For first-time visitors to the Dental Outpatient Clinic

※In principle our hospital requires appointments.
※Before visiting our hospital, please ask your primary care clinic or doctor to provide you with a referral letter and arrange your appointment.(Only referral letters written in Japanese or English and addressed to “Okayama University Hospital(岡山大学病院)” are valid.)
 Please make sure to bring a referral letter on your appointment date. 
 A new patient without a referral letter will be charged “Elective Treatment Fee” of 5,500 yen ( in addition to the consultation fee.
※ Division of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Department of Dental Anesthesiology, The Center for Special Needs Dentistry and Division of Hospital Dentistry are by appointment only.
 A patient without an appointment might have to revisit at a later date.

Outpatient service procedures for first-time visitors to the Dental Outpatient Clinic

Counter No. 1 First-time visitors on the 1st floor, Medical Outpatient Clinic

Reception hours/ 8:30AM~11:00PM
When you arrive before 8:30AM, please take a number at the 1st floor information counter.
Closed/  Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, and the year-end and New Year holidays

Fill out the consultation application form, and show a referral letter, a health insurance card, an ID (passport, residency card or alien registration card), etc. at Counter No. 1 (Dental).
After registration, you will receive a patient ID card and an information sheet.

You will also receive an explanation of outpatient service procedures.Then go to the  Dental Comprehensive Diagnosis Room (Preliminary  Examination Room) .
 The department and the dentist for you will be chosen based on your interview results at  the Dental Comprehensive Diagnosis Room (Preliminary  Examination Room).


After consultation, your next appointment, if needed, is made at the department.
You will receive the information sheet. After that, please return to the reception counter on the first floor.

 Please return the sheet to the Counter No. 3 on the 1st floor, Medical Outpatient Clinic (return port for “Today’s Information” sheets).

You will receive a numbered ticket for payment.
Please show a parking ticket if you drove here .

Fee calculation

When your calculation is finished, your payment ticket number is displayed on the electric display board.


Insert your patient ID card into the automatic payment machine: today’s fee is displayed.
After payment, you will receive a receipt (associated with an appointment ticket and a drug ticket) and the patient ID card.

Prescription of medicine

In principle, we provide drug prescriptions as external prescriptions. Thank you for your cooperation.

Internal prescriptions

Bring the drug ticket to the drug counter (1st floor, Inpatient Ward).

External prescriptions

Bring the external prescription to  a dispensing pharmacy or a pharmacy that accepts external prescriptions.

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