2023年度 前後半期一括/前半期分 授業料免除申請について
Application Guide for Tuition Fee Exemption
2023年度 前後半期一括/前半期分 授業料免除(大学独自制度)
AY2023 Simultaneous Application for 1st and 2nd Semester Tuition Fee Exemption / Application for 1st Semester Tuition Fee Exemption
※Undergraduates enrolling in and after April, 2020 (AY2020) are not eligible to apply for this tuition fee exemption, except disaster victims and those who have difficulty in paying tuition fee due to the influence of COVID-19. Please refer here for details.
申請日程表 Application Schedule
Please refer PDF files below for application schedule, deadline and place.
申請期限 Application Deadline
学生区分 | 申請期限 / Application Deadline |
在学生 (2022年度以前入学者) Current Students enrolled in and before AY2022 | 学部学生 Undergraduates | 2023年3月23日(木) 16時00分 4:00 p.m., Thursday, March 23rd, 2023 |
すべての大学院学生、別科学生、専攻科学生 All of Graduate Students | 2023年3月7日(火) 16時00分 4:00 p.m., Tuesday, March 7th, 2023 |
2023年4月入学者 Freshmen Enrolling in April, 2023 | 学部学生 Undergraduates | 2023年4月6日(木) 16時00分 4:00 p.m., Thursday, April 6th, 2023 |
医歯薬学総合研究科 修士課程 及び 医歯薬学総合研究科 博士課程(医学系・歯学系) の大学院学生(薬学系を除く。) Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Master Course / Doctor Course (Medicine, Dentistry) * Excluding Pharmaceutical Sciences Students | 2023年3月15日(水) 16時00分 4:00 p.m., Wednesday, March 15th, 2023 |
上記以外の大学院学生、別科学生、専攻科学生 Graduate Students Other than the Above | 2023年4月6日(木) 16時00分 4:00 p.m., Thursday, April 6th, 2023 |
免除対象者(申請対象者) Eligibility
※ 留年 = 前年度から進級できなかった場合をいいます。
Students eligible for a tuition fee exemption are as below.
However, in principle, students who have remained in the same grade (repeated a grade) or students who have repeated a year are not eligible for tuition fee exemption. In addition, Monbukagakusho (MEXT) scholars, students supported by the government of their home countries, Non-Regular students such as research students, auditors, and students who already have received or will receive scholarship for tuition fee cannot apply for tuition fee exemption.
- 経済的理由により、授業料の納入が困難であり、かつ学業優秀と認められる者(令和2年度(2020年度)以降入学の学部の学生は除く。)
Students who have difficulty in paying the tuition fee due to financial reasons and whose academic achievement is recognized as excellent. Except for the undergraduate students who enrolled on and after April 2020 (AY2020).
- 授業料の各半期の開始前1年以内に学生の学資を主として負担している者が死亡し、または学生もしくは学資負担者が風水害等の災害を受けたため授業料の納入が困難と認められる者(令和2年度(2020 年度)以降入学の学部の学生は除く。)
Students who have considerable difficulty in paying the tuition fee because the applicant’s primary bearer of school expenses has died within one year before the due date of tuition fee payment, or because the applicant or his/her school-expenses bearer has suffered damage from wind, flood, or other natural disaster within one year before. Except for the undergraduate students who enrolled on and after April 2020 (AY2020).
- 「令和2年7月豪雨」、「平成30年7月豪雨」等の激甚災害により被災した者
Students who were heavily damaged from natural disaster such as ”2020 Kyushu Floods” or ”Torrential Rains in July 2018” while they stayed in Japan. Both all undergraduates and graduate students are applicable.
- 新型コロナウイルス感染症の影響により家計が急変した世帯の者(コロナ家計急変者)
Students whose current income situation in Japan have been rapidly deteriorated due to the Influence of the COVID-19. Both all undergraduates and graduate students are applicable.
Read and understand the condition from here before preparing this application.
修業年限 Period during which Tuition Fee Exemption can be applied for
学部 Undergraduates | 入学から4年間 ただし、医学部医学科、歯学部、薬学部薬学科については、入学から6年間 4 years after enrollment. However, except for Medical School (Faculty of Medicine), Dental school, and Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences (Division of Pharmacy) / 6 years after enrollment |
博士前期課程・修士課程 Master's Course | 入学から2年間 2 years after enrollment |
博士後期課程 Doctor's Course | 入学から3年間 3 years after enrollment |
博士課程(4年制) Doctor's Course (Four-year doctoral program) | 入学から4年間 4 years after enrollment |
博士課程(5年一貫制) Doctor's Course (Five-year doctoral program) | 入学から5年間 5 years after enrollment |
専門職学位課程(法科大学院) Professional Degree Course (Law) | 法学未修者は入学から3年間、法学既修者は入学から2年間 |
専門職学位課程(教職大学院) Professional Degree Course (Teacher Education) | 入学から2年間 |
※ 長期履修を認められている方は、上表にかかわらず、認められた長期履修の期間の終期までを修業年限以内として取り扱います。
※ 休学や留学のために修業年限を超えて在籍する方や編入学・転入学の方は、学務部学生支援課(電話086-251-7211)にお問い合わせください。
2023年度 前後半期一括/前半期分 申請書類(2023年1月25日掲載)
Tuition Fee Exemption Application Form for AY2023 Simultaneous for 1st and 2nd Semester / 1st Semester (Updated on January 25, 2023)
一般用 for Non-International Students
外国人留学生用はこの下です。Scroll down for International Students version.
※ 2019年度以前入学の学部学生で、かつ、修学支援新制度において満額支援以外の方が対象となります。
※ 2020年度以降入学の学部学生で、かつ、激甚災害により被災された方又は新型コロナウイルス感染症の影響により家計が急変した世帯の方についても、修学支援新制度において満額支援以外の方のみが対象となります。
※ 既に修学支援新制度による給付奨学金及び授業料減免措置を受けている方は、改めて進学資金シミュレーションを行う必要がありません。
外国人留学生用 for International Students
*Students whose current income situation in Japan have been rapidly deteriorated due to the Influence of the COVID-19 are recommended to refer to the following.
Download at Once for Application Guide and All Application Forms necessary for International Students
Individual Download for required forms and documents for International Students
Please print the forms on one side of A4 paper.
- 授業料免除申請要領(外国人留学生用)
Application Guide / How to apply for a Tuition Fee Exemption (For International Students)
- (様式 留1-1、1-2) 記入要領
Entry Guidelines of (Form R1-1 and Form R1-2)
- (様式 留1-1) 授業料免除申請書
(Form R1-1) Application for a Tuition Fee Exemption
- (様式 留1-2) 家庭状況調書(日本語) 家庭状況調書 (English)
(Form R1-2) Report on Family Status (Japanese) (English)
- (様式 留2) 収入状況等申告書
(Form R2) Statement of Income Status,etc.
- (様式 留3) 事情聴取調書(私費外国人留学生)
(Form R3) Hearing Report on the Situation of the Applicant (Privately Financed International Students)
- (様式 留4) 給与等支払証明書
(Form R4) Certificate of income
- (様式 留5) 給与等支給(見込)証明書
(Form R5) Certificate of (Expected) income
- (様式 留6) 申立書
(Form R6) Special Explanatory Statement
- (様式 留6-2) 前後半期一括申請変更の申立書
(Form R6-2) Special Explanatory Statement about Simultaneous Application for First and Second Semester
- (様式 留99) 申請内容確認用紙
(Form R99) Self check sheet before submission
- (別 紙) 貼付台紙(源泉徴収票(写)・生徒手帳(写)等)
(Annex) Attachment sheet (Withheld tax slip(s) (copy), Student Handbook(s) (copy), etc.
新型コロナウイルス感染症の影響により、家計が急変した方へ / To students whose income situation have been rapidly deteriorated due to the influence of COVID-19
If students who have difficulty in paying tuition fee due to the influence of the COVID-19 meet the conditions, they can apply for tuition fee exemption as the extra application.
Select appropriate one of the 3 buttons below, and read the page carefully to find you meet the application conditions or not. (Updated on January 25, 2023)
Undergraduates who have been enrolled in and after April 2020 are also eligible to apply, if you meet the conditions.
Non-International Students Only
Non-International Students Only
For International Students (Regular Students Only)