For return visitors to the Medical Outpatient Clinic

※In principle our hospital requires appointments.

Outpatient service procedures for return visitors to the Medical Outpatient Clinic

Patients with an appointment (return visit)
Patients without an appointment (return visit)
Return visit reception machine (1st floor, Medical Outpatient Clinic)

Reception hours/ 7:30AM~4:00PM*
Insert your patient ID card into the machine to print an information sheet.
(Patients visiting 13 months or later after the previous visit with a health insurance card are received at Counter No. 2.)
*The reception hours have been changed since October 1, but those who have already made a reservation can accept the reservation at the scheduled time.

You have shown your health
insurance card during this month

You have not shown your health insurance card during this month (Show your health insurance card at Counter No.2.)

Counter No. 2 (First floor, Medical Outpatient Clinic)

Reception hours/ 8:30AM~12:00PM
Please show your patient ID card, health insurance card, ID (passport, residency card or alien registration card), etc.
When you arrive before 8:30AM, please put the patient ID card in the patient ID card box placed at the desk and wait for a while.
Closed/  Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, and year-end and New Year holidays

○If you do not have an appointment, a doctor in charge of cases without an appointment in each department will attend you.Thank you for your understanding.

Examination/ treatment

Blood Collection Room (from 8:00AM)
Division of Clinical Laboratory/ Division of Radiology, Central Clinics (from 8:30 AM)



After consultation, your next appointment is made at the department if needed.
You will receive the information sheet. Thereafter, please go back to the reception counter on the 1st floor.

Return the information sheet Counter No. 3(First floor, Medical Outpatient Clinic)

Please return the sheet to the Counter No. 3 (return port for “Today’s Information” sheets).
If you have not shown your health insurance card yet, please go to Counter No. 2 (health insurance card check) first.You will receive a numbered ticket for payment.
Please show a parking ticket if you drove here (at the 1st floor information counter from 8:30AM to 3:30PM).

Fee calculation

When your calculation is finished, your payment ticket number is displayed on the electronic display board.



Insert your patient ID card into the automatic payment machine:today’s fee is displayed
After payment, you will receive a receipt (associated with an appointment ticket and a drug ticket) and the patient ID card.


Prescription of medicine

 ※In principle, we provide drug prescriptions as external prescriptions. Thank you for your cooperation.

Internal prescriptions

Bring the drug ticket to the drug counter (1st floor, Inpatient Ward).PDF

External prescriptions

Bring the external prescription to a dispensing pharmacy or a pharmacy that accepts external prescriptions.

Return home