入学料・授業料免除(大学独自制度)Exemption from Enrollment Fee and Tuition Fee
学務部学生支援課 授業料免除担当
電話 086-251-7211
入学料免除及び授業料免除制度 Exemption from Enrollment Fee and Tuition Fee
免除の選考方法 Screening Method
申請の日程等 Application Schedule
2025年度 前後半期一括/前半期分 授業料免除申請(受付日程・申請書類) AY2025 Simultaneous Application for first and second semester Tuition Fee Exemption / Application for first semester Tuition Fee Exemption (Update on early February 2025)(2025年1月31日掲載)
入学料免除・授業料免除に関するお問い合わせ先一覧 Contact List for Enrollment Fee and Tuition Fee Exemption (Japanese Only)
授業料免除申請・奨学金に関する情報 Information for Tuition Fee Exemption and Scholarship (Japanese Only)
入学料免除 及び 授業料免除制度(大学独自制度) Exemption from Enrollment Fee and Tuition Fee
※ 2020年4月以降入学の学部学生の入学料免除は、『高等教育の修学支援新制度』により実施しますが、入学料徴収猶予を希望される場合は、「入学料徴収猶予制度」(大学独自制度)に申請いただくことが可能です。学部学生として入学予定の方が入学料徴収猶予を希望される場合は、入学手続き前のできるだけ早い時期に、学務部学生支援課(086-251-7211)へご相談ください。
Undergraduate students enrolling on and after April, 2020 (AY2020) are not eligible for applying Enrollment Fee Exemption, except disaster victims. However, it is possible to apply Postponement for Enrollment Fee Payment. If you plan to enroll as an undergraduate student and wish to apply for Postponement for Enrollment Fee Payment, please contact Student Support Division of the Academic Affairs Department (086-251-7211) as soon as possible before the enrollment procedures.
入学料免除 Enrollment Fee Exemption
If any of the following conditions below apply, the full or half amount of the Enrollment Fee will be exempted within the budget after selection based on the student's application.
*Students who have applied for Enrollment Fee Exemption, the postponement of enrollment fee payment will automatically be applied in case of the result is not approved or half exemption for Enrollment Fee Exemption.
*Students who were heavily damaged from natural disaster such as “2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake” “2020 Kyushu Floods” or ”Torrential Rains in July 2018” while they stayed in Japan are recommended to refer to the following.
学部の入学者 Student enrollment in undergraduate school
Students who were heavily damaged from natural disaster such as “2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake” “2020 Kyushu Floods” or ”Torrential Rains in July 2018” while they stayed in Japan.
大学院の入学者 Student enrollment in graduate school
Graduate students (Regular students Only) eligible for an Exemption of Enrollment Fee are those
・who have difficulty paying the enrollment fee due to financial reasons and whose academic achievement is recognized as excellent.
・who have considerable difficulty in paying the enrollment fee because the applicant’s primary bearer of school expenses has died within one year before the due date of enrollment
or because the applicant or his/her school-expenses bearer has suffered damage from wind, flood, or other natural disaster within one year before.
・who were heavily damaged from natural disaster such as “2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake” “2020 Kyushu Floods” or “Torrential Rains in July 2018” while they stayed in Japan. Those who are supposed to be eligible must make a contact to the Student Support Division beforehand.
Find Details for Enrollment Fee Exemption
入学料徴収猶予 Postponement for Enrollment Fee Payment
If any of the following conditions below apply, the Enrollment Fee Payment will be exempted after selection based on the student's application.
*Students who were heavily damaged from natural disaster such as “2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake” “2020 Kyushu Floods” or ”Torrential Rains in July 2018” while they stayed in Japan are recommended to refer to the following.
大学院の入学者 Student enrollment in graduate school
- 経済的理由により、入学料の納入が困難な者であり、かつ学業優秀と認められる者
- 入学前1年以内に入学者の学資を主として負担している者が死亡、または入学者もしくは学資負担者が風水害等の災害を受けたため入学料の納入が著しく困難な者
Graduate students (Regular students Only) eligible for an Postponement for Enrollment Fee Payment are those ;
・who have difficulty paying the enrollment fee due to financial reasons and whose academic achievement is recognized as excellent.
・who have considerable difficulty in paying the enrollment fee because the applicant’s primary bearer of school expenses has died within one year before the due date of enrollment
, or because the applicant or his/her school-expenses bearer has suffered damage from wind, flood, or other natural disaster within one year before.
Find Details for Postponement for Enrollment Fee Payment
授業料免除 Tuition Fee Exemption
If any of the following conditions below apply, the full or half amount of the Tuition Fee will be exempted every semester within the budget after selection based on the student's application every semester.
Students eligible for a tuition fee exemption are those:
・who have difficulty in paying the tuition fee due to financial reasons and whose academic achievement is recognized as excellent. Except for the undergraduate students who enrolled in and after April 2020 (AY2020).
・who have considerable difficulty in paying the tuition fee because the applicant’s primary bearer of school-expenses has died within one year before the due date of tuition fee payment, or because the applicant or his/her school-expenses bearer has suffered damage from wind, flood, or other natural disaster within one year before. Except for the undergraduate students who enrolled in and after April 2020 (AY2020).
・who were heavily damaged from natural disaster such as “2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake” “2020 Kyushu Floods” or ”Torrential Rains in July 2018” while they stayed in Japan.
Find Details for Tuition Fee Exemption
Students who were heavily damaged from natural disaster such as “2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake” “2020 Kyushu Floods” or ”Torrential Rains in July 2018” while they stayed in Japan, and whose houses were more than half destroyed, please contact the Student Support Division, Student Affairs Department (086-251-7211) for consultation.
免除の選考方法 Screening Method
Selection will be made based on evaluation of the applicant's academic atanding and financial situation within the budget.
免除予算 Exemption budget
入学料免除 Enrollment Fee Exemption | 学部 Undergraduate School | (学部生の入学料免除は、高等教育の修学支援新制度により実施します。) Not applicable |
大学院 Graduate School | 大学院の入学料収入予定額の4% 4% of the estimated Enrollment Fee revenue for graduate school |
授業料免除 Tuition Fee Exemption | 予算の範囲内で学長が定める額(年度により変更されます) Amount determined by the President within the budget (subject to change from year to year) |
申請の日程等 Application Schedule, etc.
Enrollment Fee Exemption, Postponement for Enrollment Fee Payment
入学料免除・徴収猶予申請受付期限 Enrollment Fee Exemption and Postponement of Enrollment Fee Payment application deadline | 選抜ごとの入学手続日まで By admission procedure date for each selection |
免除・徴収猶予選考の決定時期 Timing of decision on exemptions and postponement | 4月入学者:5月下旬(予定) 10月入学者:11月下旬(予定) Students enrolling on April:Late May (scheduled) Students enrolling on October:Late November (scheduled) |
注意事項 Important
- 申請受付は指定した期間以外は行いませんので、「学生募集要項」、合格者に配付する「入学案内」をよく確認してください。
- 申請前に入学料を納入した場合には、免除または徴収猶予の申請はできません。
- Applications will not be accepted outside of the specified period, so please check the "Application Guidebook" and the "Admission Guide" carefully.
- If applicants have already paid Enrollment Fee before application, they can not apply Enrollment Fee Exemption and Postponement of Enrollment Fee Payment.
授業料免除 Tuition Fee Exemption
Information about the application will be posted on the bulletin board and website.
前後半期一括/前半期分免除申請 Simultaneous Application for first and second semester Tuition Fee Exemption / Application for first semester Tuition Fee Exemption | 申請受付期間 Application Period (大学院生(在学生):3月初旬の指定した期間)(予定) ※新入生は別にお知らせする期間(4月初旬)(予定) (Graduate students(Current students) : during the designated period in early March)(scheduled) *New students : Separately announced period (early April)(scheduled) 申請要領等のダウンロード Download Application Guidelines, etc. |
後半期分免除申請 Application for second semester Tuition Fee Exemption | 申請受付期間 Application Period (大学院生:9月下旬の指定した期間)(予定) ※新入生も同様 (Graduate students : during the designated period in late September)(scheduled) *Same for freshmen. 申請要領等のダウンロード(8月上旬掲載予定) Download Application Guidelines, etc.(scheduled to be posted in early August) |
免除選考の決定時期 Timing of decision on Exemptions | 前半期分 → 7月中旬から下旬(予定) 後半期分 → 12月下旬から1月中旬(予定) First semester … Around the middle of July to end of July Second semester … Around the late December to middle of January |
Applications will not be accepted outside of the specified period.
Please be careful not to miss the bulletin board and website.
If student became considerable difficult in paying the tuition fee because the applicant's primary bearer of school expenses has died, or the applicant or his/her school-expenses bearer has suffered damage from wind, flood, or other natural disaster after application deadline, please contact us before deadline for payment of Tuition Fee.
Even if you have received exemption in the past, the result may change depending on the budgeted amount of the exemption (which varies each year depending on the number of enrolled students, etc.) and the number of applicants.
The university will revoke the decision of tuition fee exemption retrospectively, if your report in application is found to have been omitted or false, get disciplinary action even after notification of the results.
In the application for exemption, the applicant is asked to submit documents such as Income and Taxation, resident certificates of all household members as a basis for the determination of the applicant's financial situation.The personal information you submit at the time of application for a tuition fee exemption shall not be used for any other purposes than selection for such an exemption.
Priority is given to half exemptions.For those who qualify for the exemption criteria, a half exemption will be granted within the budget, and if the budget allows, full exemption will be granted.If the budget is exceeded due to a large number of qualified applicants, exemptions may not be granted even if they meet the conditions.