Michibata, T., 2024b: Radiative effects of precipitation on the global energy budget and Arctic amplification, npj Clim. Atmos. Sci., 7, 136, doi:10.1038/s41612-024-00684-4. [Link]
Michibata, T., 2024a: Significant increase in graupel and lightning occurrence in a warmer climate simulated by prognostic graupel parameterization, Sci. Rep., 14, 3862, doi:10.1038/s41598-024-54544-5. [Link]
Beall, C. M., Ma, P.-L., Christensen, M. W., Mülmenstädt, J., Varble, A., Suzuki, K., and Michibata, T., 2024: Droplet collection efficiencies inferred from satellite retrievals constrain effective radiative forcing of aerosol–cloud interactions, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 5287-5302, doi:10.5194/acp-24-5287-2024. [Link]
Schmidt, G., T. Andrews, S. E. Bauer, P. J. Durack, N. Loeb, V. Ramaswamy, N. P. Arnold, M. G. Bosilovich, J. Cole, L. W. Horowitz, G. C. Johnson, J. M. Lyman, B. Medeiros, T. Michibata, D. Olonscheck, D. Paynter, S. P. Raghuraman, M. Schulz, D. Takasuka, V. Tallapragada, P. C. Taylor, and T. Ziehn, 2023:
CERESMIP: A climate modeling protocol to investigate recent trends in the Earth's Energy Imbalance, Front. Clim., 5, 1202161, doi:10.3389/fclim.2023.1202161. [Link]
Imura, Y., and T. Michibata, 2022: Too frequent and too light Arctic snow due to incorrect precipitation phase partitioning in the MIROC6 GCM, J. Adv. Model. Earth Syst., 14, e2022MS003046, doi:10.1029/2022MS003046. [Link]
Hirota, N., T. Michibata, H. Shiogama, T. Ogura, and K. Suzuki, 2022: Impacts of precipitation modeling on cloud feedback in MIROC6, Geophys. Res. Lett., 49, e2021GL096523, doi:10.1029/2021GL096523. [Link]
Michibata, T., K. Suzuki, and T. Takemura, 2020: Snow-induced buffering in aerosol–cloud interactions, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 20, 13771-13780, doi:10.5194/acp-20-13771-2020. [Link]
Michibata, T., and K. Suzuki, 2020: Reconciling compensating errors between precipitation constraints and the energy budget in a climate model, Geophys. Res. Lett., 47, e2020GL088340, doi:10.1029/2020GL088340. [Link]
Michibata, T., K. Suzuki, T. Ogura, and X. Jing, 2019: Incorporation of inline warm rain diagnostics into the COSP2 satellite simulator for process-oriented model evaluation, Geosci. Model Dev., 12, 4297-4307, doi:10.5194/gmd-12-4297-2019. [Link]
Michibata, T., K. Suzuki, M. Sekiguchi, and T. Takemura, 2019: Prognostic precipitation in the MIROC6-SPRINTARS GCM: Description and evaluation against satellite observations, J. Adv. Model. Earth Syst., 11, 839-860, doi:10.1029/2018MS001596. [Link]
Patel, N. P., R. Gautam, T. Michibata, and H. Gadhavi, 2019: Strengthened Indian summer monsoon precipitation susceptibility linked to dust-induced ice cloud modification, Geophys. Res. Lett., 46, 8431-8441, doi:10.1029/2018GL081634. [Link]
Jing, X., K. Suzuki, and T. Michibata, 2019: The key role of warm rain parameterization in determining the aerosol indirect effect in a global climate model, J. Climate, 32, 4409-4430, doi:10.1175/jcli-d-18-0789.1. [Link]
Sato, Y., D. Goto, T. Michibata, K. Suzuki, T. Takemura, H. Tomita, and T. Nakajima, 2018: Aerosol effects on cloud water amounts were successfully simulated by a global cloud-system resolving model, Nature Comm., 9, 985, doi:10.1038/s41467-018-03379-6. [Link]
Michibata, T., K. Suzuki, Y. Sato, and T. Takemura, 2016: The source of discrepancies in aerosol-cloud-precipitation interactions between GCM and A-Train retrievals, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 15413-15424, doi:10.5194/acp-16-15413-2016. [Link]
Michibata, T., and T. Takemura, 2015: Evaluation of autoconversion schemes in a single model framework with satellite observations, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 120, 9570-9590, doi:10.1002/2015JD023818. [Link]
Michibata, T., K. Kawamoto, and T. Takemura, 2014: The effects of aerosols on water cloud microphysics and macrophysics based on satellite-retrieved data over East Asia and the North Pacific, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 11935-11948, doi:10.5194/acp-14-11935-2014. [Link]
Michibata, T., 2023: Aerosol‒Cloud Interactions in the Climate System, In: Akimoto H., Tanimoto H. (eds) Handbook of Air Quality and Climate Change. Springer, Singapore, 1139–1180, doi:10.1007/978-981-15-2760-9_35. [Link]
MIROC6 AGCM document writing team (Authors: T. Ando, T. Higuchi, H. Hotta, T. Iwakiri, T. Jinno, K. Kino, Y. Takano, M. Toda, and K. Yamazaki; Supervisors: M. Chikira, T. Kodama, T. Michibata, H. Miura, T. Nitta, T. Ogura, F. Saito, M. Sekiguchi, T. Suzuki, K. Suzuki, H. Tatebe, M. Watanabe, S. Watanabe, and K. Yoshimura), 2021: Technical Report: Description of MIROC6 AGCM, UTokyo Repository, pp. 136, doi:10.15083/0002000180. [Link]
Hirota, N., T. Michibata, Y. Yamagami, H. Tatebe, K. Suzuki, M. Watanabe, T. Kawasaki, T. Nitta, F. Saito, K. Ogochi, M. Sekiguchi,
S. Watanabe, H. Shiogama, T. Ogura, T. Takemura, T. Ohno, M. Abe, K. Yoshimura, H. Kawai, M. Chikira, H. Yashiro, and D. Goto (Team MIROC): Development of MIROC7. Asian Conference on Meteorology 2024, Tsukuba, Japan,18-20 Nov, 2024.(口頭発表)
Hirota, N., T. Michibata, Y. Yamagami, H. Tatebe, K. Suzuki, M. Watanabe, T. Kawasaki, T. Nitta, F. Saito, K. Ogochi, M. Sekiguchi,
S. Watanabe, H. Shiogama, T. Ogura, T. Takemura, T. Ohno, M. Abe, K. Yoshimura, H. Kawai, M. Chikira, H. Yashiro, and D. Goto (Team MIROC): Development of the Model for Interdisciplinary Research on Climate version 7 (MIROC7). Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2024, Chiba, Japan, 26-31 May, 2024.(口頭発表)
Charlotte M. B., P-L. Ma, M. W. Christensen, J. Mülmenstädt, A. Varble, K. Suzuki, and T. Michibata: Droplet collection efficiencies estimated from satellite retrievals constrain effective radiative forcing of aerosol-cloud interactions. AGU Fall Meeting 2023, San Francisco, USA, 11-15 December, 2023.(口頭発表)
Hirota, N., T. Michibata, Y. Yamagami, H. Tatebe, K. Suzuki, and M. Watanabe (Team MIROC): Development of MIROC7: Mean states, variability, and climate sensitivity. WCRP Open Science Conference 2023, Kigali, Rwanda, 23-27 October, 2023.(ポスター発表)
Michibata, T. and K. Suzuki: Process representations of cloud and precipitation in MIROC6 with prognostic precipitation: Evaluation against A-Train observations. ICCP-GSRA Workshop 2023 jointly with The 2nd EarthCARE Modeling Workshop, Shizuoka, Japan, 27-29 March, 2023.(口頭発表, 招待講演)
Imura, Y., T. Michibata, and K. Suzuki: Evaluation of Arctic snowfall in MIROC with satellite observation and its link to cloud radiative effect. ICCP-GSRA Workshop 2023 jointly with The 2nd EarthCARE Modeling Workshop, Shizuoka, Japan, 27-29 March, 2023.(ポスター発表)
Hirota, N., T. Michibata, H. Shiogama, T. Ogura, and K. Suzuki: Impacts of Precipitation Modeling on cloud response to global warming in MIROC6. CFMIP Meeting 2022, Seattle, USA, 19-22 July, 2022.(口頭発表)
Michibata, T., Y. Imura, H. Nakao, and K. Suzuki: Evaluation of cloud micro- and macrophysical properties in the MIROC6 with A-Train observations and COSP simulator. EarthCARE Workshop 2022, Online, 16-18 February, 2022.(口頭発表, 招待講演)
Michibata, T., Y. Imura, H. Nakao, and K. Suzuki: How does the treatment of precipitation in a climate model improve the representation of aerosol-cloud interactions? Tri-MIPathlon-3 Workshop 2021, Online, 1-3 December, 2021.(ポスター発表)
Michibata, T., and Y. Imura: Revisiting an apples-to-apples comparison between model and observations using satellite simulator. CFMIP Meeting 2021, Online, 14-16 September, 2021.(ポスター発表)
Michibata, T., K. Suzuki, and T. Takemura: Challenges in constraining cloud and precipitation susceptibilities to aerosols: Satellite observations and global climate models. JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020, Online, 12-16 May, 2020.(口頭発表, 招待講演)
Michibata, T., K. Suzuki, and T. Takemura:
Constraining responses of cloud and precipitation to aerosol perturbations: Satellite observations and global climate models.
100th AMS Annual Meeting 2020, Boston, USA,
12-16 January, 2020.(口頭発表, 招待講演)
Michibata, T., K. Suzuki, M. Sekiguchi, and T. Takemura:
Prognostic precipitation in the MIROC6-SPRINTARS GCM: Improvements in aerosol-cloud-precipitation interactions.
AGU Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, USA,
9-13 December, 2019.(口頭発表)
Suzuki, K., D. Goto, and T. Michibata:
Process-based insight into precipitation susceptibility to aerosols in global models and satellite observations.
AGU Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, USA,
9-13 December, 2019.(ポスター発表)
Michibata, T., K. Suzuki, and T. Takemura:
Reconciling a compensating error between precipitation process constraint and energy budget requirement.
Earth CARE Workshop 2019, Fukuoka, Japan,
25-27 November, 2019.(口頭発表)
Suzuki, K., T. Michibata, and X. Jing:
Significance of precipitation process in determining the aerosol indirect forcing.
CFMIP Meeting 2019, Colorado, USA,
30 September - 4 October, 2019.(ポスター発表)
Michibata, T., K. Suzuki, and T. Takemura:
Prognostic precipitation in the MIROC6-SPRINTARS GCM: Improvements in precipitation and radiative properties.
Aerosols, Clouds, Precipitation and Climate (ACPC) Workshop, Nanjing, China,
24-26 April, 2019.(口頭発表)
Michibata, T., K. Suzuki, and T. Takemura:
Prognostic precipitation in the MIROC6-SPRINTARS GCM.
2019 Joint US-Japan Workshop on Climate change and Variability, Honolulu, USA,
5-6 March, 2019.(口頭発表)
Jing X., K. Suzuki, and T. Michibata:
Decisive role of warm rain formation process in modulating aerosol indirect effect in a global climate model.
AGU Fall Meeting 2018, Wasington D.C., USA,
10-14 December, 2018.(口頭発表)
Patel, N. P., T. Michibata, R. Gautam, and H. Gadhavi:
Response of Indian summer monsoon variability to dust-ice cloud interaction.
AGU Fall Meeting 2018, Wasington D.C., USA,
10-14 December, 2018.(口頭発表)
Michibata, T., T. Ogura, X. Jing, and K. Suzuki:
Implementation of an inline diagnostic tool for warm rain statistics to COSP2 satellite simulator.
CFMIP Meeting 2018, Colorado, USA,
16-19 October, 2018.(ポスター発表)
Michibata, T., K. Suzuki, and T. Takemura:
How does the treatment of rain in GCMs improve cloud susceptibility to aerosols?.
15th Conference on Cloud Physics/15th Conference on Atmospheric Radiation, Vancouver, Canada,
09-13 July, 2018.(ポスター発表)
Suzuki, K., X. Jing, and T. Michibata:
Process-oriented versus energy-based constraints on aerosol-cloud interaction.
15th Conference on Cloud Physics/15th Conference on Atmospheric Radiation, Vancouver, Canada,
09-13 July, 2018.(口頭発表)
Michibata, T., K. Suzuki, and T. Takemura:
How does the treatment of rain in GCMs improve aerosol-cloud-precipitation interactions?.
Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2018, Chiba, Japan,
20-24 May, 2018.(口頭発表)
Suzuki, K., T. Fujiwara, Y. Sato, D. Goto, and T. Michibata:
Smaller susceptibility of precipitation onset to aerosols in a global cloud-resolving model.
Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2018, Chiba, Japan,
20-24 May, 2018.(ポスター発表)
Jing, X., K. Suzuki, and T. Michibata:
Impacts of warm rain formation process constraint on aerosol indirect effect in a GCM.
Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2018, Chiba, Japan,
20-24 May, 2018.(ポスター発表)
Suzuki, K., X. Jing, and T. Michibata:
Process-oriented versus energy-based constraints on cloud microphysics: Implication for aerosol-cloud interactions.
8th GEWEX Science Conference, Canmore, Canada,
6-11 May, 2018.(口頭発表)
Suzuki, K., Y. Sato, T. Takemura, T. Michibata, D. Goto, and E. Oikawa:
Combined use of satellite observations and global models for reducing uncertainty in aerosol-cloud-climate interaction.
AGU Fall Meeting 2017, New Orieans, USA,
11-15 December, 2017.(口頭発表)
Michibata, T., K. Suzuki, and T. Takemura:
Untangling aerosol-cloud-precipitation interactions with a prognostic rain scheme applied in MIROC-SPRINTARS GCM.
Asian Conference on Meteorology 2017, Busan, Korea,
23-24 October, 2017.(口頭発表)
Michibata, T., K. Suzuki, and T. Takemura:
Improved representation of aerosol–cloud–precipitation interactions with a use of prognostic precipitation scheme in MIROC-SPRINTARS.
2017 CFMIP Meeting, Tokyo, Japan,
25-28 September, 2017.(ポスター発表)
Suzuki, K., Y. Sato, T. Takemura, T. Michibata, and D. Goto:
Significance of cloud and precipitation processes in aerosol effects on climate: Satellite observations and global modeling.
2017 CFMIP Meeting, Tokyo, Japan,
25-28 September, 2017.(口頭発表)
Sato, Y., H. Miura, H. Yashiro, D. Goto, T. Takemura, T. Michibata, K. Suzuki, and T. Nakajima:
Suggestions from a global cloud system resolving simulation to global climate model -Transportation of black carbon aerosol to the Arctic-.
JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017, Chiba, Japan,
20-25 May, 2017.(口頭発表, 招待講演)
Michibata, T., K. Suzuki, Y. Sato, and T. Takemura:
The source of discrepancies in cloud and precipitation susceptibilities between GCMs and A-Train retrievals.
AGU Fall Meeting 2016, San Francisco, USA,
12-16 December, 2016.(ポスター発表)
Michibata, T., and T. Takemura:
Evaluation and development of cloud microphysical conversion processes in the MIROC-SPRINTARS with A-Train observations.
The 17th International Conference on Clouds & Precipitation, Manchester, UK,
25-29 July, 2016.(ポスター発表)
Michibata, T., and T. Takemura:
Evaluation of autoconversion schemes and microphysical processes in the MIROC-SPRINTARS with satellite observations.
AGU Fall Meeting 2015, San Francisco, USA,
14-18 December, 2015.(ポスター発表)
Sato, Y., K. Suzuki, T. Michibata, H. Yashiro, D. Goto, T. M. Nagao, H. Tomita, and T. Nakajima:
Impacts of the autoconversion scheme on the clouds as simulated by a global cloud system-resolving model: Regional variability of the impacts.
AGU Fall Meeting 2015, San Francisco, USA,
14-18 December, 2015.(ポスター発表)
Michibata, T., and T. Takemura:
A study of cloud-to-rain conversion processes for warm cloud over East Asia and the North Pacific from A-Train observations.
Asian Conference on Meteorology 2015, Kyoto, Japan,
26-27 October, 2015.(口頭発表)
Michibata, T., and T. Takemura:
Evaluation of auto-conversion and accretion processes in the MIROC-SPRINTARS and future model improvement.
The 14th International AeroCom Workshop, Frascati, Italy,
04-09 October, 2015.(ポスター発表)
Michibata, T., and T. Takemura:
Evaluation of microphysical conversion processes for warm rain in the MIROC-SPRINTARS with satellite observations.
University Allied Virtual Laboratory 2015, Tokyo, Japan,
29 September - 01 October, 2015.(口頭発表)
Michibata, T., and T. Takemura:
Sensitivity of clouds and precipitation to the auto-conversion and accretion schemes in the MIROC-SPRINTARS model.
AGU Fall Meeting 2014, San Francisco, USA,
15-19 December, 2014.(ポスター発表)
Takemura, T., T. Michibata, K. Suzuki, and K. Yumimoto:
Application of EarthCARE data in climate models for studies on climate change and air pollution by aerosols.
EarthCARE Workshop 2014, Tokyo, Japan,
19 September, 2014.(口頭発表)
Michibata, T., T. Takemura, and K. Kawamoto:
The Effects of aerosols on water cloud physics over East Asia and the North Pacific.
AOGS 11th Annual Meeting (AOGS2014), Royton Sapporo Hotel in Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan,
28 July- 01 August, 2014.(ポスター発表)
Imura, Y. and T. Michibata, 2022: Data for the publication "Too frequent and too light Arctic snowfall with incorrect precipitation phase partitioning in the MIROC6 GCM" (Version 1.1) [Data set]. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5977099
Michibata, T., and K. Suzuki, 2020: Data for the publication "Reconciling compensating errors between precipitation constraints and the energy budget in a climate model" (Version 1.0) [Data set]. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3596222
Michibata, T., K. Suzuki, T. Ogura, and X. Jing, 2019: Data for the publication "Incorporation of inline warm rain diagnostics into the COSP2 satellite simulator for process-oriented model evaluation" (Version 1.0.0) [Data set]. Geoscientific Model Development. Zenodo. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3370823
Michibata, T., K. Suzuki, M. Sekiguchi, and T. Takemura, 2019: MIROC6-SPRINTARS Diagnostic/Prognostic Precipitation [Data set], Zenodo, doi:10.5281/zenodo.2584312, http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.2584312
Michibata, T., K. Suzuki, T. Ogura, and X. Jing, 2019: Scripts for the publication "Incorporation of inline warm rain diagnostics into the COSP2 satellite simulator for process-oriented model evaluation" (Version 1.0.0) [Software]. Geoscientific Model Development. Zenodo. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1442468