Department of Neuropsychiatry

Message from the Director of the Department

We provide treatments for various psychiatric disorders caused by central nerve dysfunction or by psychosocial stressors. Specializing psychiatrists perform diagnoses, examinations, rational pharmacological treatments, and psychotherapy so that patients and families can improve their quality of life. We also aim to contribute to clarification of the causes and pathologies of those psychiatric disorders.

Department of Neuropsychiatry
Manabu Takaki

Scope of Target Diseases

Primarily, depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, dementia, and psychological change or delirium associated with a physical disorder and its treatment are within the scope of target diseases. Additionally, stress-related disorders such as anxiety disorder and panic disorder, gender identity disorder, puberty-related mental disorder, epilepsy, and mental diseases with physical complications are treated.
Several specialists have conferences. Their team provides front-line and optimum medical care. As a general hospital’s neuropsychiatrists, we provide mental and physical treatment and specialized examinations by collaborating with doctors from other departments. We are also ready to provide inpatient treatment of mentally impaired patients suffering from physical diseases.

Features and Description of Medical Care

With nuclei of physicians specializing in respective disease fields, the Department of Neuropsychiatry administers highly advanced medical treatments, education, and research. The outpatient clinic service deals with medical care and specialized examinations of depression, bipolar disorders, schizophrenia, dementia, liaison (psychological change related to the physical disorders and their treatment) plus stress disorders, epilepsy, gender incongruence, and puberty-related disorders. For inpatients, both closed and open wards have 28 beds in all. Since 2013, individual rooms have been available for every inpatient. Treatments and specialized tests are provided through conferences with several specialists.

For outpatient visits

The Neuropsychiatry Department of Okayama University Hospital is an institute tasked with performing highly advanced medical treatment, education, and research. In outpatient clinic services, we try to provide the best treatment for every patient with a diagnosis that specialists spend sufficient time to make, detailed examinations, and respect to a patient’s emotion. Both first-visiting and re-visiting patients must make an appointment in advance.

Centers & Services