 2012.
  • Kumada A, Matsuka Y, Spigelman I, Maruhama K, Yamamoto Y, Neubert JK, Nolan TA, Watanabe K, Maekawa K, Kamioka H, Yamashiro T, Kuboki T, Oguma K.: Intradermal injection of Botulinum toxin type A alleviates infraorbital nerve constriction-induced thermal hyperalgesia in an operant assay. J Oral Rehabil, 39 (1), 63-72. 2012.
  • 児島梓, 江國大輔, 古田美智子, 入江浩一郎, 東哲司, 水谷慎介, 山中玲子, 友藤孝明, 森田学, 山本龍生, 村上隆, 山城隆, 古賀光, 岩崎良章, 清水幸登, 大西勝, 小倉俊郎: 大学新入生の口腔健康状態の調査 性差および経年的変化の検討. CAMPUS HEALTH, 49 (3), 91-96, 2012.
  • 本城正, 片岡伴記, 保崎留美子, 村上隆, 山城隆: ミニスクリューを固定源として用いたhigh mandibular plane angleを呈する重度叢生症例. 中・四国矯正歯科学会雑誌, 24 (1), 81-90, 2012.
  • 冨田奈緒, 上岡寛, 植田紘貴, 山城隆: ミニスクリューを用いて重度の前歯部開咬を改善した症例. 中・四国矯正歯科学会雑誌, 24 (1), 63-71, 2012.
  • 上岡寛, ⼭城隆: 【Osteocyte〜骨の司令塔としての役割〜】 骨細胞による機械的刺激の感知, Clinical Calcium, 22 (5), 97-104, 2012.
  • 山城隆: 矯正歯科臨床と分子情報. 東京矯正歯科学会雑誌, 22 (1), 35-40, 2012.
  • 上岡寛: 理解を助けるトレーニング問題2, 月刊 Clinical Calcium, 医薬ジャーナル社, 2012;21(5):129.


  • Yanagita T, Kuroda S, Takano-Yamamoto T, Yamashiro T: Class III malocclusion with complex problems of lateral open bite and severe crowding successfully treated with miniscrew anchorage and lingual orthodontic brackets. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop, 139(5), 679-89, 2011. College Diplomates of the American Board of Orthodontics 2021 Case report of the year受賞
  • Ishihara Y, Sugawara Y, Kamioka H, Kawanabe N, Naruse K, Yamashiro T: Live imaging of fluid flow-induced Ca2+ signaling of osteoblasts and osteocytes in bone: implications for gap junctional intercellular communication. The ASBMR 34th Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, 2012. 10. 12-15. ASBMR 2012 President's Poster Presentation Award受賞.
  • Ishihara Y., Sugawara Y., Kamioka H., Kawanabe N., Naruse K., Yamashiro T.: Live imaging of fluid flow-induced Ca2+ signaling of osteoblasts and osteocytes in bone: implications for gap junctional intercellular communication. The ASBMR 34th Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, USA, October 12-15, 2012. ASBMR 2012 President's Poster Presentation Award受賞.
  • Kawanabe N, Fukushima H, Murata S, Ishihara Y, Yanagita T, Tarek A Balam, Yamashiro T: Stage-specific embryonic antigen-4 is a marker of human deciduous periodontal ligament stem cells. The ASBMR 34th Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, 2012. 10. 12-15.
  • Ishihara Y, Sugawara Y, Kamioka H, Kawanabe N, Naruse K, Yamashiro T: In situ imaging of the autonomous intracellular Ca2+ oscillations of osteoblasts and osteocytes in bone. 1st Asia-Pacific Bone and Mineral Research Meeting with ANZBMS 22nd Annual Scientific Meeting Perth, Australia, 2012. 9. 2-5
  • Murakami T, Kawanabe N, Kamioka H, Yamashiro T: Relationship between orthodontic expertise and perception of treatment needs for mandibular protrusion in Japanese subjects. European Orthodontic Society 88th Congress, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 2012. 6. 18-23.
  • Hayano S, Kurosaka H, Kalus I, Adachi T, Saito M, Dierks T, Yamashiro T: Roles of Heparan Sulfate Modifications in Dentinogenesis. MRI-ART-ITP国際シンポジウムin牛窓, 岡山市, 2012. 1. 28.
  • 石原 嘉人, 菅原 康代, 上岡 寛, 川邉 紀章, 成瀬 恵治, 山城 隆: 蛍光ライブイメージングを用いた骨組織中における自律性細胞内カルシウムオシレーションの計測. 第32回骨形態計測学会, 大阪, 2012.6.7-9, 学術奨励賞
  • 石原嘉人, 菅原康代, 上岡寛, 川邉紀章, 柳田剛士, 住吉久美, 山城隆: イノシトール三リン酸は生きた骨組織中における細胞内応答必須因子. 第71回日本矯正歯科学会大会, 盛岡市, 2012. 9. 26-28. 優秀発表賞
  • 保崎留美子, 上岡寛, 今井裕一, 石原嘉人, 菅原康代, 山城隆: 電子トモグラフィー法による骨芽細胞のコラーゲン排出過程の観察. 第71回日本矯正歯科学会大会, 盛岡市, 2012. 9. 26-28. 学術大会優秀発表賞
  • 石原嘉人, 菅原康代, 上岡寛, 山城隆: 生体ライブイメージングを用いた骨組織中における自律性細胞内カルシウムオシレーションの解析. 第30回骨代謝学会学術集会, 東京, 2012. 7. 19-21. ANZBMS 2012 Travel Award受賞



  • Kumada A, Matsuka Y, Spigelman I, Maruhama K, Yamamoto Y, Neubert JK, Nolan TA, Watanabe K, Maekawa K, Kamioka H, Yamashiro T, Kuboki T, Oguma K: Intradermal injection of Botulinum toxin type A alleviates infraorbital nerve constriction-induced thermal hyperalgesia in an operant assay. J Oral Rehabil, 39(1), 63-72, 2012.
  • Shintaku Y, Murakami T, Yanagita T, Kawanabe N, Fukunaga T, Matsuzaki K, Uematsu S, Yoshida Y, Kamioka H, Takano-Yamamoto T, Takada K, Yamashiro T: Sox9 expression during fracture repair. Cells Tissues Organs, 194(1), 38-48, 2011.
  • Kurosaka H, Islam MN, Kuremoto K, Hayano S, Nakamura M, Kawanabe N, Yanagita T, Rice DP, Harada H, Taniuchi I, Yamashiro T: Core binding factor beta functions in the maintenance of stem cells and orchestrates continuous proliferation and differentiation in mouse incisors. Stem Cells, 29(11), 1792-803, 2011.
  • Fukunaga T, Honjo T, Sakai Y, Sasaki K, Takano-Yamamoto T, Yamashiro T: A case report of multidisciplinary treatment of an adult patient with bilateral cleft lip and palate. Cleft Palate Craniofac J, 2011.
  • Ekuni D, Furuta M, Irie K, Azuma T, Tomofuji T, Murakami T, Yamashiro T, Ogura T, Morita M: Relationship between impacts attributed to malocclusion and psychological stress in young Japanese adults. Eur J Orthod, 33(5), 558-63, 2011.
  • Ueda H, Mitoh Y, Fujita M, Kobashi M, Yamashiro T, Sugimoto T, Ichikawa H, Matsuo R: Muscarinic receptor immunoreactivity in the superior salivatory nucleus neurons innervating the salivary glands of the rat. Neurosci Lett, 499(1), 42-6, 2011.
  • Yanagita T, Kuroda S, Takano-Yamamoto T, Yamashiro T: Class III malocclusion with complex problems of lateral open bite and severe crowding successfully treated with miniscrew anchorage and lingual orthodontic brackets. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop, 139(5), 679-89, 2011.
  • Sugawara Y, Ando R, Kamioka H, Ishihara Y, Honjo T, Kawanabe N, Kurosaka H, Takano-Yamamoto T, Yamashiro T: The three-dimensional morphometry and cell-cell communication of the osteocyte network in chick and mouse embryonic calvaria. Calcif Tissue Int, 88(5), 416-24, 2011.
  • Deguchi T, Kurosaka H, Oikawa H, Kuroda S, Takahashi I, Yamashiro T, Takano-Yamamoto T: Comparison of orthodontic treatment outcomes in adults with skeletal open bite between conventional edgewise treatment and implant-anchored orthodontics. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop, 139(4 Suppl), S60-8, 2011.
  • 片岡伴記, 上岡寛, 川辺紀章, 本城正, 菅原康代, 村上隆, 柳田剛志, 石原嘉人, 山城隆: 岡山大学病院矯正歯科を受診しⅡ期治療を開始した初診患者の実態調査. 中四国矯正歯科学会雑誌. 23 (1), 83-91, 2011.
  • 山城 隆: 最新歯科衛生士教本 咀嚼障害・咬合異常2 歯科矯正. 医歯薬学出版株式会社, 2011.


  • Bakker AD, Imai I, Bacabac RG, Yamashiro T, Klein-Nulend J, Kamioka H: The Microstructure of Osteocyte Cell Processes Revealed by Ultra-high Voltage Electron Microscopy Tomography. 4th European Cell Mechanics Meeting, Amsterdam, 2011. 10. 17-19
  • Kamioka H, Kameo Y, Imai Y, Bakker AD, Bacabac RG, Yamashiro T, Adachi T, Klein-Nulend J: Microscale fluid-flow analysis in osteocyte canaliculus using high-resolution image-based models. The American Society for Bone and Mineral Research (ASBMR) 2011 Annual Meeting. San Diego, 2011. 9. 16.
  • Hoshijima M, Hattori T, Aoyama E, Nishida T, Yamashiro T, Takigawa M: Roles of the heterotypic CCN2/CTGF-CCN3/NOV and homotypic CCN2-CCN2 interactions in matrix synthesis in chondrocytes. 2011 ASBMR Young Investigator Annual Meeting Travel Grants (plenary poster presentation). San Diego, 2011. 9. 16.
  • Kawanabe N, Murata S, Fukushima H, Ishihara Y, Kurosaka H, Kamioka H, Yamashiro T: Stage-Specific Embryonic Antigen-4 Identifies Human Dental Pulp Stem Cells. The American Society for Bone and Mineral Research (ASBMR) 2011 Annual Meeting San Diego, 2011. 9. 16-20.
  • Ishihara Y, Sugawara Y, Kamioka H, Kawanabe N, Kurosaka H, Naruse K, Yamashiro T: Ex-vivo imaging of the autonomous intracellular Ca2+ oscillations of osteoblasts and osteocytes in bone. The American Society for Bone and Mineral Research (ASBMR) 2011 Annual Meeting San Diego, 2011. 9. 16-20.
  • Hayano S, Kurosaka H, Kalus I, Adachi T, Saito M, Dierks T, Yamashiro T: Roles of Heparan Sulfate Modifications in Dentinogenesis. 89th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR - Hatton award competition, San Diego, 2011. 3. 14-19.
  • Takeshita N, Murakami T, Fukunaga T, Hiratsuka K, Abiko Y, Yamashiro T, Takano-Yamamoto T: Expression of Ten-m/Odz3 in the fibrous layer of mandibular condylar cartilage and the early stage of chondrogenic differentiation of ATDC5 cells. 第4回インターフェイス口腔保健科学国際シンポジウム, Sendai, 2011. 3. 7-8.
  • Ito S, Hattori T, Tomita N, Aoyama E, Yamashiro T, Takigawa M: Cartilage-specific overexpression of CCN2 protects articular cartilage from age-related osteoarthritis-like changes. Gordon Research Conference on Cartilage Biology and Pathology, Ventura, 2011. 3. 6-11.
  • Itoh S, Hattori T, Tomita N, Aoyama E, Yamashiro T, Takigawa M: Cartilage-specific overexpression of CCN2/CTGF protects articular cartilage from age-related osteoarthritis-like changes. International Symposium: Network for International Education and Research in Advanced Dental Sciences, Niigata, 2011. 2. 9-10.
  • 菅原康代, 上岡寛, 石原嘉人, 藤澤直子, 山城隆: マウス大腿骨中の三次元骨細胞ネットワークは外部環境によって変化する. 第70回日本矯正歯科学会&第4回国際会議学術大会, 名古屋市, 2011. 10. 20. 優秀発表賞
  • 石原嘉人, 菅原康代, 上岡寛, 川邉紀章, 黒坂寛, 成瀬恵治, 山城隆: 生体ライブイメージングを用いた骨組織中における自律性細胞内カルシウムオシレーションの検討. 第70回日本矯正歯科学会&第4回国際会議学術大会, 名古屋市, 2011. 10. 20. 優秀発表賞



  • Sumiyoshi K, Kubota S, Ohgawara T, Kawata K, Nishida T, Shimo T, Yamashiro T, Takigawa M: Identification of miR-1 as a micro RNA that supports late-stage differentiationof growth cartilage cells. Biochem. Biophys. Res Commun, 12, 402(2), 286-290, 2010.
  • Murakami T, Fukunaga T, Takeshita N, Hiratsuka K, Abiko Y, Yamashiro T, Takano-Yamamoto T: Expression of Ten-m/Odz3 in the fibrous layer of mandibular condylarcartilage during postnatal growth in mice. J Anat, 217(3), 236-244, 2010.
  • E L, Irie M, Nagaoka N, Yamashiro T, Suzuki K: Mechanical properties of a resin-modified glass ionomer cement for luting:effect of adding spherical silica filler. Dent Mater J, 29(3), 253-261, 2010.
  • Kuroda S, Fuji A, Sugie M, Uoi S, Kondo R, Ando R, Yamashiro T: Relationship between orthodontic expertise and perception of treatmentneeds for maxillary protrusion: comparison of dental students, residents, andorthodontists. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop, 137(3), 340-345, 2010.
  • Ishihara Y, Kuroda S, Kawanabe N, Takano-Yamamoto T, Yamashiro T: Intraoral vertical ramus osteotomy improved the stomatognathic function in an elderly patient with mandibular protrusion: a case report. Acta Med Okayama, 64(5), 345-349, 2010.
  • 完山学, 本城正, 高柴正悟, 藪中友絵, 山本悠美子, 藤田泰弘, 山城隆, 窪木拓男: 咬合崩壊を来した重度歯周炎患者に対する歯周・矯正・補綴専門医によるInterdisciplinary Approach. 岡山歯学会雑誌(0913-3941), 29(1), 55-60, 2010.
  • 上岡寛, 山城隆: 骨細胞の3次元形態解析, THE BONE(0914-7047), 24(1), 3-7, 2010.


  • Hayano S, Kurosaka H, Saito M, Kalus I, Dierks T, Yamashiro T: Roles of Heparan Sulfate Modifications in Dentinogenesis, 第58回国際歯科研究学会日本部会総会・学術大会, 福岡市, 2010. 11. 20-21.
  • Itoh S, Hattori T, Tomita N, Aoyama E, Yamashiro T, Takigawa M: Cartilage-specific overexpression of CCN2/CTGF protects articular cartilage from age-related osteoarthritis-like changes, The 6th International Workshop on the CCN Family of the Genes, Newcastle, 2010. 10. 20-24.
  • Hayano S: Roles of heparan sulfate modifications in dentinogeneis. IADR Hatton Award 2011, San Diego, 2010. 9. 3.
  • Hayano S, Kurosaka H, Saito M, Kalus I, Dierks T, Yamashiro T: Remodeling of Heparan sulfate sulfation play important roles during dentinogenesis. JADR Hatton award competition, Tokyo, 2010. 8. 27.
  • Kawanabe N, Murata S, Murakami K, Ishihara Y, Hayano S, Kurosaka H, Kamioka H, Takano-Yamamoto T, Yamashiro T: SSEA-4 identifies human periodontal ligament stem cells. 88th International Association for Dental Research & American Association for Dental Research, Barcelona, 2010. 6. 14-17.
  • Ishihara Y, Sugawara Y, Kamioka H, Honjo T, Kurosaka H, Kawanabe N, Yamashiro T: Direct Imaging of Flow-induced Oscillatory Calcium Rise in Living Bone. 88th International Association for Dental Research & American Association for Dental Research, Barcelona, 2010. 6. 14-17.
  • Ito S: Cartilage-specific overexpression of CCN2/CTGF protects articular cartilage from age-related osteoarthritis-like changes. Young Springer Award 6th International CCN Workshop, 2010. 6. 15.
  • Yamashiro T: Molecular and Cellular Pathogenesis of cleft palate-Fgfs and Runxs family genes in tooth and palatal development-. NCMLS (Nijmegen Center for Molecular Life Science) SEMINAR, Radboud University Nijmegen, Nijmegen7,.2010. 4. 21.
  • Yamashiro T: Fgfs and Runxs family genes in tooth and palatal development-. Ceminar of Center for Human Genetics, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Molecular and Cellular Pathogenesis of cleft palate- Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, 2010. 4. 19.
  • Yamashiro T: Recent Advances in Orthodontic Diagnosis and Techniques, Molecular and Cellular Pathogenesis of cleft palate. The 2nd International Conference on Orthodontic Treatment, Hiroshima, 2010. 4. 3-4.
  • Yamashiro T: Molecular and Cellular Pathogenesis of cleft palate. The 7th International Orthodontic Congress, Sydney, 2010. 2. 6-9.
  • Ishihara Y, Sugawara Y, Kamioka H, Honjo T, Kurosaka H, Kawanabe N, Yamashiro T: Direct Imaging of Flow-induced Oscillatory Calcium Rise in Living Bone. JADR Hatton award competition, Tokyo, 2010. 1. 25.
  • 菅原康代, 石原嘉人, 山本照子, 山城隆: 全身の偏側性筋力低下が認められる患者に筋機能療法を併用した矯正治療を行った症例. 第69回日本矯正歯科学会大会, 横浜, 2010.9.27-29. 第69回日本矯正歯科学会学術大会優秀発表賞
  • 石原嘉人, 菅原康代, 上岡寛, 川邉紀章, 成瀬恵治, 山城隆, 骨組織内ライブイメージングを用いた機械的刺激に対する細胞内カルシウム応答の検討. 第69回日本矯正歯科学会大会, 横浜, 2010.9.27-29. 第69回日本矯正歯科学会学術大会優秀発表賞
  • 伊藤慎将: CCN2/CTGFの関節軟骨アンチエイジング作用ー軟骨組織特異的CCN2/CTGF過剰発現によりマウスの膝関節軟骨は加齢後もより正常に近い形質を維持する. 先端歯学スクール2010, 神奈川, 2010.9.7.先端歯学スクール2010優秀賞



  • Hashimoto T, Fukunaga T, Kuroda S, Sakai Y, Yamashiro T, Takano-Yamamoto T: Mandibular deviation and canted maxillary occlusal plane treated with miniscrews and intraoral vertical ramusosteotomy: functional and morphologic changes. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop, 136(6), 868-877, 2009.
  • Charoenchaikorn K, Yokomizo T, Rice D P, Honjo T, Matsuzaki K, Shintaku Y, Imai Y, Wakamatsu A, Takahashi S, Ito Y, Takano-Yamamoto T, Thesleff I, Yamamoto M, Yamashiro T: Runx1 is involved in the fusion of the primary and the secondary palatal shelves. Dev Biol, 15, 326(2), 392-402, 2009.
  • Kamioka H, Murshid S A, Ishihara Y, Kajimura N, Hasegawa T, Ando R, Sugawara Y, Yamashiro T, Takaoka A, Takano-Yamamoto T: A method for observing silver-stained osteocytes in situ in 3-microm sections using ultra-high voltage electronmicroscopy tomography. Microsc Microanal, 15(5), 377-383, 2009.
  • Amano K, Yagi T, Iida S, Aikawa T, Yamashiro T, Takada K, Kogo M: Facial frontal morphological changes related to mandibular setback osteotomy using cephalograms. J Craniomaxillofac Surg, 37(7), 412-416, 2009.
  • Tamamura N, Kuroda S, Sugawara Y, Takano-Yamamoto T, Yamashiro T: Use of palatal miniscrew anchorage and lingual multi-bracket appliances to enhance efficiency of molar scissors-bite correction. Angle Orthod, 79(3), 577-584, 2009.
  • Sumiyoshi K, Kubota S, Furuta R A, Yasui K, Aoyama E, Kawaki H, Kawata K, Ohgawara T, Yamashiro T, Takigawa M: Thrombopoietic-mesenchymal interaction that may facilitate both endochondral ossification and plateletmaturation via CCN2. J Cell Commun Signal, 4(1), 5-14, 2010.
  • Kitamura Y, Matsuka Y, Spigelman I, Ishihara Y, Yamamoto Y, Sonoyama W, Kamioka H, Yamashiro T, Kuboki T, Oguma K: Botulinum toxin type a (150 kDa) decreases exaggerated neurotransmitter release from trigeminal ganglionneurons and relieves neuropathy behaviors induced by infraorbital nerve constriction. Neuroscience , 10;159(4), 1422-1429, 2009.
  • Kawanabe N, Murata S, Murakami K, Ishihara Y, Hayano S, Kurosaka H, Kamioka H, Takano-Yamamoto T, Yamashiro T: Isolation of multipotent stem cells in human periodontal ligament using stage-specific embryonic antigen-4. Differentiation, 79(2), 74-83, 2010.
  • Yamada K, Kuroda S, Deguchi T, Takano-Yamamoto T, Yamashiro T: Distal movement of maxillary molars using miniscrew anchorage in the buccal interradicular region. Angle Orthod, 79(1), 78-84, 2009.
  • Ueda H, Mitoh Y, Ichikawa H, Kobashi M, Yamashiro T, Matsuo R: Cevimeline enhances the excitability of rat superior salivatory neurons. J Med Invest, 56, 267-269, 2009.
  • Matsushima A, Ichikawa H, Fujita M, Mitoh Y, Kobashi M, Yamashiro T, Matsuo R: Immunohistochemical study on the distribution and origin of GABAergic nerve terminals in the superior salivatorynucleus. J Med Invest, 56, 264-266, 2009.
  • Kamioka H, Shiraga N, Takano-Yamamoto T, Yamashiro T: Camouflage treatment using implant anchorage in a skeletal Class III patient. Orthodontic Waves (1344-0241), 68(4), 171-177, 2009.
  • Sakai Y, Kuroda S, Tamamura N, Yamashiro T, Takano-Yamamoto T: A case of severe crowding with nickel allergy, treated using non-nickel-containing orthodontic appliances. Orthodontic Waves (1344-0241), 68(3), 129-136, 2009.
  • 白賀のり子, 上岡寛, 片岡伴記, 植田紘貴, 安藤涼子, 石原嘉人, 柳田剛志, 村上隆, 黒坂寛, 菅原康代, 本城正, 川邉紀章, 山城隆: 岡山大学病院矯正歯科における来院患者の実態調査. 岡山歯学会雑誌(0913-3941), 28(2), 107-114, 2009.
  • 藪内利憲, 山城隆: ミニスクリューを用いた重度過蓋咬合症例の改善, 別冊 the Quintessence 臨床家のための矯正YEAR BOOK'09, 44-45, 2009.
  • 山城隆: 顎顔面に影響を及ぼす先天性疾患の矯正治療-疾患の基本的な理解と矯正歯科治療を行う際の注意点について. 中・四国矯正歯科学会雑誌, 21(1), 7-18, 2009.


  • Tomita N, Hattori T, Ito S, Aoyama E, Yao M, Yamashiro T, Takigawa M: Analysis of transgenic mice overexpressing ccn2/ctgf in chondrocytes. 第二回岡山医療教育国際シンポジウム, 岡山市, 2009. 5. 17-18.
  • Sumiyoshi K, Kubota S, Furuta R, Aoyama E, Kawaki H, Ohgawara T, Yamashiro T, Takigawa M: The origin of the CCN2 in platelets~CCN2 accumulation via hematopoietic-mesenchymal interaction. 第二回岡山医療教育国際シンポジウム, 岡山市, 2009. 5. 17-18.
  • Kumada A, Kitamura Y, Matsuka Y, Spigelman I, Ishihara Y, Yamamoto Y, Hikasa T, Sonoyama W, Kamioka H, Yamashiro T, Kuboki T, Oguma K, Botulinum toxin blocks neurotransmitter release and alleviatesneuropathy symptoms. 第二回岡山医療教育国際シンポジウム, 岡山市, 2009. 5. 17-18.
  • Fukunaga T, Murakami T, Kubota T, Tamamura N, Sakai Y, Miyawaki S, Yamashiro T, Takano-Yamamoto T: Ten-m/Odz3 is expressed in chondrogenic process during mandibular fracture healing. 87th International Association for Dental Research & American Association for Dental Research, Miami, 2009. 4. 1-4
  • Itoh S, Hattori T, Tomita N, Aoyama E, Yamashiro T, Takigawa M: CCN2/CTGF has anti-aging effects to protect articular cartilage from age-related degenerative changes. 2nd Joint Meeting International Bone & Mineral Society and Australian & New Zealand Bone & Mineral Society, Sydney, 2009. 3. 21-25.
  • Ishihara Y., Kamioka H., Honjo T., Ueda H., Takano-Yamamoto T., Yamashiro T.: Hormonal, pH, and calcium regulation of Connexin 43 mediated dye transfer in osteocytes in chick calvaria. 第68回日本矯正歯科学会大会, 福岡市, 2009.11.16-18. 第68回日本矯正歯科学会学術大会学術奨励賞
  • 伊藤慎将, 服部高子, 冨田奈緒, 青山絵理子, 山城隆, 滝川正春: 軟骨特異的CCN2/CTGF過剰発現は関節軟骨を加齢に伴う変形性膝関節炎様変化から防御する. 大阪市, 第27回日本骨代謝学会, 2009.7.23-25. 日本骨代謝学会優秀ポスター演題賞
  • 安藤涼子, 菅原康代, 石原嘉人, 上岡寛, 山城隆: ニワトリとマウスの骨細胞ネットワークの三次元的形態計測. 大阪市, 第29回日本骨形態計測学会, 2009.5.28-30. 日本骨形態計測学会ゴールドリボン賞



  • Miyamoto M, Yamashiro T, Takano-Yamamoto T: Surgical orthodontic treatment for severe maxillary protrusion with aggressive periodontitis. Orthodontic Waves, 67(4), 171-178, 2008.
  • Irie M, Tjandrawinata R, Lihua E, Yamashiro T, Suzuki K: Flexural Performance of Flowable versus Conventional Light-cured Composite Resins in a Long-term in vitro Study. Dental Materials Journal, 27(2), 300-309, 2008
  • Kamioka H, Yamashiro T: Osteocytes and mechanical stress. Clin Calcium, 18(9), 1287-1293, 2008.
  • Sugawara Y, Ando R, Kamioka H, Ishihara Y, Murshid SA, Hashimoto K, Kataoka N, Tsujioka K, Kajiya F, Yamashiro T, Takano-Yamamoto T: The alteration of a mechanical property of bone cells during the process of changing from osteoblasts to osteocytes. Bone, 43(1), 19-24, 2008.
  • Fukunaga T, Murakami T, Tanaka H, Miyawaki S, Yamashiro T, Takano-Yamamoto T: Dental and craniofacial characteristics in a patient with leprechaunism treated with insulin-like growth factor-I. Angle Orthod,78(4), 745-751, 2008.
  • Irie M, Tjandrawinata R, Lihua E, Yamashiro T, Suzuki K: Flexural performance of flowable versus conventional light-cured composite resins in a long-term in vitro study. Dent Mater J, 27(2), 300-309, 2008.
  • Tsuboi Y, Yamashiro T, Ando R, Takano-Yamamoto T: Evaluation of catch-up growth from orthodontic treatment and supplemental growth hormone therapy by using Z-scores. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop,133(3), 450-458, 2008.
  • Ishihara Y, Kamioka H, Honjo T, Ueda H, Takano-Yamamoto T, Yamashiro T: Hormonal, pH, and calcium regulation of connexin 43-mediated dye transfer in osteocytes in chick calvaria. J Bone Miner Res, 23(3), 350-360, 2008.
  • Kurosaka H, Takano-Yamamoto T, Yamashiro T, Agata K: Comparison of molecular and cellular events during lower jaw regeneration of newt (Cynops pyrrhogaster) and West African clawed frog (Xenopus tropicalis). Dev Dyn, 237(2), 354-364, 2008.
  • 柳田剛志, 上岡寛, 本城正, 山城隆: 過去10年間に岡山大学医学部・歯学部附属病院矯正歯科に来院した矯正患者の実態調査. 岡山歯学会雑誌. 27(1), 35-42, 2008.
  • 菅原康代, 上岡寛, 藪内利憲, 山城隆: 岡山大学大学院顎顔面口腔矯正学分野における過去6年間の矯正相談の実態について. 岡山歯学会雑誌. 27(1), 29-33, 2008.
  • 冨田奈緒, 服部高子, 伊藤慎将, 青山絵里子, 矢尾真弓, 山城隆, 滝川正春: CCN2/CTGF軟骨特異的過剰発現マウスの作製とその硬組織の解析. 生化学. 80(7), 694, 2008.
  • 山城隆: 最近のサイエンスの進歩からみた歯科学の変化. 岡山歯学会雑誌. 27(1), 1-6, 2008.
  • 上岡寛, 山城隆: 【メカニカルストレスと骨】 骨細胞とメカニカルストレス. Clinical Calcium, 18(9), 1287-1293, 2008.
  • 上岡寛, 山城隆: 【内科医のための骨粗鬆症】 メカニカルセンサーとしての骨組織. Mebio. 25(8), 44-53, 2008.


  • Kamioka H, Ishihara Y, Hans R, Murshid SA, Sugawara Y, Takano-Yamamoto T, Lim S: Primary cultures of chick osteocytes retain functional gap junctions between osteocytes, and between osteocytes and osteoblasts. アメリカ顕微鏡学会雑誌, USA, 2008. 9. 1. Best Biological Paper Award 2007,
  • Honjo T, Kubota S, Kamioka H, Ueda H, Sugawara Y, Takigawa M, Yamashiro T, Takano-Yamamoto T: Induction of CCN2/CTGF by fluid flow stress via Rho signaling in osteoblastic cell. 第2回日本CCNファミリー研究会, 岡山市, 2008. 8. 29-30.
  • Murakami T, Fukunaga T, Takeshita N, Hiratsuka K, Yamashiro T, Abiko Y, Takano-Yamamoto T: Novel roles of Ten-m/Odz3 in development of mandibular condylar cartilage. IADR/CADR 86th General Session, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2008. 6. 3-5.
  • Kitamura Y, Matsuka Y, Ishihara Y, Spigelman I, Yamamoto Y, Sonoyama W, Kamioka H, Yamashiro T, Oguma K, Kuboki T: Botulinum toxin blocks neurotransmitter release from somata of rat neuropathic trigeminal ganglion neurons. Botulinum and Tetanus Toxins 2008, Baveno, Lake Maggiore, Italy, 2008. 6. 12-15.
  • Ishihara Y, Kamioka H, Takano-Yamamoto T, Yamashiro T: Cell-Cell Communication of osteocytes and its regulation factors. 先端歯学国際教育研究ネットワーク・日英シンポジウム, 東京都, 2008. 4. 5.
  • Ando R, Sugawara Y, Kamioka H, Yamashiro T: The three-dimensional morphometry of osteocytes network in chick and mouse calvaria. 第1回岡山医療教育国際シンポジウム, 岡山市, 2008. 2. 1.
  • Yamada K, Kuroda S, Deguchi T, Kyung HM, Takano-Yamamoto T, Yamashiro T: Root proximity affects the success rate of mini-screw anchorage. 第1回岡山医療教育国際シンポジウム, 岡山市, 2008. 2. 1.
  • Murakami K, Kawanabe N, Murata S, Yamashiro T: Investigation of Primitive Characteristics of Human Periodontal Ligament Cells. 第1回岡山医療教育国際シンポジウム, 岡山市, 2008. 2. 1.
  • Ishihara Y, Kamioka H, Honjo T, Ueda H, Takano-Yamamoto T, Yamashiro T: Regulation of cell-cell communication in osteocytes in living bone. 第1回岡山医療教育国際シンポジウム, 岡山市, 2008. 2. 1.
  • Kataoka T, Hashimoto T, Imai M, Shiraga N, Takano-Yamamoto T, Yamashiro T: Possible correlation between the craniofacial morphology and the range of lower incisor and condylar motions during maximal mouth open-close movement. 第1回岡山医療教育国際シンポジウム, 岡山市, 2008. 2. 1.
  • Hashimoto T, Kuroda S, Lihua E, Miyawaki S, Tanimoto Y, Takano-Yamamoto T, Yamashiro T: Correlation between craniofacial and condylar path asymmetry in patients with facial asymmetry. 第1回岡山医療教育国際シンポジウム, 岡山市, 2008. 2. 1.
  • Tomita N, Hattori T, Ito S, Aoyama E, Yao M, Yamashiro T, Takigawa M: Generation and analysis of transgenic mice overexpressing ccn2/ctgf in chondrocytes. 第1回岡山医療教育国際シンポジウム, 岡山市, 2008. 2. 1.
  • 植田紘貴, 美藤純弘, 山城隆, 松尾龍二: セビメリンはラット上唾液核ニューロンの興奮性を促進する.東京都, 2008. 9. 歯科基礎医学会優秀ポスター発表賞



  • Tummers M, Yamashiro T, Thesleff I: Modulation of epithelial cell fate of the root in vitro. J Dent Res, 86(11), 1063-1067, 2007.
  • Iida S, Yagi T, Yamashiro T, Okura M, Takada K, Kogo M: Maxillary anterior segmental distraction osteogenesis with the dynaform system for severe maxillary retrusion in cleft lip and palate. Plast Reconstr Surg, 120(2), 508-516, 2007.
  • Yamashiro T, Zheng L, Shitaku Y, Saito M, Tsubakimoto T, Takada K, Takano-Yamamoto T, Thesleff I: Wnt10a regulates dentin sialophosphoprotein mRNA expression and possibly links odontoblast differentiation and tooth morphogenesis. Differentiation, 75(5), 452-462, 2007.
  • Deguchi T, Honjo T, Fukunaga T, Miyawaki S, Yamashiro T, Takano-Yamamoto T: Quantitative assessment of post-graduate orthodontic program in Okayama University. Orthodontic Waves, 66(3), 84-89, 2007.
  • Minato M, Kataoka T, Fujiki T, Yamashiro T, Takano-Yamamoto T: Orthodontic treatment of an open bite case with congenitally missing teeth using premolar autotransplantation. Orthodontic Waves, 66(3), 99-105, 2007.
  • Fujii A, Ichikawa H, Mitoh Y, Kobashi M, Yamashiro T, Matsuo R: Distribution of GABAergic and glycinergic neurons projecting to the superior salivatory nucleus in rat brain. The Journal of Physiological Sciences, 57, S236, 2007.
  • 志茂剛, 西山明慶, 上岡寛, 酒井雄一, 川邉紀章, 銅前昇平, 小野達生, 岸本晃治, 目瀬浩, 山城隆, 佐々木朗: 著しいオトガイ後退を伴う顎顔面の変形に対し、オトガイ形成術とベニアグラフトを併用した症例. 岡山歯学会雑誌. 26(2), 147-151, 2007.
  • 菅原康代, 黒田晋吾, 山本照子, 山城隆: 顎関節症を伴うアングルIII級叢生症例の治療 術前・術後の顎口腔機能の比較. Orthodontic Waves-Japanese Edition. 66(2), 106-112, 2007.
  • Yamashiro T: Pain during Orthodontic Treatment. Dentistry in Japan. 43, 78-81, 2007.


  • Kawanabe N, Murakami K, Murata S, Yamashiro T: Flow cytometric immunophenotyping of human periodontal ligament cells, The elastic modulus of osteoblasts and osteocytes. The ASBMR 29th Annual Meeting. USA, 2007. 9.16-19.
  • Sugawara Y, Kamioka H, Ando R, Ishihara Y, Murshid SA, Hashimoto K, Kataoka N, Tsujioka K, Kajiya F, Yamashiro T, Takano-Yamamoto T: The elastic modulus of osteoblasts and osteocytes. The ASBMR 29th Annual Meeting. USA, 2007. 9.16-19.
  • Ishihara Y, Kamioka H, Takano-Yamamoto T, Yamashiro T: Cell-Cell Communication in Living Bone and Its Regulation Factor. The ASBMR 29th Annual Meeting. USA, 2007. 9.16-19.
  • Yamashiro T, Zheng L, Shitaku Y, Saito M, Tsubakimoto T, Takada K, Takano-Yamamoto T, Thesleff I: Wnt10a regulates dentin sialophosphoprotein mRNA expression and possibly links odontoblast differentiation and tooth morphogenesis. 9th Tooth Morphogenesis and Differentiation Conference. University of Zurich, Switzerland, 2007. 9.4-8
  • Kawanabe N, Murakami K, Murata S, Yamashiro T: Investigation of Primitive Characteristics of Human Periodontal Ligament Cells. 9th Tooth Morphogenesis and Differentiation Conference. University of Zurich, Switzerland, 2007. 9.4-8,
  • 石原嘉人: 生骨組織中でのPTH, pH, カルシウムによる骨細胞間コミュニケーションの調節について. 先端歯学スクール, 三浦市, 2007. 9. 7, 最優秀賞



  • 山城隆: 歯根形成の分子機構. 歯の再生. 真興交易株式会社医書出版部, 37-45, 2006.
  • 山城隆: 歯の移動に伴う痛み. 歯の移動の臨床バイオメカ二クス‐骨と歯根膜のダイナミズム‐. 医歯薬出版株式会社, 108-115, 2006.
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