
2010-2006  業績一覧




1.The production of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1)/CCL2 in tumor microenvironment.
Yoshimura T
Cytokine.2017Feb 8;pii:S1043-4666(17)30036-4.doi:10.1016/j.cyto.2017.02.00
2.Low prevalence of human mammary tumor virus (HMTV) in breast cancer patients from  Myanmar.
San TH, Fujisawa M, Fushimi S, Yoshimura T, Ohara T, Soe L, Min NW, Kyaw O, Yang  X, Matsukawa A
Infect Agent Cancer. 2017 Apr 12;12:20 doi:10.1186/s13027-017-0130-0 eCollection 2017
3.San TH,  Fujisawa M,  Fushimi S, Soe L, Min NW, Yoshimura T, Ohara T, Yee MM, Oda S, Matsukawa A
Molecular subtypes of breast cancers from Myanmar women: a study of 91 cases at two pathology centers.Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
(accepted and in press)
4.Miki K, Orita Y, Gion Y, Takao S, Ohno K, Takeuchi M, Ito T, Minoura A, Tachibana T, Marunaka H, Makino T, Matsukawa A, Nishizaki K, Yoshino T,
Sato Y.
Tumor-AssociatedMacrophages in the Development of 4-Nitroquinoline-1-Oxide-Induced Tongue Squamous Cell Carcinoma in a Mouse Model.
5.Hori Y.S., Ohkura T. ,Ebisudani Y., Umakoshi M., shi M., Oda K., Aoi M., Inoue T. Furujo M., Tanaka H. ,Fukuhara T.,
Hypertensive Cerebral Hemorrhage in a Patient with Turner Syndrome Caused by Deletion in the Short Arm of the X Chromosome
Pediatr Neurosurg  2017
6.Carson WF 4th, Cavassani KA, Soares EM, Hirai S, Kittan NA,
SchallerMA,Scola MM, Joshi A, Matsukawa A, Aronoff DM, Johnson CN, 
DouY, Gallagher KA, Kunkel SL.
The STAT4/MLL1 Epigenetic Axis Regulates the Antimicrobial Functions of Murine Macrophages.
J Immunol. 2017;199(5):1865-1874
7.Chen, K., Bao, Z., Gong, W., Tang, P., Yoshimura, T., Wang J. M.
Regulation of inflammation by members of the formyl-peptide receptor family.
J. Autoimmun. 2017 Jul 6. S0896-8411(17)30437-7.
8.Itakura, J., Sato, M., Ito, T., Mino, M., Fushimi, S., Takahashi, S.,
Yoshimura, T., Matsukawa, A.
Spred2-deficiecy Protects Mice from Polymicrobial Septic Peritonitis by Enhancing Inflammation and Bacterial Clearance.
Sci. Rep. 2017;7(1):12833.
9.Ninomiya T, OharaT, Noma K, Katsura Y, Katsube R, Kashima H, Kato T, Tomono Y, Tazawa H, Kagawa S, Shirakawa Y, Kimura F, Chen L, Kasai T, Seno M, Matsukawa A,
Fujiwara T.
Iron depletion is a novel therapeutic strategy to target cancer stem cells. 
10.Yoshimura T, Imamichi T, Weiss JM, Sato M, Li L, Matsukawa A, Wang JM.
Induction of Monocyte Chemoattractant Proteins in Macrophages via the Production of Granulocyte/Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor by Breast Cancer Cells.
Front Immunol. 2017 eCollection 2017.
11.Yoshimura, T.
The production of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1)/CCL2 in tumor microenvironment.
Cytokine2017 98:71-78, 2017.


診断病理  2017 vol34. No1. 46-50,
診断病理  2017 vol34. No3. 231-235,
日本小児外科学会雑誌 2017; 53(1):38-42
初発時より腹膜播種病変を認めたが、長期生存の得られているSolid-pseudopapillary neoplasm of the pancreasの1例
日本小児血液・がん学会雑誌 2017; 54(5):423-427
中部日本整形外科災害外科学会雑誌 2017;60(1):93-94
日本小児外科学会雑誌 2018; 54(1):40-44

著 書

2017.10.10 出版 医歯薬出版株式会社
2017.11.25 出版 西村書店





1. Alt C, Harrison T, Dousman L, Fujita N, Shew K, Tran TT, Shayesteh S, Matsukawa A, Mirsalis J, D’Andrea A.  Increased CCL2 expression and macrophage/monocyte migration during microbicide-induced vaginal irritation. Curr. HIV Res. 7: 639-649, 2009.
2. Arikawa T, Saita N, Oomizu S, Ueno M, Matsukawa A, Katoh S, Kojima K, Nagahara K, Miyake M, Yamauchi A, Kohrogi H, Hirashima M.  Galectin-9 expands immunosuppressive macrophages to ameliorate T cell-mediated lung inflammation. Eur J Immunol. 2009 Nov 9. [Epub ahead of print]
3. Arikawa T, Watanabe K, Seki M, Matsukawa M, Oomizu S, Sakata K, Sakata A, Ueno M, Saita N, Niki T, Yamauchi A, Hirashima M.  Galectin-9 ameliorates immune complex-induced arthritis by regulating FcγR expression on macrophages. Clin. Immunol. 133: 382-392, 2009.
4. Fushimi S, Ogino T, Hara J, Takahata T, Wakabayashi H, Watanabe H, Arashima Y, Kubo M, MAtsukawa A.  Forced expression of suppressor of cytokine signaling 3 in T cells protects the development of concanavalin A-induced hepatitis in mice.  Clin. Immunol. 133: 437-446, 2009.
5. Fujii J, Kinoshita Y, Matsukawa A, Villanueva S, Yutsudo T, Yoshida S.   Successful Steroid Pulse Therapy for Brain Lesion Caused by Shiga Toxin 2 in Rabbits.  Microb. Pathog. 46:179-184, 2009.
6. Arikawa T, Matsukawa A, Watanabe K, Sakata K, Seki M, Nagayama M, Takeshita K, Ito K, niki T, Oomizu S, Shinonaga R, Saita N, Hirashima M.  
Galectin-9 accelerates Transforming Growth Factor 3-induced differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells to chondrocytes.  Bone. 44:849-857, 2009
7. Ogino T, Ozaki M, Hosako M, Omori M, Okada S, Matsukawa A.   Activation of c-Jun N-terminal kinase is essential for oxidative stress-induced Jurkat cell apoptosis by monochloramine. Leuk Res. 33:151-158, 2009.
8. Akiyama T, Sadahira Y, Irei I, Nishimura H, Hida A, Notohara K, Hamazaki  S.  Pancreatic serous microcystic adenomawith extensive oncocytic change. Pathol. Int. 59:102-106, 2009.
9. Murakami S, Isozaki H, Shou T, Sakai K, Yamamoto Y, Oomori M, Toyoda H.  Primary osteosarcoma of the breast. Pathol. Int. 59:111-115, 2009.
10. Nakamoto K, Takayama F, Mankura M, Hidaka Y, Egashira T, Ogino T, Kawasaki H, Mori A.  Beneficial Effects of Fermented Green Tea Extract in a Rat Model of Non-alcoholic Steatohepatitis. J. Clin. Biochem. Nutr.  44:239-246, 2009.
11. Sadamori H, Yagi T, Iwagaki H, Matsuda H, Shinoura S, Umeda Y, Ohara N, Yanai H, Ogino T, Tanaka N.  Immunohistochemical staining of liver grafts with a monoclonal antibody against HCV-Envelope 2 for recurrent hepatitis C after living donor liver transplantation. J. Gastroenterol. Hepatol. 24:574-580, 2009.
12. Hida A, Yagi S, Obase Y, Nishimura H, Akiyama T,I rei I, Hamazaki S, Oka M Sadahira Y.  Rosai-Dorfman disease presenting as a solitary mediastinal mass.  Pathol. Int. 59:265-268, 2009.
13. Goto J, Otsuka F, Omori M, Makino H.  Adrenal ganglioneuroma  accompanying catecholamine-producing adrenocortical cells. J. Endocrinol. Invest.  32:192, 2009.
14. Umeda Y, Iwagaki H, Ozaki M, Ogino T, Iwamoto T, Yoshida R, Shinoura S, Matsuda H, Sadamori H, Tanaka N, Yagi T.  Refractory response to growth factors impairs liver regeneration after hepatectomy in patients with viral hepatitis. Hepatogastroenterology. 56: 971-977, 2009.
15. Amo T, Kawanishi N, Uchida M, Fujita H, Oyanagi E, Utsumi T, Ogino T, Inoue K, Shuin T, Utsumi K, Sasaki J. Mechanism of cell death by 5-aminolevulinic acid-based photodynamic action and its enhancement by ferrochelatase inhibitors in human histiocytic lymphoma cell line U937. Cell Biochem Funct. 27: 503-515, 2009.


1. 小林達則、池田義弘、上山聰、里本一剛、末光一三、荻野哲也:梗塞壊死をきたした乳腺充実腺管癌の1例 臨床外科 64:247-251, 2009.
2. 小林直哉、香川俊輔、近藤喜太、楳田祐三、西谷正史、山辻知樹、白川靖博、田辺俊介、藤原康宏、宇野太、猶本良夫、田中紀章、堀井城一朗、川野誠司、浦岡俊夫、平岡佐規子、加藤順、岡田裕之、山本和秀、大原信哉、市村浩一、大森昌子、森谷行利:腹腔鏡補助下手術を施行した大腸内視鏡検査で発見された回腸カルチノイド腫瘍の1例 外科治療 100 : 212-215, 2009.
3. 小林達則、上山聰、里本一剛、荻野哲也:乳癌術後23年目に腹腔鏡下胆嚢摘出術を契機に発見された乳癌癌性腹膜炎の1例 臨床外科 64:1611-1616, 2009
4. 池田義博、小林達則、上山聰、里本一剛、荻野哲也、末光一三:緊急手術を必要としたS状結腸癌卵巣転移によるpseudo-Meigs症候群の1例 手術 63:1199-1204, 2009


1. Okazaki Y, Matsukawa A.  Pathophysiology of sepsis and recent patents on the diagnosis, treatment and prophylaxis for sepsis. Recent Pat . Inflamm. Allergy Drug Discov. 3: 26-32, 2009.
2. Ogino T, Than TA, Hosako M, Ozaki M, Omori M, Okada S.  Taurine chloramine: a possible oxidant reservoir. Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 643: 451-461, 2009.
3. 松川昭博:炎症「解明病理学」(分担)青笹克之、編 pp32-60, 医歯薬出版株式会社、東京、2009.
4. 松川昭博:好中球「炎症・再生医学事典」(分担)松島綱治、西脇徹 編 pp2-5、朝倉出版、東京、2009.
5. 松川昭博:感染とサイトカイン・サイトカイン情報伝達、医学のあゆみ 229: 1157-1158, 2009.


1. Takahata T, Fushimi S, Hiida A, Ozaki T, Nishida K, Kubo M, Matsukawa A.   Forced expression of SOCS5, but not SOCS3, in T cells prolongs the severity of murine arthritis induced by anti-type II collagen antibody.  ORS 56th Annual Meeting, March, 6-9, 2009, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
2.  Fushimi S, Takahata T, Wakabayashi H, Ogino T, Kubo M, Matsukawa A.  Forced expression of suppressor of cytokine signaling 3 in T cells protects mice from concanavalin A-induced hepatitis. AAI 2009. May 9-12, 2009. Seattle, USA
3. Kuelling FA, Foley KT, Liu JJ, Liebenber E, Sin AH, Matsukawa A, Lotz JC.   The anabolitic  effect pf plasma-mediated ablation on the intervertebral disc: stimuation of proteoglycan and IL-8 production.  Global Spine Congress 2009, June 23-26, 2009, San Francisco, USA.
4.  Takahata T, Fushimi S, Hiida A, Ozaki T, Nishida K, Kubo M, Matsukawa A.  Forced expression of SOCS5 in T cells prolongs the severity of murine arthritis induced by anti-type II collagen antibody. The 9th World Congress on Inflammation. July 6-10, 2009, Tokyo, Japan.
5. Okazaki Y, Fushimi S. Yashiro M, Wakabayashi H, Yoshimura A, Matsukawa A.  Absence of Spred-2 enhances innate immunity during septic peritonitis.  The 9th World Congress on Inflammation. July 6-10, 2009, Tokyo, Japan.




1. Ogino T, Ozaki M, Hosako M, Omori M, Okada S, Matsukawa A.  Activation of c-Jun N-terminal kinase is sessential for oxidative stress-induced Jurkat cell apoptosis by monochloramine. Leuk. Res. Aug 19. Epub, 2008.
2.Fujiwara Y, Kiura K, Tabata M, Takigawa N, Hotta K, Umemura S, Omori M, Gemba K, Ueoka H, Tanimoto M.  Remarkable shrinkage of sarcomatoid renal cell carcinoma with single-agent gemcitabine Anticancer Drugs 19: 431-433, 2008.
3.Fujita H, Shiosaka M, Ogino T, Okimura Y, Utsumi T, Sato EF, Akagi R, Inoue M, Utsumi K, Sasaki J.  alpha-Lipoic acid suppresses 6-hydroxydopamine-induced ROS generation and apoptosis through the stimulation of glutathione synthesis but not by the expression of heme oxygenase-1.  Brain Res. 1206:1-12, 2008.
4.Ichihara E, Kiura K, Takigawa N, Omori M, Aoe M, Tanimoto M, Date H.  Pseudoprogression of lung cancer after concomitant chemoradiotherapy. Jpn J. Clin. Oncol. 38: 140-142, 2008.
5.Seki M, Oomizu S, Sakata K, Sakata A, Arikawa T, Watanabe K, Ito K,Takeshita K, Niki T, Saita N, Nishi N, Yamauchi A, Katoh S, Matsukawa A, Kuchroo V, Hirashima M.  Galectin-9 suppresses the generation of Th17, promotes the induction of regulatory T cells, and regulates experimental autoimmune arthritis.  Clin. Immunol., 127: 78-88, 2008.
6.Shiomi M, Yamada S, Matsukawa A, Itabe M, Ito T.  Invasion of atheromatous plaques into the tunica media causes coronary outward remodeling in WHHLMI rabbits. Atherosclerosis, 198:287-293, 2008.
7.Mizote A, Okazaki Y, Iqbal M, Okada S.  Antioxidant biofactor, a processed grain food, inhibits iron nitrilotriacetate-induced renal tumorigenesis, hyperproliferative response, and oxidative damage. Human Exp. Toxicol. 27:207-214, 2008.
8.Yanai H, Takahashi N, Omori M, Oda W, Yamadori I, Takada S, Matsuura H, Yoshino T.  Immunohistochemistry of p63 in primary and secondary vulvar Paget’s disease.  Pathol Int. 58:648-651, 2008.


1.大森昌子、柳井広之、荻野哲也、松川昭博、吉野正:悪性転化を示したnuclear palisadingを伴う隆起性皮膚線維肉腫の一例 診断病理25:72-76, 2008
2. 尾関孝二、三輪栄子、筑田絵理、原田美由紀、松川昭博:悪性中皮腫の1剖検例 日本臨床細胞学会岡山支部会誌26:37-38, 2008.
3. 松岡博美、井上博文、今井みどり、藤田勝、森下由美子、大森昌子、市村浩一、柳井広之、大原信哉、松川昭博:乳腺血管肉腫の1例 日本臨床細胞学会岡山支部会誌27;34-35, 2008.

4. 藤田勝、松岡博美、井上博文、今井みどり、森下由美子、大森昌子、市村浩一、柳井広之、大原信哉、松川昭博:腹水中に腫瘍細胞を認めた乳腺小葉癌の1例 日本臨床細胞学会岡山支部会誌27;36-37, 2008.


1.松川昭博:炎症の分子機構(分担)「図説分子病態学4版」一瀬白帝、鈴木宏治編、pp 82-87、中外医学社、東京、2008.


1.Kuelling F, Liebenberg E, Davidson T, Matsukawa A, Lotz J.  Bipolar Radiofrequency enhances proteoglycan and fibrocartilage production in the intervertebral disc. NASS 23rd Annual Meeting. Tronto, Canada. October, 14-18, 2008.

2.Watanabe K, Arikawa T, Sakata K, Sakata A, Niki T, Matsukawa A, Hirashima M.  Galectin-9 ameliorates the severity of antibody-induced arthritis by inhibiting C5 cleavage. The 17th International Rheumatology Symposium. Sapporo, Japan. April 20-23, 2008. Modern Rheumatology 18: S65, 2008

3.Wakabayashi H, Yamanaka R, Miyake K, Takasugi K, Sugiyama K, Yamashita M, Yano R, Aita T, Makino H, Matsukawa A.  Autopsy in patients with rheumatic diseases:14-case report. The 17th International Rheumatology Symposium. Sapporo, Japan. April 20-23, 2008. Modern Rheumatology 18: S80, 2008.

4.Takahata T, Matsukawa A, Nishida K, Ozaki T.  The role of SOCS3 and SOCS5 in a murine model of arthritis induced by anti-type II collagen antibody. The 17th International Rheumatology Symposium. Sapporo, Japan. April 20-23, 2008. Modern Rheumatology 18: S143, 2008.

5.Takahata T, Matsukawa A, Takayuki F, Noda T, Ozaki T.  Valproic acid promotes fracture repair in a murine model. The 11th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Fracture Repair. Lake Tahoe, USA July 13-16, 2008.




1.Murata H, Yagi T, Iwagaki H, Ogino T, Sadamori H, Matsukawa H, Umeda Y, Haga S, Takaka N, Ozaki M.  Mechanism of impaired regeneration of fatty liver in mouse partial hepatectomy model. J. Gastroenterol. Hepatol.22: 2173-2180, 2007
2.Matsukawa A. STAT proteins in innate immunity during sepsis: Lessons from gene knockout mice. Acta Medica Okayama, 61:239-245,2007.
3.Iqbal M, Okazaki Y, Okada S.  Probucol modulates iron nitrilotriacetate (Fe-NTA)-dependent renal carcinogenesis and hyperproliferative response: diminution of oxidative stress. Mol. Cell Biochem. 2007.
4.Hoshino A, Kawamura YI, Yashuhara M, Toyama-Sorimachi N, Yamamoto K, Matsukawa A, Lira SA, Dohi T.  Inhibition of CCL-CCR8 interaction prevents aggregation of macrophages and development of peritoneal adhesions.  J. Immunol. 178: 5296-5304, 2007.
5.Numata K, Kubo M, Watanabe H, Takagi K, Mizuta H, Okada S, Kunkel SL, Ito T, Matsukawa A.  Overexpression of suppressor of cytokine signaling-3 in T cells exacerbates acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity.  J. Immunol. 178;3777-3785, 2007.
6.Mimasaka S, Ohtsu Y, Tsunenari S, Matsukawa A, Hashiyada M, Takahashi S, Funayama M.  Sudden death of a young woman due to aortic dissection caused by Turner’s syndrome. Pathol Int. 57:219-223, 2007. 
7.Iguchi T, Matsuoka J, Sato S, Okumura Y, Omori M, Mifune H, Akaki S, Kanazawa S.  F-18 FDG PET demonstration of a thyroid metastasis in a patient with colon cancer. Clin. Nucl. Med. 32: 361-362, 2007.
8.Suzuki J, Otsuka F, Inagaki K, Otani H, Miyoshi T, Terasaka T, Ogura T, Omori M, Nasu Y, Makino H.  Primary aldosteronism caused by a unilateral adrenal adenoma accompanied by autonomous cortical secretion. Hypertens Res. 30: 367-373, 2007.
9.大森昌子,柳井広之,荻野哲也,井上智,市川智継,松川昭博,吉野正:非定型奇形腫様/ラブドイド腫瘍 atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumor (AT/RT)の1例 診断病理 24:115-120, 2007.
10.藤田洋史, 荻野哲也, 内海耕慥, 佐々木順造 : 酸化ドーパミン誘導性アポトーシスに対するantioxidant biofactor (AOB) の阻害作用におけるGSH合成の関与 医学と薬学 58:417-424, 2007.
11.小林達則, 上川康明, 上山聰, 里本一剛, 池田義博, 荻野哲也;Brunner腺腫の癌化により発生したと考えられた早期十二指腸癌の1例. 臨床外科 62:1117-1122, 2007.
12.井上博文, 藤田勝, 松岡博美, 今井みどり, 森下由美子, 市村浩一, 大森昌子, 柳井広之, 大原信哉, 吉野正;超音波内視鏡下膵穿刺吸引細胞診における検体の取り扱いとその有用性について 日本臨床細胞学会岡山支部会誌 26:45-46, 2007.
13.藤田勝, 井上博文, 松岡博美, 今井みどり, 森下由美子, 市村浩一, 大森昌子, 柳井広之, 大原信哉, 吉野正;紡錘形腫瘍細胞を主体とした甲状腺髄様癌の一例 日本臨床細胞学会岡山支部会誌 26:43-44, 2007.
14.西本菜美, 渡辺律子, 物部美佳, 豊田博, 大森昌子;副甲状腺好酸性腺腫の一例 日本臨床細胞学会岡山支部会誌 26:35-36, 2007.
15.柳井広之, 森谷恭子, 大森昌子, 市村浩一, 藤村紀行, 羽原利幸, 櫛田あけみ, 森谷卓也, 園部宏, 吉野正;デジタルマイクロスコープを用いた遠隔迅速病理診断 日本遠隔医療学会雑誌 3:270-271, 2007.
16.大郷恵子、圓光賢希、草野研吾、佐々木悟、永瀬聡、中村一文、柳井広之、大森 昌子、大家政志、難波靖治、津田佳穂、大江透;救命しえた劇症型好酸球性心筋炎の1例 心臓 39:112-117, 2007
17.森谷恭子、藤村紀行、羽原利幸、櫛田あけみ、園部 宏、柳井広之、大森昌子;当院におけるテレパソロジーの現状 広島県臨床検査技師会誌 100, 31−33, 2007.


1.Ma Y, Okazaki Y, Yeh M, Yeh K, Glass J.  A fluorescent metal-sensor study providing evidence for iron transport in intestinal epithelial cells by transcytosis. BioIron, March 31-April 7, 2007, Kyoto, Japan
2.Okazaki Y, Yin H, Ma Y, Okazaki E, Yeh M, Yeh K, Glass J.  Protoporphyrin IX down-regulates DMT1 associated protein (DAP) in K562 cells. March 31-April 7, 2007, Kyoto, Japan.
3.Okazaki Y, Yin H, Ma Y, Okazaki E, Yeh M, Yeh K, Glass J.  DMT1 expression ireggulated by DMT1 associated proein (DAP) in K562 cells. BioIron, March 31-April 7, 2007, Kyoto, Japan.
4.Ogino T, Hosako M, Ozaki M, Omori M Okada S.  Taurine chloramine: a possible oxidant reservoir. The 16th International Taurine Meeting Shimoda, JapanSeptember, 2-5, 2007.
5.Alt C, Harrison T, Matsukawa A, Litterst C, Mirsalis J, D’Andrea A.  Vaginal cytokine production as biomarkers for the safety evaluation of microbicide-induced vaginal irritation. 37th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Immunology. Heidelberg, Germany. September, 5-8, 2007
6.Alt C, Harrison T, Fujita N, Shew K, Tran T, Matsukawa A, Litterst C, Mirsalis J, D’Andrea A.  CCL2/MCP-1 as a novel biomarker for the safety evaluation of microbicide-induced vaginal irritation. 15th Annual Meeting of the International cytokine society. San Francisco, CA. September, 26-30, 2007.
7.Okazaki Y.  DMT1 expression is regulated by DMT1 associated protein in K562 cells. 49th American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting and Exposition December 8-11,2007 georgia world congress center atlanta, GA, USA


2006年 業績収集


1.Matsukawa A, Kudoh S, Sano G, Maeda T, Ito T, Lukacs NW, Hogaboam CM, Kunkel SL, Lira S.  Absence of CC Chemokine Receptor 8 Enhances Innate Immunity during Septic Peritonitis. FASEB J. 20: 302-304, 2006.
2.Hirota Y, Habu M, Tominaga K, Sukedai M, Matsukawa A, Nishihara T, Fukuda J.  Relationship between TNF-a and TUNEL-positive chondrocytes in antigen-induced arthritis of the rabbit temporomandibular joint. J. Oral. Pathol. Med. 35: 91-98, 2006.
3.Moriyama M, Matsukawa A, Kudoh S, Takahashi T, Sato T, Kano T, Yoshimura A, Kojima M.  The neuropeptide neuromedin U promotes IL-6 production from macrophages and endotoxin shock. BBRC. 341: 1149-1154, 2006.
4.Watanabe H, Kubo M, Numata K, Takagi K, Mizuta H, Okada S, Ito T, Matsukawa A.  Overexpression of suppressor of cytokine signaling-5 in T cells augments innate immunity during septic peritonitis. J. Immunol. 177: 8650-8657, 2006.
5.Hiramatsu K, Ogino T, Ozaki M, Okada S.  Monochloramine inhibits ultraviolet B-induced p53 activation and DNA repair response in human fibroblasts. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1763: 188-196, 2006.
6.Omori M, Toyoda H, Hirai T, Ogino T, Okada S.  Angiomyofibroblastoma of the vulva: A large pedunculated mass formation. Acta Med. Okayama 60: 237-242, 2006.
7.Fujita H, Ogino T, Kobuchi H, Fujiwara T, Yano H, Akiyama J, Utsumi K, Sasaki J.  Cell-permeable cAMP analog suppresses 6-hydroxydopamine-induced apoptosis in PC12 cells through the activation of the Akt pathway. Brain Res. 1113: 10-23, 2006
8.Huda KA, Guo L, Haga S, Murata H, Ogino T, Fukai M, Yagi T, Iwagaki H, Tanaka N, Ozaki M.  Ex vivo adenoviral gene transfer of constitutively activated STAT3 reduces post-transplant liver injury and promotes regeneration in a 20% rat partial liver transplant model. Transpl. Int. 19:415-423, 2006.
9.Mizuno R, Kawabata T, Sutoh Y, Nishida Y, Okada S.  Oxidative renal tubular injuries induced by aminocarboxylate-type iron (III) coordination compounds as candidate renal carcinogens. Biometals. 19: 675-683, 2006.
10. 中西崇、河本博文、深津裕寿、石田悦嗣、小川恒由、岡本裕子、水野修、田中盛富、松尾則行、加藤順、岡田裕之、白鳥康史、大森昌子:腎細胞癌術後26年目に膵転移をきたし切除し得た1例 日本消化器病学会雑誌103: 52-56 , 2006
11. 松井利浩、市川智継、大森昌子、伊達勲:全脳室系に進展した石灰化巨大脳室内腫瘍の一例 瀬戸内脳神経外科懇話会会誌14: 27-31, 2006
12. 松岡順治、田淵陽子、伊藤充矢、小野亮子、今田孝子、元木崇之、松川啓義、大森昌子、柳井広之、猶本良夫、田中紀章:乳癌術前化学療法の効果判定における画像診断 われわれが経験した病理判定と画像診断の不一致症例について 岡山医学会雑誌118: 119-121, 2006
13. 松岡順治、田淵陽子、伊藤充矢、小野亮子、今田孝子、梅岡達生、渡辺直樹、元木崇之、松川啓義、猶本良夫、田中紀章、柳井広之、大森昌子:乳管洗浄細胞診が診断に有効であった乳癌の一例 岡山医学会雑誌118:123-125, 2006
14. 藤田勝、今井みどり、井上博文、松岡博美、森下由美子、市村浩一、大森昌子、柳井広之、大原信哉、吉野正:超音波内視鏡下穿刺吸引細胞診が診断に有用であった悪性黒色腫膵転移の一例 日本臨床細胞学会岡山支部会誌24:30-31, 2006 
15. 渡辺律子、西本菜美、物部美佳、豊田博、大森昌子:乳腺顆粒細胞腫の一例 日本臨床細胞学会岡山支部会誌 25:28-29, 2006
16. 井上博文、藤田勝、今井みどり、松岡博美、森下由美子、大森昌子、市村浩一、大原信哉、柳井広之、吉野正:膵管内乳頭粘液性腺腫の一例 日本臨床細胞学会岡山支部会誌 25:35-36, 2006

17. 三好康之、大森昌子、小林信行、益子敏弘、渡辺英寿、伊達勲:松果体部pure germinomaの治療8年後、腰仙椎硬膜外に転移を来した1例 Neurological Surgery 34:745-752, 2006

18. 楳田祐、八木孝仁、貞森裕、松川啓義、松田浩明、篠浦先、荻野哲也、尾崎倫孝、岩垣博巳、田中紀章:慢性肝細胞障害の術後肝再生に及ぼす影響とその機序の臨床病理学的解析 消化器と免疫 42:141-145,2006
19. 小林達則、上川康明、上山聰、里本一剛、石根典幸、荻野哲也:早期胃癌術後Billroth I法再建残胃吻合部に発生したgastritis cystica polyposaを伴う早期胃癌の1例 外科治療 94:871-875, 2006
20. 小林達則、上川康明、上山聰、里本一剛、池田義博、水野将克、荻野哲也:広範な門脈腫瘍栓と胃静脈瘤の合併を契機に診断されたAFPおよびPIVKA-II産生胃癌の1例 癌の臨床52:441-448, 2006


1. 松川昭博:自然免疫/炎症とサイトカインシグナル伝達,岡山医誌 118 109-112, 2006.
2. 松川昭博:炎症とサイトカインシグナル伝達,岡山医誌 118;185-186, 2006.
3. 寳迫睦美、荻野哲也、岡田茂:活性酸素によるRBタンパクの酸化を介した細胞周期停止 岡山医誌 117;187-191, 2006.


1. Harrison T, D’Andrea A, Tran T, Peng Y, Mirsalis J, Matsukawa A, Litterst C.  Vaginal cytokine production as a putative biomarker to evaluate vaginal irritants. International Microbicides conference, South Africa, April 23-26, 2006.
2. Shiomi S, Yamada S, Itabe H, Torii R, Matsukawa A, Ito T.  SMC proliferation in the tunica media and macrophage infiltration into the tunica media cause coronary outward remodeling. International symposium on Atherosclerosis, Satellite symposium, June 17-18, Napoli, Italy.
3. Hosako M, Ogino T, Okada S, Matsukawa A.  Cell cycle arrest by physiological oxidant through the oxidation of RB protein. 20th IUBMB International congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and 11th FAOBMB Congress. June 18-23, 2006. Kyoto, Japan
4. Shiomi M, Yamada S, Itabe H, Matsukawa A, Ito T.  Relation of macrophages and smooth muscle cells to coronary outward remodeling. The 5th International Congress of Pathophysiology,June 28- July 1, 2006,Beijing, China
5. Hosako M, Ogino T, Okada S, Matsukawa A.  Cell cycle arrest through the oxidation of RB protein by physiological oxidant. 13th Biennial Congress of the Society for Free Radical Research International (SFRRI). August 15-19, 2006, Davos, Switzerland
6. Matsukawa A, Watanabe H, Ito T, Kubo M.  Pivotal role of SOCS5 in T cells in innate immunity during sepsis. Cytokine 2006, August 27-31, 2006, Vienna, Austria.
7. Okazaki Y, Yin H, Ma Y, Yeh M, Yeh K, Glass J.  Protoporphyrin IX down-regulates DMT1 associated protein (DAP) in K562 cells. American society of hematology meeting, December 9-11, 2006, Orland, USA.